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Arthurian Adventures (in Ireland)

Toby of Kusman

First Post
Particle_Man said:
The druid finished him (and another character, a one shot rogue) off with an ice storm. Note, the druid got hit by arrows by Stephen and his cohort (an accident of destiny, natural '1' + the Kusman curse). So the druid went mad, and had to be subdued and tied up for a while.

I promise. I won't play a Yoeman again. Now I'm back as a knight again. Natural ONEs won't kill any party members this time. (perhaps I need to play a class that doesn't need to roll dice. :p )

I guess I won't need to post my Yoeman stats after all :uhoh:

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Toby of Kusman

First Post
Roman said:
Perhaps we really ought to make the interpretation of nobility stricter or perhaps add more nobility penalties. I would suggest nobility penalties where loss of nobility is inevitable or things like:

A) If a lady dies (even a non-permanent death) in proximity all knigts lose nobility (hey that even rhymes!)

This would create situations where loss of nobility was inevitable - a lady engages in combat... and if the knight helps her, he is ganging up on an opponent and loses nobility. If she dies he has failed to protect her and he also loses nobility.

No females will be allowed on the battle field. I will make sure of that. Escort the ladies to safety. Nobility points, baby.

Roman said:
B) If you are ordered to do something ignoble by your patron (Prince Caius for most of the knights, you could change the word patron to superior to include all the knights) you lose nobility if you do not do it (but less than if you do do it), but of course you also loose nobility if you carry out the orders

I like this one. The loss/loss situation. We're screwed... As screwed as a Yoeman I would say.

Roman said:
C) You loose nobility when you 'cheat' even if your opponent 'cheated' first if your cheating is worse than his. Of course, you always loose nobility if you 'cheat' first. We could have ranks of 'cheating' from least ignoble to most ignoble:

Cheating that equalizes your opponent's cheating advantage is least severe and entails no loss of nobility if your opponent cheated first. Apart from that the ranks of cheating could be:

1) Receiving an unfair buff spell that improves combat statistics, Combat from horseback when your opponent is on foot, Using magic to make the non-magic using opponent more susceptible to attacks but not directly disadvantaging him, etc.

2) Ganging up on an opponent, Receiving an unfair buff spell that gives new qualities (invisibility, flight), using ranged weapons against an opponent with melee weapons, using magic to directly attack or disadvantage an opponent who does not use magic, etc.

3) Ambushing an opponent, Using magic to directly take out an opponent (the so called save or die spells), using poison against an opponent, etc.

Does that include our magic items (magic buffs)? What if we were fighting Wights that had no armors nor weapons? I would take Improved Unarmed Strike if i had to. Or we should just avoid all combats if necessary. I sense the come back of Sir Toby.... (You guys fight, I watch until I'm the last standing, then I will fight alone. Or I challenge something, then die and use the fate points from Prince Caius' cohort to get resurrected. I did that a couple times on Toby - shame.)

If someone casts Bless, Bull's Strengh, Endurance, Prayer, or Cure in a battle, it is considered buff or adventages. What if we already have magic items on, like weapon, shield, armor, ring, amulet, would those be considered a buff/adventage as well?

Roman said:
So if an opponent cheats from the first category and is the first to do so you do not lose nobility if you also cheat within that category, but lose nobility if you begin cheating in the second and third severity category unless he does so first.

Also, the loss of nobility could be per action rather than per battle. Suppose an opponent does not cheat at all and we all gang up on him. Alll of us should probably loose nobility every round we do so, rather than a one off loss per battle.

What do you think?

Well, this situation has arisen numerous times already. I do not know if I speak for everyone, but I generally feel vicariously involved at least to some degree. In challenges which everybody respects this is not a problem at all since they can be resolved pretty quickly - there being no initiative order and all. In longer fights where some respect the nobility rules and others don't (which makes it necessary to cycle through everyone and prolongs the combat) I suppose it might be better to somehow involve everybody in some way, but this is not always possible and I don't think it is a big problem at all.

I don't think it is a big problem as well. We only have issues with the combats. The story is great. It was a shame that Toby died because I refused to use a cohort's fate points to resurrect him twice on one day. Steven wasn't well developed and he had already had the bad luck on shooting other female party members. I was thinking about changing him into a melee fighter, but it would be Toby's story once again.

I don't have the skill to play a Yoeman, sorry guys.

Toby of Kusman

First Post
I need help on my next character concept.

