As the Kroh flies


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Not a problem...just give me a few days as I have a couple of hot items in the fire at the moment...




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Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
kroh said:
Not a problem...just give me a few days as I have a couple of hot items in the fire at the moment...
Sure, no prob, it'll be worth the wait.

Nice new pics. I really like the cleanliness of your B&W pieces.


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Okay gotta say I really Love your work with clothing, armory, and drapery. Excellent job there by far. But now for a little constructive (I hope :confused: ) criticism. Your faces need a lot of work, and also some of your musculature, I would suggest for the faces.

1. Perhaps try an old basic art technique (but one I often go back to myself) of drawing three of each of these with maybe random magazine references (three different references) eyes, nose, mouth, eyes and nose, nose and mouth. That always helps me at least.
2. Add the same amount of shading you do in the rest of the pic to the face. Now they are often turning out to white.

For the musculature just working on some fine tuning on that, you seem to lack the detail in that which you have in the rest of the pic.

That being said I also have to say that I Love the use of great line work with subtle shading. I feel a lot of artists are missing the power of the line, including myself at times, and I love it seen put to good use. Please keep up the great work though. :D


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Ahhh Acoma San... Domo arigato gosaimasu ( "Thank you very much " **bows** )

Actually Most of the work that you see here on this thread is straight out of my head. When I do that my faces ( my weak point...that and a realy good garlic oregano sauce...another time maybe) They usually come out the same. But I have been striving to change that . One of the things I do is I go to personal adds on the web and I save the faces of all the happy smiling people. Then I scan the web for other things like other expressions to mess with. If I am looking at it I can draw them with no hitches. Out of my head is another story.

Musculature is another thing that I am sometimes hit or miss on. Most of the time if I am doing charcter prob. Action shots ( which I love ) I sometimes goof. But then again that is how we as artist leanr and progress. Some one else on here mentioned something similar and quoted some groovy references.

And don't whince at constructive criticism...that is the best kind. Thank you very much for your thoughtful reply and I hope to see more replies from you soon...

I could always use another person on here to remind me to post to this...



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Well I find that by practicing a lot with references, I become much more adept at doing the ones out of my head, that being why I suggested it, however I suppose I did not make that clear. Sorry. And you are great with the action shots! I forgot to mention that. By the way, douitashimashite. If that isn't right you will have to forgive me I am just now trying to become familiar with Japanese. But I will continue to visit the thread, keep up the posting.


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Lady_Acoma said:
Well I find that by practicing a lot with references, I become much more adept at doing the ones out of my head, that being why I suggested it, however I suppose I did not make that clear. Sorry. And you are great with the action shots! I forgot to mention that. By the way, douitashimashite. If that isn't right you will have to forgive me I am just now trying to become familiar with Japanese. But I will continue to visit the thread, keep up the posting.

Ah...I forsee that one day you will be a great japanese speaker. Thanks again for the tips and the encouragement...

Frukathka, I hope to have something for you by the middle of the week...

Thnks again everyone...


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Kinda slow at the moment...

I have three projects on the books that i have to finish but I will try to get an initial sketch to you by the weekend...


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