Arrow TV Show


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Last night was the debut of Arrow, the new Super Hero TV show about the Green Arrow. He was never my favorite character and actually until some of the versions we've gotten on cartoons like the Brave and the Bold I really felt he was a waste of a character.

The pilot turned out to be pretty good. It established a lot of the history quickly and had good pacing. I think the actors did a fine job and was impressed with the amount of Green Arrow references they fit in there without hitting the viewer over the head with it. Okay, the near constant Speedy nickname was a little much but otherwise not to shabby.

It wasn't perfect by any means. I doubt a kid on an island for five years could have built a computer hacking arrow so quickly and it was too obvious in the wall glowing to not have been located by the criminals. It was a better pilot then Smallville.

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Dog Moon

It wasn't perfect by any means. I doubt a kid on an island for five years could have built a computer hacking arrow so quickly and it was too obvious in the wall glowing to not have been located by the criminals. It was a better pilot then Smallville.

Yeah, that was a little obvious, but did they really specify how much time had gone between him building his lair and him attacking the guy? I mean they went through a montage of him knocking stuff down, getting supplies, hooking it all up and training. They didn't make it seem very long, but doing all that should have taken at least a couple of weeks if he's doing that all by himself, right? He probably could have spent part of that time making arrows like the computer hacking arrow.

Fast Learner

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Much better than I expected. I watched all of Smallville, despite cringing through huge swaths of it, and though I kind of liked their depiction of Oliver Queen, this one is already much more interesting.

Actually killing people with his arrows and hands made ia big difference, to me.


No, ads are the reason I don't buy cable-bundle-packages that my ISP provides.
Hopefully this will end up on Netflix's instant streaming, but DVD will do fine.

Funny story about cable: Thanks to a technical error, I had free cable for 6 months. When someone asked by to record something, I found out that it had been disconnected 2 months earlier. Well, if I haven't noticed for 2 months, I don't need it.

But enough of that. Pilot looks decent. Hope it goes somewhere. If I remember correctly, Green Arrow was originally Action Comics' version of Batman, until DC bought AC and put the two in the same universe. Hope they do include the larger JLU universe--if only in asides. Speedy is a girl? OK, that can work. Merlin? hmmm... Well, we'll see.


First Post
Speedy is a girl? OK, that can work. Merlin? hmmm... Well, we'll see.

Speedy was a girl and a boy. There are two Speedy's in Green Arrow Comics. Both were his sidekick at one time. What's wrong with Merlyn? He's a been part of Green Arrow comics for some 40 years now. There was a lot in the episode that referenced characters from the Green Arrow comics so I was impressed that they went to that kind of detail considering how long it took to get anything from the comics in Smallville.

Voidrunner's Codex

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