Sword of Spirit
Here's a quick overview of how stuff has been in the Spelljammer in the past (2e), as well as the Astral Plane (2e and 5e are essentially identical) for those who never knew or don't recall:
-Wildspace was simply outer space, looking basically like we imagine it to look. It's where you are once you get outside of a planet's atmosphere. While there are some tweaks based on fantasy physics, there is no such thing as "regular space" contrasted with Wildspace.
-Wildspace (ie, space) covered solar systems (though systems might orbit something other than a star, I'm calling them "solar systems" for accessibility) exclusively. The stars you saw in the night sky were not other suns. They were points of light with various explanations based on the particular solar system you were in.
-Each solar system was contained by an opaque dark shell called a crystal sphere. Its distance from the sun (or other body) at the center of the system was twice the distance to the furthest fixed planetary (or other) orbit. The stars are usually features on the inside of the crystal sphere. Doors can open in these crystal spheres allowing you to exit.
-Outside of crystal spheres normal space (ie, Wildspace) was replaced with the Phlogiston. Instead of blackness with stars, your ship was immersed in a rainbow fluid with distinct magical properties, and a stronger implied connection to the Inner and Ethereal Planes than the Astral Plane. This is the interstellar medium you sail through to reach any other crystal sphere.
-All of the above is part of the Material Plane. No planar travel happens while sailing through Wildspace or the Phlogiston.
-The Astral Plane is a silvery expanse cosmologically between the Material Plane and the Outer Planes. 5e does not present the Outer Planes as floating in the Astral Plane as 4e did, but returns the Outer Planes to the previous view of a Great Wheel (while leaving open that this is mortal minds trying to comprehend the infinite and might only be a representation). The Astra Sea is just another term for the Astral Plane.
Based on the teasers, here is what I'm assuming (subject to further information) is the new configuration:
-Wildspace is the same as above, with the exception that stars may represent different things now.
-There are no crystal spheres (at least not as we know them).
-There is no Phlogiston. When you sail beyond the area of normal space surrounding a solar system, you enter the Astral Plane.
-The art revealed (never reliable) seems to present a more "spacey" looking Astral Plane, which perhaps means they are going to make some sort of "Border Astral" plane where the Rock of Bral and other neo-Spelljammer communities might exist. Or they might change what the Astral Plane looks like. Or it could just be art that doesn't match the text.
-Wildspace was simply outer space, looking basically like we imagine it to look. It's where you are once you get outside of a planet's atmosphere. While there are some tweaks based on fantasy physics, there is no such thing as "regular space" contrasted with Wildspace.
-Wildspace (ie, space) covered solar systems (though systems might orbit something other than a star, I'm calling them "solar systems" for accessibility) exclusively. The stars you saw in the night sky were not other suns. They were points of light with various explanations based on the particular solar system you were in.
-Each solar system was contained by an opaque dark shell called a crystal sphere. Its distance from the sun (or other body) at the center of the system was twice the distance to the furthest fixed planetary (or other) orbit. The stars are usually features on the inside of the crystal sphere. Doors can open in these crystal spheres allowing you to exit.
-Outside of crystal spheres normal space (ie, Wildspace) was replaced with the Phlogiston. Instead of blackness with stars, your ship was immersed in a rainbow fluid with distinct magical properties, and a stronger implied connection to the Inner and Ethereal Planes than the Astral Plane. This is the interstellar medium you sail through to reach any other crystal sphere.
-All of the above is part of the Material Plane. No planar travel happens while sailing through Wildspace or the Phlogiston.
-The Astral Plane is a silvery expanse cosmologically between the Material Plane and the Outer Planes. 5e does not present the Outer Planes as floating in the Astral Plane as 4e did, but returns the Outer Planes to the previous view of a Great Wheel (while leaving open that this is mortal minds trying to comprehend the infinite and might only be a representation). The Astra Sea is just another term for the Astral Plane.
Based on the teasers, here is what I'm assuming (subject to further information) is the new configuration:
-Wildspace is the same as above, with the exception that stars may represent different things now.
-There are no crystal spheres (at least not as we know them).
-There is no Phlogiston. When you sail beyond the area of normal space surrounding a solar system, you enter the Astral Plane.
-The art revealed (never reliable) seems to present a more "spacey" looking Astral Plane, which perhaps means they are going to make some sort of "Border Astral" plane where the Rock of Bral and other neo-Spelljammer communities might exist. Or they might change what the Astral Plane looks like. Or it could just be art that doesn't match the text.