Old thread but I don't care. Just wanted to comment on the fact everyone seems to think people like us can just, Roleplay Asbergers. I have it, but I wouldn't know the first thing on how to roleplay it. It's one thing to live it and another to try and act it. Thats why Actors on tv Usually go to school, on how to Act even though they know how to be happy and sad. As for how to roleplay Asbergers, it's a bit different for everyone. I myself have a hard time reading emotions, or I misinterpret things and take things offensively. Social skills are a little wonky, but I'm not rude and people tend to have fun around me. That being said, I get easily socially drained Very fast. So perhaps, your character goes to a party and they're good for an hour. But then you feel like you want to leave, all the noise is commotion is starting to overwhelm you and its time to go. That being said, combat might go the same way. A lot of loud noises, commotion, intense stuff. Your character needs to be determined to push through your own brain wanting to withdrawel. After combat, collapse away lol. That stuff is tiring and you feel pooped now. However, asbergers isnt a major negative. It comes with positives. I tend to see things differently then most people. Where most see a necromancer as evil, I see it as an individual with a unique power and want to know more about him and if he's good or not. I dont label anyone immediantly, I get to know them first, learn their side of the story before I judge them. That includes party members and npcs. I dislike most paladins because they are high and mighty that seek to banish "evil" without a second glance. I don't abide by that. Even if its a demon, undead, or witch, that doesn't mean their evil. Their actions do, in which humans are almost just as evil. Species itself doesnt define that junk.. Anyways, I got off topic I think lol. The best thing I would suggest is to look up a list of Asbergers traits/ side effects. See each one and think of how your character would respond to this or that effect. How it would apply in a situation, and keep a notepad of all that. Sorry for the long post, and I know this is late, but I saw all those posts saying, "You lived it, you should know." Like its that easy. Lol, normies am I right?