Babylon 5 animated movie in the works

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Mod Squad
Staff member
Ah, but If John Sheridan was Sinclair's Grandfather, that would make Delenn his grandmother

Um, no, given that we know Sheridan had at least two wives before Delenn, and goodness knows how many other assignations.

It'd be just like the Shadows to throw a child of Anna and John Sheridan back in time to try to screw things up...


Morkus from Orkus
Also note another David.

As an IRL David who's run into a lot of other Davids ... I'm not really bothered. It was a popular name once.
If you google J Michael Straczynski it shows Alfred Bester and Dave Sim as people he was influenced by. It seems he likes using names of those who he draws on for influence, even to the point of using Alfred Bester straight up in the series.


If you google J Michael Straczynski it shows Alfred Bester and Dave Sim as people he was influenced by. It seems he likes using names of those who he draws on for influence, even to the point of using Alfred Bester straight up in the series.
Given the sort of person Bester was in the series, it makes me wonder what sort of 'influence' that implies. For my own part when a character was named after me, in a friend's novel, he died an almost Pythonesque death.

Voidrunner's Codex

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