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[Azyra] The Blue Fish Tavern


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"The board is something of a community board but it is rather out dated. I've been meaning to get it cleaned up."

Tor looks the young halfling over appraisingly. "An entertainer, eh? How do ye plan to entertain this tavern?" He gestures over the mostly empty room. "I'll make ye a deal, help clean up a bit and I'll give you a room. If we start to get more adventurers here we can come back to yer proposal."

[sblock=OOC]Everyone can make their own dice rolls and post them in sblocks to keep things from getting too cluttered. I'll summarize things at the end of each round[/sblock]

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Wayrick walks in closing the door behind him, He heads to the closest empty seat, Waving the barmaid over as he finds himself a seat, Using his pack so he can sit comfortably at the table. He orders a hot meal with some refreshing ale.


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Tor looks over at the newcomer, nose wrinkling as a slight acrid scent floats through the air. "Gnome... we don't allow alchemy in here, just so you know. In fact we frown quite strongly on it."

To emphasize his point Tor points at a roughly human sized black spot on the stone wall near the door. "His failed DragonBreath Dwarven Whiskey with Extra Kick failed rather spectacularly. Wouldn't want that to happen again."

[sblock=OOC]Add an sblock to your signature line and you can use sblocks to do what battlebiscuit and myself have been doing for OOC comments[/sblock]
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Bezim departs from the board with a sigh, and says to Tor, "I suppose that'll have to do! Where should I get started?" Bezim nods at the gnome as he walks past and begins working on cleaning the inn, under Tor's direction.


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"Alright I can keep that to other places. I will just enjoy a warm meal and can move on if you don't like my type here. Though I might be interested in checking out what is posted on that board there."

[sblock=ooc]Thanks for the help[/sblock]
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A gnome walks into the tavern shutting the door quietly behind him. He looks around for a moment his blue eyes roaming the room and then walks over to a table by the bulletin board. Removing his pack and placing it upon a chair he attempts to clamber awkwardly atop. After a few moments he manages to seat himself at the table, and waves a Barmaid over.

He is dressed in a cotton tunic draped over a suit of armor, both appear dirty from many weeks of travel. He has a short well kempt beard that matches the light green stubble on his head. Strapped to his pack is a large metal shield with a hammer and pick emblem on the front, at his waist he carries a flail and a small leather pouch.
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Tor shakes his head at the gnome's rather indignant words. "First off may I at least know yer name? And secondly ye and yer kind are welcome here, as long as ye keep yer vials to yerself and experiments off of my tables. And like I just told our young halfling friend that board is rather out of date.... In fact you can go ahead and tear down those notices if you would halfling..." He searches the room for Bezim before he finally finds him purposefully bumping into some drunken patrons as he cleans their table.

"Halfling! Over here." He gestures with a stern frown though his eyes smile with an amused crinkle.

[sblock=OOC]Welcome Stanimal![/sblock]

Tor eyes the new gnome as the barmaid walks towards him, scratching idly at his thick beard.


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The tavern door swings open and a tall middle aged human walks in. He carries himself with a dignified grace, his clothing giving the appearance of a wealthy merchant or perhaps minor nobleman.

"Good sirs, I have a proposition for anyone who is interested." He addresses the tavern as a whole gesturing to the occupants with a sweeping motion. "It is a job of great importance to me with plenty of rewards awaiting adventurers both during their adventure and after. Tell me, is anyone ready?"

He smooths down his long dark grey robes as he waits patiently.


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The halfling gives the innkeeper a sheepish nod and makes his way quickly to the board. Tossing a chair in front of it, he nimbly hops up and begins tearing down the old notices. "Let's see... cat in a tree, lost dog, needs an ointment... hmph. Nuttin' good anyway! Hehe!" After removing the notices Bezim tosses the scraps into the fireplace, stretching out to absorb the flash of heat. He looks from one gnome to the other, grinning wildly. A chuckle on his voice, he says, "Well now, us wee ones seem to have picked an interesting time to all gather here! What luck! Say, what be the meaning of your emblem? A gnomish clan? Warrior's order?" Bezim, intrigued by the newcomer's proclamation, moves his pack and seats himself near the gnomes' tables by the door and answers, "Indeed, I'm always up for a little excitement! Whatcha got?"
[sblock=DM]Bezim rolls a 22 sleight of hand check to lift a few choice coins or other small objects from a few of the drunken patrons as he finishes taking care of the tables.[/sblock]
[sblock=OOC]YAY STAN! And now we have at least three. I think Nicole's going to get on making a character over the weekend, so eventually we'll have four for sure. I still need to contact Roy and Erin to see if they're interested, and of course if Tim, Brian, Court, Richard, John.... well if they all get on we can really get it kickin! I'm perfectly happy to take a second group out once enough people accumulated! A note to Nate, Stan, and perhaps future newcomers (spread the word), choose a color of text for yourself and make any dialog that color consistently. I think it adds to the flavor and will help differentiate between text and talking. I've got "dark orange" pegged, and the innkeeper has a lighter yellowish one. First come, first served! lol...[/sblock]
[sblock=Stanimal]Way to go buddy! Also, if you aren't Stan, remember, you aren't supposed to be reading this! lawls. anyway, nice intro, well written =D[/sblock]
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Voidrunner's Codex

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