1) For the story, I will make a Knight with a kick-arse noble steed. He will be more noble than Toby. The horse I get will be super good.
18 Str, 14 Dex, 20 Con, 11 Int, 9 Wis, and 10 Cha.

Noble Steed (12HD)
24 Str, 21 Dex, 18 Con, 2 Int, 14 Wis, 6 Cha.

2) For the combat/get-things-done, I will make a Fighter with buffs up the yin-yan. A low-life scum, but he will actually kill stuff.
18 Str + Bull's Strength (+ Rage at 8th level - Green Knight) = 22 (or 26) Str, 18 Dex, 16 (or 20) Con, 7 Int, 11 Wis, 10 Cha.

BTY, I have been busy. I will post the final story of Steven and Yvona later today.
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First Post
Toby of Kusman said:
No females will be allowed on the battle field. I will make sure of that. Escort the ladies to safety. Nobility points, baby.

I do believe that you've overlooked a few things here. For one, half the party is composed of women, so getting us all off the field of battle could be problematic while simultaneously trying to engage the enemy. For another, we would all be trying to engage the enemy ourselves since we are fairly combative ladies. Besides, how would you get us to leave if we didn't want to? It's not like you could carry us off bodily, for that would be quite uncouth.


First Post
Aidoku said:
I do believe that you've overlooked a few things here. For one, half the party is composed of women, so getting us all off the field of battle could be problematic while simultaneously trying to engage the enemy. For another, we would all be trying to engage the enemy ourselves since we are fairly combative ladies. Besides, how would you get us to leave if we didn't want to? It's not like you could carry us off bodily, for that would be quite uncouth.

Not only would it be uncouth, but carrying off bodily said fairly combattive ladies might prove problematic on a more practical level. Any volunteers for forcibly evicting Lady Andrea from the scene of the battle?

Didn't think so.

Toby of Kusman

First Post
I am Yvona. I will conclude the final chapter of our adventure with Prince Caius.

"You are the most honorable man I have seen," Yvona said quietly to herself when she was travelling back to the bandit camp alone. "You have fulfilled your destiny and your death will be well remembered, Steven."

On our way to Camelot, we rode pass a strange skinny short man several times. We were riding on our horses; and he was walking. Déjà vu! We stopped, talked to him, and found out that he was from Camelot. Excellent! He would be our guide to Camelot. Steven and I liked this guy because we saw a bow on his back.

We finally saw Camelot… However, there were TWO Camelots in front of us.

"What the…." looking at the two identical castles with surprise, Steven asked Prince Caius. "Which one is the real Camelot? Are we heading to the right one?"

"It must be enchantment," Prince Caius explained. "Check if we are walking in circles as well!"

We couldn't be able to track that we were heading the correct direction, but at least, we knew that we weren't walking in circles. Then Prince Caius took out his dagger and spun it. It pointed at one of the Camelots.

"This way," Prince Caius pointed at the forest ahead of us and said. "We will walk through the forest."

Steven and I didn't really believe the dagger would tell the way, so we looked at the new guy for guidance, but he didn't say a word. He moved towards the forest. We all just followed with cautious.

In the forest, the ground suddenly turned soft and muddy. We were starting to sink into the ground. Luckily that Steven and I were on the edge of the puddle. We quickly took a step out of the puddle and moved behind some trees.

We looked out and saw some of the knights had troubles getting out of the mud. Suddenly a big rock fell from the sky and hit Lady Leanne. Then another hit Lady Christine. Then another one fell.

Cassandra mumbled something, then we saw some purple light with a human-shape-outline appeared in the sky. After that, Lady Christine started to mumble as well. This time, Rebel started to fly above ground. Prince Caius was walking in mid-air. It must be sorcery that I had heard of.

The new guy, Steven and I saw a target. We all aimed at it and started shooting. Cassandra turned into an eagle and flew up in the sky. I wished I could do something like that.

Steven hit the cloud of light with an arrow, but the new guy and I missed. Then Steven hit Cassandra because the wind changed his arrow's course. Another rock fell; Sir Anton jumped in front of Lady Leanne and took the hit for her.

We kept shooting at it. I accidentally shot Cassandra this time. But the giant was in mid-air, we could only shoot him from down here. We shot for another round. This time, the new guy shot Cassandra and I shot Rebel. Why did they have to be in front of us? For some unknown reason, the giant started to fall.

"The giant is mine!" Sir Anton yelled and waited for it to fall near him.

Steven signed me to go melee and flank the giant.

