D&D (2024) Bonus Unearthed Arcana Reveals The Bastion System

Build your homebase! Oh, and some revised cantrips.

A 'bonus' Unearthed Arcana playtest document has appeared, and it shows off D&D's upcoming Bastion System.

This October, we’re bringing you a special treat. While we’re continuing to develop and revise public playtesting material for the 2024 Player’s Handbook, we’d thought you’d enjoy an early look at what we’re cooking up for the 2024 Dungeon Master’s Guide.

The coming Dungeon Master’s Guide will be the biggest of its kind in decades and contain an assortment of new tools for DMs and their tables. In Bastions and Cantrips, we’re showcasing one of these tools, the Bastions subsystem. Dungeon Masters and their parties can use this subsystem to build a home, base of operations, or other significant structure for their characters.

And if you’re raring to test out more character options, we’re also including revisions for 10 cantrips in this playtest packet.


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Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
Workable. Not perfect, but I kinda like those.

It also allows me to to reward the players with more than gold, like:
  • Deeds that gives you free installations.
  • Titles that allows a PC to ''count as X'' for the installations prerequisites.
  • Resources spot (ie the mines at the end of LMoP) that gives you an extra +X BP per turn.
  • Installations that generates Renown or increases Loyalty (DMG)


Filthy Casual (he/him)
I'm encouraged by what I'm seeing so far about Bastions. One nitpick I have is that I wish the turns were either a "work week" or a tenday to more fully align/coincide with the downtime activities in Xanathar's Guide.


Book-Friend, he/him
I'm encouraged by what I'm seeing so far about Bastions. One nitpick I have is that I wish the turns were either a "work week" or a tenday to more fully align/coincide with the downtime activities in Xanathar's Guide.
They'll probably be regularity with the downtime activities in the new DMG. Indeed, Ibexpect we will see downtime used a lot more, when there are resources to be gained.


Filthy Casual (he/him)
They'll probably be regularity with the downtime activities in the new DMG. Indeed, Ibexpect we will see downtime used a lot more, when there are resources to be gained.
I also just read the part where you can stretch them out a bit, so I should probably read the whole section before rushing to post my nitpicks. o_O

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