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I live in the basement. :(

So we play in my room when people are at my place. I got walls a few years back and, I got a door too! When they put up the white walls it really started feeling like a real room. Plus there's a ping pong table nearby. So, its all good.

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First Post
Our group plays in a basement but HOT-DIGITY, IT IS STACKED!!

Beautiful hardwood floors, our own TV, a fully stocked fridge (beer and soft drinks), an ice container, and a bookshelf full of DND goodies!


Princess of Florin
I would never ask my players to game in our basement. It's filled with all the crap that KnowTheToe mentioned, as well as our laundry area, our furnace and our wine collection. It's dark and slightly damp. Not a great place to entertain.

We used to play in our living room or dining room, until the group got too big. Now we play in the pottery studio of one of my players. It's an old artificial limbs factory, so it's pretty big. One of the rooms has several big tables so we use that one.


First Post
ThirdWizard said:
I live in the basement. :(

So we play in my room when people are at my place. I got walls a few years back and, I got a door too! When they put up the white walls it really started feeling like a real room. Plus there's a ping pong table nearby. So, its all good.

Ping pong tables rock for gaming. The only basement I remember playing in, and it was a nice basement, had a ping pong table. No fridge, but one of us would bring a cooler. My best memories, and I think my favorite gaming place, are from the first house we lived in. My parents built a patio on the one side of the house, complete with awning, picknick tables, etc... I was in my early teens then and, man, we'd game like crazy during the summer--12 hour+ days, as often during the week as we could get wasn't unusual. I remember finishing multiple campaigns during a single summer. Of course, gaming 60+ hours a week helped :)


First Post
My group games in my furnished basement, and its the ideal place for us. We have a 5'x8' table, battlemats, about 5000 minis around us, plush recliners, computer chairs, a full bathroom 5 feet away, and a large sliding glass door into the backyard, which has a dozen sweetgum and oak trees growing out there. So nope, playing in a basment doesn't bother me.


Lets see, I lived and gamed in the basement at my parents house. After I moved out I promptly moved into the basement of my condo and live down there though we game upstairs. Best gameing room I ever had was the Attic of my old house. Only way up was a heavy trap door and it was very old and musty smelling but there were 3 huge skylights in the roof and lots of lights up there for at night. It was great, we had all the books and stuff up there and the best part was my sister wasn't strong enough to lift the trap door and bother us... Kinda odd concidering that now she's one of the regulars at my current gameing table.


First Post
I've gamed in basements more often than in other rooms. It just seems normal to me. I tried gaming outside once, and I enjoyed that a lot, except for the gusting winds near the end of the session. Playing outdoors is also good when surrounded by players who smoke.


KnowTheToe said:
How do you live without a basement? What do you do with all your crap?

That's what the attic is for :D

My basement has my home theater, some aquariums, and a play area for my kids. It also has a separate room with the furnaces, hot water heaters, etc, where I also mix saltwater up for my tanks (two 100 gallon drums), and a separate room where my father-in-law stays (he's a jack-of-all trades kinda guy, so he's handy to have around).

I used to keep stuff in my garage, until I had it converted into a half bird room/half scrapbook room (for my wife). I threw a 10'x16' storage building in my backyard, to keep my lawn equipment and give my dogs a dry place to sleep at night (in kennels).

If I did game offline, I would probably do so in the basement, as it's comfy down there. Granted, I couldn't leave things out overnight, or my cats would destroy everything. However, as I only game online, I do so from my home office ;)


First Post
Back in high school and college breaks, my friends and I would play either at my parents' house or this other guy's parents' house. At my parents' house, we'd generally play out in the sunroom. It had a skylight and was surrounded by windows. Plus it was only a few steps from the kitchen. Other times we would play in the basement. It's a furnished basement though, with a nice couch, tv, pool table, refrigerator, etc. That worked out well.

At the other guy's parents' house, we played right in the dining room. His dad played too. That was a great setup. He used to let us have some of his homebrewed beer. :)

At my house now, we play in the dining room. It's right near the kitchen and the glass doors that lead to the deck. That works well for the smokers in the group who get banished to the deck when they need a cigarette. It's a non-smoking household.


First Post
BaldHero said:
Of all the places to play a game, a social and quiet game, why the basement? Does anyone else feel immature if they play in the basement? Or secretive or shameful?
or is it just me? Or am i the only person to experience this sort of recurring theme?
I would think it's just you (IMO!). I prefer to game in my basement, by far. I have a very nice finished basement rec room, enough windows for light (though we always go into the evenings), and we play around my pool table (covered) on comfy padded stools. The home theatre (need the CD player) is in the other half of the room so all my gaming music is just a remote control away.

Further, being down there helps to keep our (as another posted perfectly put it!) hooting and hollering from being heard throughout the house so my S/O doesn't get overly disturbed (when she's home, anyways).

I wouldn't consider playing anywhere else.

Voidrunner's Codex

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