Besides RPGs and Video Games, What Do You Do For Fun?

Does writing a TTRPG count?

But seriously, I do cook for fun, and I’m still a bookworm even though I can’t sit and read text much so I’ve transition to audiobook.

I’m getting into mixology a bit, and catching up on anime.

We don’t watch much live action tv these days, or see many movies. Just haven’t the patience.

Been considering getting into a fighting sport/martial art, since I have to lose weight to keep my brain case from over-pressurizing, 😂

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I play piano (classical and blues) and paint (watercolours), run (sporadically) or walk and hike (more frequently).

I have a board game collection which I‘m increasingly aware would take several lifetimes to play - a lot of wargames / consims, along with thematic or economic games whose design catches my interest. My friends have always mixed boardgames and rpgs and the former have taken much greater precedence in recent years.

My partner and I also like foreign cinema, gardens and arboretums and bike rides. She’s much more of a gardener than me, but I try to pitch in there too.

Thanks for awesome post!
Thats why I started this thread, to get know each other outside of the RPG side of things and share cool stories like that. I knew I had the details of the story wrong but was on the right track. A lot of people dont realize that guitar players relied on their guitar tech or local electronics engineer at the guitar store to make their pedals. Yes some where commercially available but few and far between. Page, Clapton, Townsend got what they could or had it made or made it themselves. TEC, EHX MXR, the more well-known pedal companies have been around a long time. But Eddie Van Halen changed the game, I'm not an Uber fan but I can totally respect his contribution to the innovation of guitar/hardware creation and his musicality. Im a Randy Rhoads fan myself.

There's a great story where Edward went into a board room with 10-12 investors who were asking why the EVH line of guitars where falling apart in shipping? I think thats when they were owned by Ernie Ball. Ed walks into the room and proceeds to disassemble a guitar he pulled off the line. Didn't say a word for the hour or two that it took him to take the entire guitar apart and put it back together after which he proceeds to throw it against a wall, picks it up, strums a chord and it still in tune. He said. "You're guitars are falling apart in shipping because your QC sucks and your technicians are incompetent", Fix it or I'm taking my name off the brand.

While I wouldn't say I'm at "embarrassing," I do probably have more than I need.

Last year I crossed the streams of my hobbies and picked up this beautiful thing:

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This ones funny too. Dont own it but got a kick out of it.

My partner and I also like foreign cinema, gardens and arboretums
Here in Buffalo, NY we have the Botanical Gardens which is a few hundred yards of green houses. Then we have Tifft Farms, it's a nature preserve. Hiking, fishing and partaking in nature. Then there is the Albright-Knox Gallery, its a small museum. I could be mistaken but I think Frank Lloyd Wright had a hand in designing it. Regardless the AKG is one of the few places on earth in the modern era that has Caryatid Columns in its architecture.


I was a competitive powerlifter for about ten years, but I recently switched to fighting, primarily boxing and BJJ. It’s a lot of fun, even for an old guy like me.
Man I have a few beers and a couple pulls off a bowl and I feel Punchdrunk without bail. I couldn't imagine taking 25-50 hits to the head a night. It's gotta be like US Football, or Hockey concussion wise, I just read last week that "they", no idea who "they" are but "they" are lobbying to legalize bare knuckle boxing. First I heard about it was last week and now that FanDuel is legal, it'll be interesting ti see what happens.

There's a great story where Edward went into a board room with 10-12 investors who were asking why the EVH line of guitars where falling apart in shipping...
Haha, beautiful!

I'm the same with EVH. Not anyone I enjoy, but all the bands I DO love were influenced by him, so he's much appreciated for that. I wasn't around at the time, but I'm slowly learning just how revolutionary his guitar playing was.

As for hardware, he's the reason I have my beautiful Peavy, so forever grateful for that too. :)

Haha, beautiful!

I'm the same with EVH. Not anyone I enjoy, but all the bands I DO love were influenced by him, so he's much appreciated for that. I wasn't around at the time, but I'm slowly learning just how revolutionary his guitar playing was.

As for hardware, he's the reason I have my beautiful Peavy, so forever grateful for that too. :)
Theres no denying that EVH definitely started a genre of music and spawned millions of clones who just played as fast as they could while incorporating two-hand tapping. 9 out of 10 of those clones had no idea what they were playing they were just copying him. It's pretty incredible that he was self-taught and built most if not all his guitars and did all his own modifications.

Your Peavy, is that one of the Wolfgangs? Pretty sure at one point they were made by Peavy, then Ernie Ball Music Man, and I believe Fender makes them now. Or they may still be made under the Ernie Ball name but are owned by Fender. I thought about buying one a few times but I'm just not a big fan of Floyd Roses, they're a PITA.

In no particular order:
  • I spend too much time watching Youtube, mostly for news/documentaries (Spacetime and Eons on PBS for example, or China Insights).
  • Started "getting in shape, to get in shape" with the express goal of wanting to do martial arts again (FMA Filipino Martial Arts, or Silat)
  • For all intents and purposes, going back to (online) school and relearning a lot of forgotten math for Deep Learning AI
    • Derivative calculus, including partial derivatives
    • Linear Algebra (not just matrix multiplication, but dimensionality reduction, eigen vectors/values, row spanning etc)
    • Statistics
  • Some Udemy and Coursera courses on Machine Learning
And if I ever have time, I would one day like to learn:
  • Japanese
  • Drums
  • Better at gardening
  • Woodworking with non-power tools
I am 51 now, and have come to the sad realization, that there's not enough time to do all the things I wish I could have done in life. So, use your free time wisely. Before you know it, it will be gone.
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