TSR Best Way to Replicate AD&D?

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Well, as it turned out, they shot down the idea of another system for the next campaign. So I guess we're sticking with 5e power fantasy.
Honestly, I'm disappointed, especially after how the last campaign turned out. But if you can't get your players on board, I guess it can't be successful no matter what you think as GM.
Thanks for all the advice anyway.


Castles and Crusades - I really dislike the SIEGE engine. Maybe it's better than converting NWP and THAC0 and the strange thief skills?
C&C polishes up AD&D so well, I think it's worth thinking about playing it without SIEGE.
Just port the Save Tables and Thief Skill table over.

Here's the Save conversions:
Saves vs. Paralysis – Strength Based Saves
Saves vs. Breath Weapon (and area of affect spells like fireball) – Dexterity Based Saves
Saves vs. Poison, Death – Constitution Based Saves
Saves vs. Wands, Staves, Wands (and Illusions) – Intelligence Based Saves
Saves vs. Spells (except illusions and area of affect spells like fireball and charm or sleep spells) – Wisdom Based Saves
Saves vs. Enchantment spells (sleep, charm, etc) and fear – Charisma Based Saves

"Fixing" SIEGE to suit your tastes might be a possibility too though. Wouldn't mind helping you out on that since my home rules attempts to mimic AD&D.

Oh, and Player's Handbook is still free.

Another game worth mentioning though if you don't mind an implied "Conan" like setting is Hyperboria. Sweet take on AD&D IMO.


Well, as it turned out, they shot down the idea of another system for the next campaign. So I guess we're sticking with 5e power fantasy.
Story of my life... :LOL:

Thank goodness I at least convinced a few to play Pathfinder for a break. Still running regular 5E for others though.

C&C and Hyperboria is played just between the wife and I. She runs 4 characters, but not too stressful and we still manage to have a lot of fun.


B/X Known World
Well, as it turned out, they shot down the idea of another system for the next campaign. So I guess we're sticking with 5e power fantasy.
Honestly, I'm disappointed, especially after how the last campaign turned out. But if you can't get your players on board, I guess it can't be successful no matter what you think as GM.
Thanks for all the advice anyway.
Best of luck. Campaigns with referees who aren’t interested in the game any more tend to have an incredibly short life. In my experience telling your players you are running a different game next time and then asking who’s interested has a far higher success rate. They almost always say yes. But asking the players if they’re interested in switching? They almost always say no.


Ein Jäger aus Kurpfalz
If one really likes AD&D 1e, especially with Unearthed Arcana incorporated one should look up Adventures Dark and Deep. It has an optional skill system, a supplement for domain management/high level play, a Cthulhu supplement, and a Mythic China/Wuxia supplement. If one just wishes the new material to use with ones pre-existing 1e or OSRIC rules, supplements for the new rules and new monsters are available too. The publisher also has a version of Castle "Greyheim" (totally not Greyhawk :whistle: ;)). I personally have no connection to the publisher, I just happen to like the books a lot. I've posted more information about it previously.

Voidrunner's Codex

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