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ATTENTION: Story Hour in Print? (Authors and Readers, come in!)

Would you like to see your favorite Story Hour in paperback?

  • I am an author, and would love to be published, even if I don't make a ton of money from it.

    Votes: 61 22.4%
  • I am an author and would like to be published, but I would only do it for a profit.

    Votes: 1 0.4%
  • I am an author, but would not consider publishing my Story Hour under any circumstances.

    Votes: 4 1.5%
  • I am a reader, and would pay more than standard price to have my favorite story in print.

    Votes: 91 33.5%
  • I am a reader, and would pay standard bookstore prices for the book, but no more.

    Votes: 136 50.0%
  • I am a reader, but you ain't getting my money for this, no way, no how.

    Votes: 25 9.2%


I hope he does weigh in. He's a fantastic author, better than the vast majority of fantasy authors currently writing, and it'd be great to see him get published.

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Moderator Emeritus
Anyone here have copies of Perdido Street Station or the Scar? Those big soft cover trade paperback books? That is the size I envisioned for this product. . .


Not sure if this should go here but having just read your story hour (it took a few days. Had been meaning to get around to giving it a look anyway after reading Sep's storyhour from start a few months ago) there is a lot of stuff that's off limits in an OGL work in there. Would you really have the time to rewrite those sections for publishing (especially since you're months behind in updates as it is)? Stuff like Sigil, Forsaker giants, Kuo Toa, Mind Flayers, adventures straight out of (or highly modified) from Dungeon, etc. all tread close to stuff WotC obviously claims as their own. Heck, just remembering to remove all references to Daern when the fortress comes up in the story is time consuming. Not to mention the time needed to turn some of the out of game stuff into meaningful sidebars -- it seems like a large undertaking for unknown payoff.

I assume the book would use the OGL so that stats for characters and major villains could be printed. But that limits the story in annoying ways. I doubt any story hour is 100% OGL compatible. Slip a monster from MMII in or a spell from BOVD and poof.

Even Sep's story hour has non-OGL demons and devils running around in it that would be annoying to have to fix.

Good luck if you go forward with this.

Kid Charlemagne

I am the Very Model of a Modern Moderator
Let's not assume that WoTC wouldn't be willing to allow some IP to be used in a Story Hour product - they've given permission to various publishers to use IP before, and they might be willing. There's no harm in asking before going to the trouble of trying to strip that stuff out, especially in the case of Wulf's own story hour.


Unattainable Ideal
As an author I'm definitely in the "neato" camp. Guess I'd have to change a few details...

Like the NAME of the campaign ("Barsoom" -- Hm, is that somebody's IP?). I'd also LOVE to include assorted game details which the story hour currently avoids. Stat blocks, the rather bizarre Barsoom magic system, all that stuff would be fun to throw in.

As a reader I would pay more than average for a book like this. I'd especially love an anthology format book -- I don't read many Story Hours because, you know, clicking on the link, it's just too much work. But to just turn a page... now there's a level of investment I'm willing to make.


Seriously, I'd prefer an anthology, with some bits serialised -- I'd subscribe to a magazine that did that. I reckon. It'd be great to have the ongoing storylines and the game mechanics and a cover, etc.

Definitely. Sign me up.

And I'm a reasonably experienced editor, Wulf, and willing to provide assistance in that regard (or any other, within the limits of my restricted skill set).

Wulf Ratbane

barsoomcore said:
("Barsoom" -- Hm, is that somebody's IP?).

That's Edgar Rice Burroughs, isn't it?

In which case, it's probably public domain by now.

Regarding WOTC IP, the first line of approach will definitely be to ask permission, as that is indeed the path of least resistance. Moving beyond that, I really don't anticipate a great headache with regards to editing for content (famous last words...)



Unattainable Ideal
It is. But I'm pretty sure the word "Barsoom" is now trademarked by ERB, Inc. or somebody. Changing it would be pretty simple, of course, and for the most part my campaign is violently idiosyncratic.

Word counts:

Barsoom Tales: 40,709 (about a third done, I'd say)
Wild Stewardesses: 13,082 (Half-way? A third?)

I'm late getting back to this thread, and I don't have much to add that hasn't already been said. But what the heck -- it's a message board so I can "me too" as much as I want. :)

I think this project can only succeed if it is clearly a hybrid between story and game supplement. Readers need to know what they are getting into. And the existing audience (i.e., EN World) will only pay for printed copies if they contain useful gaming material, not just the story.

A simple print-out of the story, no matter how nicely illustrated, is going to flop. Because most of us have no qualms about using our employer's laser printers to spew out 1,000 pages of Lady Despina's Virtue.

One area that I would emphasize is the "this is how D&D should be played" aspect, or the learn from the masters. You could then market the books to new gamers, as well as old gamers wanting to learn new tricks. Look at someone like Johnn Four's DM advice publications, and column in Dragon magazine, for inspiration. People eat that stuff up. Everyone wants to be a better gamer.

Don't try to hide the fact that these stories are based on D&D campaigns. Revel in it. Embrace it. That's how to succeed.


oi, my story hour is just a gobbeldy goop of notes thrown together.

i'd need to do a major edit to make it publish/print quality. i don't have the time or inclination to do that. besides i didn't write it alone. nor was the campaign one i refereed.


Moderator Emeritus
I want this as a quote on the back of my book. ;)

monboesen said:
Damn. You got to be the harshest dm out there. There just seem to be no respite for the poor group. It makes for a very good dark fantasy story but I don't think many players i've known would stick with this game.

So many deaths, so many enemies, so few friends and rewards. Don't the characters (and players) ever wonder why they keep going on.

I guess what I'm saying is: great story, incredible perstistant players, very nasty dm'ing.

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