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AvP getting ripped to pieces

Flexor the Mighty!

18/100 Strength!
Joshua Dyal said:
Oddly enough the movie you describe would have fallen into the schlock category much more easily than the movie that was actually made.
think the only way it could rise above that is by mindblowing action sequences. Amazing action is enough to justify any action genre flick. Does it have that? To be honest I'm not sure any movie that is famous movie monster vs famous movie monster can be anything other than schlock. It's a creation to get fans of both properties to swarm the theaters to see if thier favorite will win. But like I said earlier if the action is great enough it can be worthwhile and rise above it's schlock beginnings. God knows those old Dracula vs Werewolf vs Mummy flicks were horrid. This is the sucessor to those movies. Does it deliver on the premise of killer action fights between these famour monsters is the question.

Hmmm so I suppose the poster who expected schlock, got schlock, and was happy with schlock was right all along.

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Ive been waiting to see avp for half my life and i didnt care what anyone said prior to the films release. Personally i love the movie...but im also partial to like anything thats a crossover or veruses movies or comic.
AICN always gives movies bad reviews they seem to like film festival crap which in my experience is worse than anything...even the D&D movie.

Actually, AICN gave the D&D movie a qualified good review. If that isn't enough to cast grave doubts on their credibility, I don't know what is...

Flexor the Mighty!

18/100 Strength!
Joshua Dyal said:
Actually, AICN gave the D&D movie a qualified good review. If that isn't enough to cast grave doubts on their credibility, I don't know what is...
No way!

You're kidding right?

Nooooooooo. It's just not possible.

Flexor the Mighty! said:
No way!

You're kidding right?

Nooooooooo. It's just not possible.
Yep, Harry's review amounted to more or less, "it's not that great, but it's pretty fun in a beer and pretzels kinda way." I actually went in half expecting to enjoy the movie based on that drivel. Beer and pretzels my ass. More like a cyanide and wrist-razor kinda way.


First Post
The movie was awful, but I'm glad to be greeted by the usual wildy post-modern schlock advocates making the usual crap arguments that "This was move was never intended to be 'good', it's just entertainment, which is completly different. Reviews are irrelevant!" Uh, no, most prof critics working for respected publications are not such pretentiouis middle-brow types that they would only associate a well crafted movie only with high drama or pointed social themes. The reason why the majority of reviews were negative was because it was not entertaining for them. Or for me. Note the more or less positive response the Hellboy, a B-Movie if ever there was one, versus this crap.

But I doubt those who would mock critics actually read 'real' reviews, as oppossed to the geeky rants of AICN; when it comes to fanboys, i pretty much am never in line with the arguments of either pro or con.

Now, I'm not dissing those who genuinly liked the movie, just the idealogues who come out with the same poorly thought out arguments against any type of aescetic criticism that gets in the way of their fannish wish fulfilliment.
Last edited:


Whew that movie blew!

Totally forgettable!

Forgettable characters. Forgettable actors. Forgettable action scenes. Forgettable story. I've not been to a movie this BLAHHHHH in a long time. In fact, it may be the DMing in my veins, but it's the first movie I actually sat through and thought, EVERY SCENE SUCKED and I could have written it better. Even the action scenes were lame-o, copy-of-a-copy-of-a-copy. That story! My god! Oooooh, that's never been done before. It's as cliche' of a movie as it comes. I think a 5th grade jack-off wrote the screenplay.

We won't even talk about how unceremoniously Bishop is discarded. Paramount is evidently thinking the same about these two storylines. This sucker should have either gone right to video, or right to the 11pm Sci-Fi show after "Megladon attacks a beach with no people on it."

I can say, however that the acting and editing at least didn't make me cringe, like the D&D movie.




I just have to say this (in response to some of the earlier posts)...

I liked AVP
I liked Riddick
I liked Van Helsing
I liked Soldier
D and D might have been terrible, but who else is giving you screen time with a Beholder?

Where's the love, baby???

jasamcarl said:
Note the more or less positive response the Hellboy, a B-Movie if ever there was one, versus this crap.
Note the more or less positive response to AVP, a B-movie if there ever was one, on movies.yahoo.com where with over 10,000 ratings, it's still doing a good 'B-' grade. I liked this better than Hellboy, personally.
jasamcarl said:
Now, I'm not dissing those who genuinly liked the movie, just the idealogues who come out with the same poorly thought out arguments against any type of aescetic criticism that gets in the way of their fannish wish fulfilliment.
Yeah, there's a big difference there. Oddly enough, a lot of folks have been pointing at AICN as some kind of authority, when AICN, IMO, is the worst bastion of that type of geek fanboy ideology I know of.

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