D&D 5E Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants

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At the risk of sounding like a heretic on a sub-forum for a game called Dungeons and Dragons, I am way more excited for this book than for Treasury of Dragons. Dragons are a dime a dozen in fantasy. Giants are common, too, but a little less played out, and I just find them a lot more interesting - I think the Ordning is a hilarious concept.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
At the risk of sounding like a heretic on a sub-forum for a game called Dungeons and Dragons, I am way more excited for this book than for Treasury of Dragons. Dragons are a dime a dozen in fantasy. Giants are common, too, but a little less played out, and I just find them a lot more interesting - I think the Ordning is a hilarious concept.
There's certainly a lot more content out there for dragons. I didn't get the 2E Giantcraft book -- which was labeled as being a Forgotten Realms softcover -- so all the giant lore in 5E is almost entirely new to me.

I am still ambivalent about this book, but it's also not competing for me with the memory of 3E's Draconomicon, so it has a much smaller bar to clear to be a success in my mind.


Dragons? Giants? Why not both?



Yeah, I have both the Bestiary of Dragons and Giants and 2E's Giantcraft. The Giantcraft was very interesting to me, but the Bestiary I found lacking. I think the upcoming book would do well to liberally steal from Giantcraft.

However, I'm much more of a dragon fiend myself, and I suspect I'll pass on this book (unless I get bored shopping one day...).

Voidrunner's Codex

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