Before the Rise of Tiamat


"The army or the dragon?" Mornok asks jokingly, then he turns back to Reyne.

"It's a good think I 'as me trusty ol' tool kit. I c'n 'elp wit' the sally gate. Though, I 'eard Dragonrats out there an' they love small rodent infested 'oles. Ye best be guarding that tunnel in any case. I say we go see about th' temple an' maybe we'll be lucky an' get yer info along th' way."

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Lyle steps forward a bit. "I'm a townsperson, I know the way to the temple. I was just coming here to look for help getting there. Sorry, we met briefly but the dragon made me forget my manners. Names Lyle Leagallow." Lyle doffs his hat to the dwarves and gives the sheriff a small wave.


"Ah yes, Lyle; I've heard of you. One of Galena's friends, yes? I think I recall her saying you had spent some time in Baldur's Gate, or was it all the way up in Waterdeep? Okay, you can lead our two fine dwarves to the temple. Private! Escort this trio to the sally port on the double, and round up anyone who can be spared that you run into on the way, have them ready to secure the exit as soon as Mr. Stormhammer gets it open." "Sir!" replies the soldier whom Tarbeck Reyne addressed, a heavy-set young fellow in an ill-fitting breastplate, who's managed to grow about 1.5% of something that will eventually be a mustache. The boy then turns to you, his voice cracking but not wavering. "This way, gentlemen."


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Grimnir ignores the joke from Mornok and nods his consent to Lyle, then curtly to the sheriff as they take their leave.

"Grimnir Hammerdeep," he introduces himself to Lyle as they make their way out. "Glad to have you with us. You know how to get us to the temple quickly and without attracting too much attention?"

The dwarf's chain mail rattles as he walks, and anyone can tell that may hinder attempts to move quietly through the besieged town...


"Getting places without attracting too much attention is my middle name. I knew I was in trouble if my parents ever bothered to call me my full name because it was so long" Lyle says with a grin. "Sorry, bad joke. Yes, I can get us to the temple quickly. With some luck I can get us there quietly, even if your tread is as loud as I guess."


"Prolly, an' mine too. I'm nae good at traipsin' about in th' shadows neither. Though once I 'as somethin' y' fight, it'll be fire an' lightnin, wit' a bit o' 'ammerin' t' go around."

Mornok rubs his jaw absently as he stumbles over the unfamilliar linguistics. With a final grunt he falls silent and motions for the halfling to lead the way.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
"Lightning I can do, too," Grimnir smiles as they move. "And thunder and rain. But the Stormlord provides those for free."

The dwarf waits for dramatic effect, but at that moment no thunderclap resounds.

"She would've," he mutters to himself.


The chubby young guard leads you back through the keep and toward the tower's outer wall; suddenly, you hear a crash and a ruckus up ahead. The boy speeds up and likely leaves you all behind for a few seconds; he goes out of sight when he turns a corner, then immediately yelps and stumbles back into view, having been pouce-tackled by some sort of mastiff-sized green lizard.

Roll Initiative! The creature is in view ahead of you at a distance of 50 feet, and the guard is prone and adjacent to it. Also give me a perception roll, specific to hearing if it matters.

Voidrunner's Codex

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