Arrow TV Show

They managed to perfectly balance soap-opera drama with a good comic-book action series. The result was a very good, well-paces, well-plotted show, that managed to set itself up to a great season ending without answering absolutely every question.
How refreshing to see you praise a TV show for a change. How unfortunate, though, that you picked one which is pretty much mediocre in every regard: Episodes are repetitive, I cannot bring myself to care about the 'problems' of a bunch of billionaires, the 'island flashbacks' are too short and far between to compel me to continue watching, and there's not really much of 'comic-book' action, either.

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I find the island flashbacks incredibly tedious. My brain switches off when they come on.

The rest of it's OK. The action choreography is above par. My main disappointment is that they took the "no superpowers" route; and making him so grim highlights how he's basically just a Batman-lite (in this show). Still, the Flash is coming in this year, and apparently *will* have superpowers.

This season has been a lot better. I like the characters have changed and reacted to events of the show. Usually big events happen but the core characters remain the same.

Uh, Green Arrow IS bat-man like. He has no super powers. There was even a comic with Green Arrow and Batman, where Batman is looking at the Arrow Copter, the Arrow Cave, and a couple other things, and says "Didn't you ever have an original idea?"
Yes, the island flashbacks can be a bit much--it might have been interesting to condense that story a bit.
It isn't just "A bunch of billionaires." Why care? because their lives affect the lives of everyone around them. There's a fair bit of what happens to the "ordinary" people.
And if there was something better on, please let me know. I'd be interested. Most people try to tell me "Walking Dead" or "Breaking Bad", both of which I found unwatchable with characters I didn't care about. Or worse, "Game Of Thrones" and other such series which insist on wallowing through the sewage side of humanity.

The Arrow has an intricate plot, episodic stories, and an overall arc, nearly of the quality of Babylon 5. The characters aren't just a bunch of whiney emo twits: they see their situation and DO SOMETHING about it. Even the most annoying and slow-to-action DO SOMETHING.

The whole Laurel flip-flop thing annoyed me, and Sara as Black Canary took a bit of the suspension of disbelief bank balance but otherwise I like it still. I'm not a big comic book guy so I'm not married to a lot of the supposed "canon" stuff.

I actually like the flashbacks a lot. Summer Glau as a corporate raider? Yeah, not really buying it but she's still Summer Glau so screen time commence.

The whole Laurel flip-flop thing annoyed me

To me it was her just coping with the death. Her hatred of the Vigilante was just the first stage of that Anger and she needed someone to blame. Now she is coping it a different and more self destructive way.

And if there was something better on, please let me know. I'd be interested. Most people try to tell me "Walking Dead" or "Breaking Bad", both of which I found unwatchable with characters I didn't care about.
Well, if you think that 'Breaking Bad' is unwatchable, then your taste is obviously so utterly different from mine that it would be impossible for me to suggest anything that you might find 'watchable'. 'Walking Dead' may have its faults, but 'breaking Bad' is absolutely brilliant.

Watch the first episode of Breaking Bad. Imagine you have no idea what is coming up. Can you make it through the first 20 minutes? Do you care what happens to the characters as presented in that 20 minutes? Is the pacing at all interesting? Is anything in that first 20 minutes interesting? Watch it again.

Yeah, the Laurel will she/won't she on/off thing did get old. On the other hand, look at Lana and Clark during Smallville. I'm guessing they dragged that out for 10 years. I only just started watching season 4, but it seems like the characters are all in stasis lock in order to keep the show running without ever making any changes. No wonder the fans I've talked to were so excited when Green Arrow showed up in that and started yelling at Clark to get off his butt and start doing something.

Watch the first episode of Breaking Bad. Imagine you have no idea what is coming up. Can you make it through the first 20 minutes? Do you care what happens to the characters as presented in that 20 minutes? Is the pacing at all interesting? Is anything in that first 20 minutes interesting? Watch it again.
To me that's a big part of the show's appeal: There are several episodes that start with something that seems to be totally weird and doesn't appear to make any sense until much later. The first episode has one of the best opening scenes of any TV shows I know. It's weird, it's frantic, and I definitely wanted to know what the hell is going on and how did the dude end up in that situation. I'm sorry it didn't work for you. You're definitely missing out (or perhaps not, considering your apparent taste).

Yeah, but after the opening minute, everything is boring. Crappy dysfunctional family, got it. Crappy job, got it. Fired from second crappy job. His life sucks and he's whining about it. Uh huh. And... Whine, whine, whine, bitch, bitch, bitch. Why should I care what happens to him? So far, he seems to be a totally unlikable character, and not in an anti-hero kind of way.

I'm also not a fan of the en media res openings. When a show starts in the middle of the story, then bounces back to the beginning, it tells me that the writer or director had no confidence in the opening scene, and felt the need to monkey with time as a gimmick. Even when shows I generally like use this, I find it disappointing.
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