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B6: The Veiled Society - IC


"All right then." The innkeeper leads you to a table, and brings out the food and drinks, including milk for Caridoc.

The stew contains potatoes, meat, and vegetables. It's filling and tasty.

The wine isn't top quality but it's not bad.

ooc: What now?

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Barek Fhald, half-orc bard

Barek wipes his mouth clean with a napkin as he finishes, then turns to the others.

"I suppose now we try to find this Jade Sea, yes? I'm loathe to leave one of our number alone, though," he says, glancing to Rezak. "Perhaps, though, Rezak could act as an unofficial lookout. His beggar guise seems to work pretty well, and he can help watch our backs without seeming to be a part of us."


Thy wounds are healed!
Rezak pushes his half eaten stew away from him and looks over at the half-orc. Folding his arms acorss his chest he asks, "An'a wat's ye be pay'n me fur me services?"

Although Rezak has already decided to help his friends, and he knows that they know he will help, he still can't resist a jab at the bard.


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Not quite sure if Rezak is joking or not, Caridoc decides to give him a straight answer. "Would one fifth share of whatever we are paid plus one fifth of any loot be acceptable?." he asks.


Thy wounds are healed!
"If'n I gets first choice at an o' da loots we may be find'n," Rezak says with a grin. "Ye can nay say that ye except dere ta be ana'ting buts da pay."

[sblock=OOC] Wondering how much planning everyone wants to do? I'm thinking Rezak would want to be careful and cautious but with the current state of the city it maybe better to be quick and get this done, so with that in mind he would want to grab the package and beeline it to it's destination. Otherwise he will want to do all kinds of walking the route and trying to use a fake package. I say we forgo that and just go get it and get it done. [/sblock]


First Post
Barek Fhald, half-orc bard

"Since we have nothing but the barest intelligence about this package, its current holder, or its eventual destination, I can't expect much of anything," the bard says. "But if your standard split is suddenly insufficient, you're welcome to stay here by yourself. Because, while there are multiple factions--on both sides of the law--that might have an interest in cornering one of us while he was separated from the others and, say, torturing him for information, revenge, or merely for sport, it's important to be a strong negotiator with the only people who've proved to have your back.

"It's hardly gentlemanly, after all, for me to ask you to reconsider your priorities,"
the half-orc finishes with a toothy grin and a slightly fiendish glint in his eye.


Thy wounds are healed!
"Ye black-blooded grish, I were just..." Rezak starts to say and then notices the sharp toothed grin coming from the half-orc. He tries to surpress his own smile and says quietly. "Ye a shrewd naygoat-sheater ye be."


Don't ask me what a grish is I have no clue [/sblock]


Thy wounds are healed!
"Since dae be a curfew," Rezak starts to say as the rest prepare themselves to leave. "It be'n best if'n I was ta range ahead of ye. I cuild backs tracks ta ye, if I spots anyting we'n wish ta avoid,"

He checks his own gear and the dagger at the small of his back. "An'a see'n hows we be needed ta avoids everyting I say we heads out rights aways. Dis may be'n a slows trip."

[sblock=OOC] I think Rezak will scout ahead and use stealth and perception to keep a look out. Before we leave we need to have a route plotted out though, or a way to have Rezak detour the group. [/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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