yes and we are about to go back with one of our campaigns... but we have to comprmise sometimes. (I will never go back to 3/3.5/pf1)Well you can still play 4e. I hated 4e and I really disliked playing 3.5E (for me 3.5 wqas fun to think about but not play).
we come close with some refluff... a bard (sword or war) and pretending they don't cast spells but picking and choosing spells that can be refluffed as inspireing or tactical.In my opinion with 5E you can get a ton of mileage out of feats and multiclassing. If you say you can't recreate the 5e fighter and warlord experience I will take your word for it (because I did not play it),
oh yes full caster that is aalso very good in melee is like the #1 most common thing we see in my games (hexblades and bladesingers and combat clerics along with melee bards)but you can build a character to do a lot in 5E with the right choices. You can make a Ranger a full on caster who rarely wields a weapon or a wizard who dominates melee.
we tried to mix and match to make a subclass then we tried to make a full class then we tried to buy/download a few OTHER peoples classes... then we went with a bunch of 'boons' that were just 4e and 3.5 Bo9S maneuvers with some file numbers filed off.I have seen people talk about Warlords, but it is hard for me to believe you can't recreate those mechanics with options already available. Something like Battlemaster or Banneret subclass with superior technique fighting style and a Bard multiclass.
in the end we can kind of do it if you squent. The problem is that every time at least 1 thing stopped the fun (a badly designed class/subclass that breaks down, a moment where the spells being refluffed end up with 'dead/anti/counter' magic issues and break the illusion. a too long list of boons that takes too long to take actions) So again, it's not that we can't make it up... we make up junk all the time, BUT what we want is something worked on by people better then us so it works in the system