Babylon 5 animated movie in the works

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Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
I know! At least with Star Trek they all lived a good long time, I think Deforest Kelly was the first one to die and he was almost 80. But the Babylon 5 actors were all fairly young. Biggs was in his 40s, Doyle was in his early 60s, Katsulas didn't make it to 60, and Furlan was only 65 or so.

While I loved Babylon 5, I have some ambivalence about any new series or movies. Outside of the main series, I thought the television movies weren't very good. It's been years, but I only thought one of them was decent and I didn't care enough to watch the spinoff series. In a lot of ways, I feel like the Babylon 5 story is complete and I don't know if I really need more.
In the Beginning was very good, and A Call to Arms was alright, but the others weren't great. I have Crusade but haven't watched it. Some of the novels were great, especially "To Dream in the City of Sorrows" and the Centauri Prime trilogy.

Honestly I have not been looking forward to the re-make, and I have no idea what to make of the animated film. Babylon 5 is my favorite story put on screen, and I don't see how the modern TV environment can improve on it in a way that would make it worthwhile to me.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
I'm curious what story can be told with the remaining cast. I'm thinking obviously pre-destruction of B5, pre-Sheridan's end when he goes to the Grey Havens (it's been awhile since I've watched)... but you have strong Psi Corps characters left, you have Lyta and Kosh, and you have station personnel - will it be more about the psi Underground Railroad going to Vorlon space?
They might be able to do something with the Telepath War. Lyta, Linnear, and Bester were all involved in that.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
While I hear what you're saying, I would just say that, if you've ever played a Bab5 RPG, you'd recognize that there are many other stories in that setting that could be told. I actually hated the Crusade series, but as it turns out, my group played a B5 campaign that was very similar to that setup, and there is a lot of good sci-fi material that can be created and stories told for it.
The worldbuilding info in the Mongoose RPG was absolutely amazing! That's where I'd go if you want to know anything (and I mean anything) about the B5 universe.

Voidrunner's Codex

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