D&D 5E BoardGameGeek at a 5e Seminar


Wandering. Not lost. (He/they)
[EDIT to add a touch more info about the source of this]
Some tidits from twitter (@boardgamegeek) who attended ACD Distributions 2014 Gamesday.

  • Attending a seminar w/ WotC showing off the new D&D volumes; new $20 starter set on July 19, 2014.
  • New emphasis on villainous organizations in the 2014 D&D Monster Manual to match the number of monsters in it.
  • Sidebars in the new DMG help DMs to customize the game to match past editions of D&D.
  • WotC rep: We're focused on D&D right now, but another expansion for Lords of Waterdeep will come at some point.
  • WotC rep: D&D staggered release dates for books is a result of editing; focus on one book at a time. (Says I, ?)
  • WotC rep on what it has that Paizo/Pathfinder doesn't: We can build on the D&D brand through multiple channels to get players to your store.
  • Then the WotC rep hinted at a D&D movie being in the works. Again?
  • (!!!)Approx 15% of the D&D Player's Handbook will be free on WotC site to cover the basics of building characters for those getting Starter Sets. [EDIT: [MENTION=662]thalmin[/MENTION] mentioned the rules will be for BASIC characters (emphasis from the WotC rep)]
  • @twick516 — he mentioned that you can make the game more tactical or sweeping as desired, so I'm guessing optional rules.
  • D&D Starter Set has 5 pregenerated characters & 64-page adventure that's "the best intro adventure ever". But of course he'd said that...
  • WotC rep: WizKids miniatures to accompany the D&D Starter Set will not be an Alliance exclusive.
  • The back of the PHB BoP4vAtCcAQu8tz.jpg-large.jpeg
  • The back of the DMG BoP45e1CIAEu8Je.jpg-large.jpeg
  • The back of the MM BoP5ld9CQAEMHAv.jpg-large.jpeg
  • Back of the Starter Set BoP6iBDCAAAiI50.jpg-large.jpeg

Ok, guys. 15% of the PHB free on the WotC site. That's pretty cool. Right?

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5ever, or until 2024
With all the discussion in the various threads, I was thinking "40 page pdf, that all this is."

Which is nice. Makes sense. Not earth shaking or anything, but does make sense.


First Post
While I would have rather seen that information in print in the starter set, it is indeed pretty cool that they are making it available for free on the internet.


(!!!)Approx 15% of the D&D Player's Handbook will be free on WotC site to cover the basics of building characters for those getting Starter Sets.

Ok, guys. 15% of the PHB free on the WotC site. That's pretty cool. Right?

Yep, that's pretty awesome. It also answers the question about how we create characters without the rules being in the Starter Set.

D&D Starter Set has 5 pregenerated characters & 64-page adventure that's "the best intro adventure ever". But of course he'd said that...

Yeah, I'll believe that when I see it.


Wandering. Not lost. (He/they)
While I would have rather seen that information in print in the starter set, it is indeed pretty cool that they are making it available for free on the internet.

Assuming the "15%" is accurate, they're talking about 48 pages. That's a pretty meaty chunk, and this gets the info into more hands than the Starter Set.

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