Babylon 5... reboot?

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These days we have the coherent story arcs, but series tend to be shorter than they were back in the network-television days of the original series. Virtual sets and virtual characters have come a long way, so maybe we'll see the story roam further afield more often than the original did, really delving into some of the alien cultures and their worlds.
I think CW typically goes 16 or so episodes of its shows a season doesnt it?


the Vorlons were the bad guys, just as bad as the shadows. That was the whole point!
The vorlons werent bad, they were just so advanced that no one ever really understood what they were doing other than oppose the shadows. I think the point was mankind was about the equivilant of animals to them. When rangers pick up a bear and move him 400 miles away so hell leave campers alone do think the bear realizes they did it for its own good?

To hear JMS speak of it, this is NOT going to be a simple repeat of the same story. He knows full well that nobody is going to, say, do a better job of the G'Kar and Londo relationship than Katsulas and Jurasik. So, he's not going to try to just repeat that.
Then why a reboot? If its a different story then make it a different story.

The vorlons werent bad, they were just so advanced that no one ever really understood what they were doing other than oppose the shadows. I think the point was mankind was about the equivilant of animals to them. When rangers pick up a bear and move him 400 miles away so hell leave campers alone do think the bear realizes they did it for its own good?
What about when they wipe out the bear and all his friends and family because he doesn't share their philosophical viewpoint?

Then why a reboot? If its a different story then make it a different story.
I would say because the conceit of the series is that Babylon 5 is the "last, best hope for peace." It's a galactic United Nations. If you don't have that as a starting point, then you have a much different show.

The vorlons werent bad, they were just so advanced that no one ever really understood what they were doing other than oppose the shadows. I think the point was mankind was about the equivilant of animals to them. When rangers pick up a bear and move him 400 miles away so hell leave campers alone do think the bear realizes they did it for its own good?
The Vorlons used planet-killers on inhabited worlds. They were on the cusp of annihilating Centauri Prime, with three billion inhabitants, before being called away to help their other fleet that had run into trouble annihilating a world with six billion inhabitants.

They were absolutely bad.

If the casting makes people say things like
“But why is Sinclair a GURL??” I’ll watch for sure. Those people always have bad taste.
Not always. Some people want under-represented demographics to have their own original well-written characters, not re-imagined leftovers.

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