"As soon as it lands," Steven of Kusman gave me a quick plan. "Get ready in position to flank it."

Steven moved out, moved behind the giant who was fighting Sir Anton, and took a shot at it from behind. However, Sir Anton displeased from what Steven had done and disengaged. The plan was ruined. The new guy saw an opening and jumped onto the giant's back and stabbed it with his dagger. Then we saw Cassandra summoned an ice storm on us for vengence. Then the giant disappeared. It must be either Cassandra or the new guy's doing.

We thought the ice storm was an accident, but Cassandra kept firing lightning bolts on us after the fight. Steven stood there and took two direct lightning bolts. I dodged mine because I was not stupid. I was so mad that I wanted to fire an arrow at her, but Steven signed me to hold back and looked at Prince Caius for guidance.

Prince Caius ran up to Cassandra in the sky and hit her. Lady Leanne shot an arrow at her and hit. Cassandra started to fall from the sky. Lady Christine waved his fingers at Cassandra, then Cassandra had slowed down and landed on the ground safely. Lady Leanne tied Cassandra up and kept her unconscious. Cassandra's wolf was watching us, but I believed it knew what was going on or it knew it couldn't beat us all.

We had finally arrived Camelot. The city was huge, but everyone seemed strange. They didn't seem to have noticed us. Steven went to take a look and waved his hand in front of them, but no responds.

While Steven went to check on the townspeople, we continued marching into the castle. The guards didn't even see us, so we just walked in.

In the throne room, we saw King Arthur. A beautiful young girl was carrying a cloak to him. Then Lady Leanne shot an arrow at her. The arrow hit the cloak and pulled it out of the girl's hands. Then the arrow got burned to dust. I was surprised. Lady Leanne was a great Yoeman, even better than Steven.

At dinner, we were invited to join King Arthur. Steven and I were disguised as nobles. I didn't know how to act as a noble woman, but I played along anyway. Luckily, none accused me as a fake. Steven was really happy. He told me that he had helped to save King Arthur. He had done what he needed to do. He was thinking about going back to the camp next day, but he would stay with Prince Caius if he was needed here.

After dinner, we all went to bed. Steven and I had a bad habit picked up in the bandit camp. We kept our belongings close to us when we were not in our camp because we trusted no one.

In the middle of the night, we were teleported into a hot pit with fire everywhere. Steven and I were shocked. Prince Caius told us that it was Hell. Unforntunately, we didn't know what Hell was because we both were old faith.

We saw a big red toad. It chased after us. We ran and Prince Caius leaded us to follow a river. He told us to go ahead, but then he was stunned. Steven and I had our gears on. We wanted to help him. Steven told me to leave, and I believed in him; therefore, I left. I saw Steven pushed Prince Caius to Cassandra away from the toad. And that was the last I saw him...

Now, I am ready to return to the camp with a tale. A tale about an honorable young man, who was named Steven of Kusman, fulfilled his destiny and died with glory.
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Toby of Kusman

First Post
Aidoku said:
I do believe that you've overlooked a few things here. For one, half the party is composed of women, so getting us all off the field of battle could be problematic while simultaneously trying to engage the enemy. For another, we would all be trying to engage the enemy ourselves since we are fairly combative ladies. Besides, how would you get us to leave if we didn't want to? It's not like you could carry us off bodily, for that would be quite uncouth.

True. If I had to die for a lady, let it be. Perhaps there are other ladies needed to be escorted... *looks around for some random females in the scene :p

Sir Bradley


First Post
Particle_Man said:
I like this nobility idea and will discuss it with players at the next session.

Of course, it also assumes that if you cheat after the enemy cheats you still do not gain any nobility for the battle even if you do heroic stuff that would normally gain you some... :D

As for the stone age thing, I think I will let legend trump real history. Since Hercules was around back then re the mythic history, I shall declare a bronze age by fiat (but maybe only the heroic types (like the druid) got a hold of the bronze stuff).

