Best wuxia RPG?


I played ninjas and superspies and I really love its martial arts but it did not feel full on Wuxia to me.

I also really like 1e D&D OA martial arts and 2e Dragon Fist.

I have not played a full on wuxia system game.

The closest I came to feeling Wuxia in play was a 3e monk and narratively leaning into it, despite the mechanical combat weakness of the 3e monk.

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Gnostic Goblin

Lawful Good Paladin
Jadepunk: Tales From Kausao City

Authors: Ryan M Danks, Jacob Posen, Mike Olsen.
Artists: Nicole Cardiff, Conrad Javier, Kurt Komoda

The world setting is great. Mafia's have taken over running the city. Characters are Jianghu, street-level members of the underground resistance movement.

It takes some understanding how Jade can be used. There are 5 supplemental books one for each type of Jade. Even with those, it is not always easy to integrate it into a cohesive world, especially if you flood the game with Jade. The stuff is treasure to be used rarely, to maximise its impact and importance. Most people use it for banal but necessary reasons, purifying water, lighting fires, but a few people discover they can use it in other, magical ways. Exploring that is the purpose of the game. Which requires a simple backdrop of simple noir gangster martial arts stories for the exploration to play out in.

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