Fair enough :)

Toby of Kusman

First Post
Sir Bradley Brown
Level 7 Knight

Str 18
Dex 14
Con 20
Int 11
Wis 9
Cha 10

HP 119
AC 21

Fort +12
Ref +6
Will +3 (+2 vs. fear)

Melee Attack: +11/+6
Ranged Attack: +9/+4

Lance (masterwork) To hit: +12/+7 (+2 Mounted Combat) Damage: 1d8+6 Crit: x3
Greatsword(m.w.) To hit: +12/+7 (+2 Mounted Combat) Damage: 2d6+6 Crit: 19-20/x2

Full Plate +1 AC: 9 Max Dex: 4 Check Penalty: -2
Chain Shirt AC: 4 Max Dex: 7 Check Penalty: 0

Light Steel Shield AC: 1 Check Penalty: -1

Handle Animal: +12 (+2 Mounted Combat)
Intimidate: +2 (Aura of Knighthood)
Ride: +16 (+2 Mounted Combat)
Sense Motive against Intimidate: +1 (Aura of Knighthood)
Spot: +1

Feats/Special Abilities:
Mounted Combat +2
Code of Chivalry
Aura of Knighthood
Animal Affinity
Armor Tolerance +3
Knight's Warhorse
Ride-by Attack
Power Attack
Dispense Justice
Spirited Charge

Magic Gear:
Cloak of Resistance +2
Amulet of Health +2
Gauntlets of Ogre Power

Blanket, Winter x2
Flint & Steel
Lantern, Hooded
Pouch, Belt
Rope, Silk (50ft)
Sacks x2
Waterskin x2


Heavy Warhorse (Pure Breed) - Noble Steed

Str 24
Dex 21
Con 18
Int 2
Wis 14
Cha 6

HP 100
AC 26

Fort +12 (+4 resist nonlethal damage)
Ref +13
Will +6 (+4 vs. enchantment)

Melee Attack: +15/+10
Ranged Attack: +13/+8

Hooves x2 To hit: +15 (+2 Mounted Combat) Damage: 1d6+7
Bite To hit: +10 (+2 Mounted Combat) Damage: 1d4+3

Chainshirt Barding AC:4 Max Dex: 4 Check Penalty: -2

Balance: +3
Climb: +5
Escape Artist: +3
Hide: +3
Jump: +9
Listen: +13
Move Silently: +3
Search: -4
Sense Motive: +2
Spot: +13
Swim: -99999999999999999999999999999999
Survival: +9

Feats/Special Abilities:
Low Light Vision

Tricks: 6+7

Military Saddle (Exotic)
Warhorse Chainshirt Barding
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First Post
Toby of Kusman said:
No females will be allowed on the battle field. I will make sure of that. Escort the ladies to safety. Nobility points, baby.

I think the ladies might object to that. :D

Remember that under the system the knights would only suffer a nobility loss if a lady actually died - the knights cannot prevent the ladies from engaging if they want to... ;)

You guys fight, I watch until I'm the last standing, then I will fight alone. Or I challenge something, then die and use the fate points from Prince Caius' cohort to get resurrected. I did that a couple times on Toby - shame.

I have a feeling that Sir Anton might also have an encounter with higher powers after fighting his older brother next session and having spent all of his fate points this encounter might be unavoidable. ;)

Does that include our magic items (magic buffs)? What if we were fighting Wights that had no armors nor weapons?

I guess this is up for interpretation, but I would say that using passive magic items is not considered cheating at all - otherwise we would REALLY complicate things. For example, using a +2 sword would not be cheating. Active magic items that cast spells, however, probably should constitute cheating (only if you use them to cast the spells though - their passive bonuses are still fine) - what level of cheating is involved would be dependent on the type of spell cast - same as normal spellcasting.

This sort of fits with the magic system that we seem to be using in this game - everybody has one and only magic item that is tied to him or her - you could think of it almost as an extention of him or her. If I remember correctly, the only item that could be considered as cheating under this system would be the Button Artefact that our late friend Toby used to possess, but since he is deceased that is no longer relevant.

But you are right, I am not sure whether this is the right way to deal with that, but it seems the most sensible way to go as far as I can see unless somebody points out a better way to deal with this.

As to the armed/unarmed problem, I would suggest that an opponent with natural weapons (such as wights) should be automatically considered as armed. Otherwise imagine fighting dragons...

If someone casts Bless, Bull's Strengh, Endurance, Prayer, or Cure in a battle, it is considered buff or adventages.

These are all buff spells that increase combat statistics rather than give new advantages/abilities (which would be things like flight, etc.).

What if we already have magic items on, like weapon, shield, armor, ring, amulet, would those be considered a buff/adventage as well?

I would say that a permanent magic item does not count as a buff/advantage given the fact that each of us has only one and we do not get to choose it and thus can't abuse it (I seem to have a penchant for bad rhymes today :confused: ). Potions and other temporary effects, however, ought to count as buffs.

Voidrunner's Codex

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