• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D 5E Books Books Books


So the players in my game (especially the Wizard) occasionally find themselves in a library and they're always like "is there any interesting books in here?" to which I'm always trying to make something up. So I'm starting to compile a list of books that I can look to in the same way that many people have lists of NPCs they can pull from. Feel free to add suggestions and steal the list for your own campaign, editing names of people and places.
Also, I left a lot of the descriptions blank either because its pretty obvious what they're about or because I haven't come up with any good hooks for them.

Books in DnD:
“Castle Durinvar: An Omerian Stronghold” – gives a map of the territory 5mi in each direction and castle description, but no blueprints
“The Lowlands: A History”
“Feywild Crossings” – gives a list of a few Feywild crossings, though references to most towns and countries are outdated by 500 years.
“Dragons Unite! A history of Novgardian expansion”
“Teleport With Confidence: 101 Places to Travel That Won’t Get You Killed”
“Azure Vale: Why it’s better than Langonlin Forest”

“Baron Immich: A Look Into the Mind of a Savior”
“Kladamish Stormchaser” – a biography of the famous cloud giant from the flying fortress of the Lowlands
“The Red Wizards of Thay” – a list of famous Thayan Wizards and their accomplishments. Contains mentions of 1d6 lost magical items
“Mortality Thieves: Why Assassins Need a Guild”
“Anton Fallbright and The Dawn of an Empire”
“Brindon The Triumphant: From War to Peace and Back Again”

“How to Train Your Humunculus”
“Magic Item Creation on a Buget” – Gives a list of alternative magic item components that can save you hundreds of GP!
“Spell Components: Keys to the Arcane or Shields from Insanity?”
“Better Living Through Alchemy” – a look at improving alchemy recipes using questionable methods.
“To Summon or Not to Summon, That is the Question” – the pro’s and con’s of summoning dangerous entities.”
“Kilo’s Magical Flying Methods”
“Arcane Blunders” – book looking at the common mistakes new mages make.

“St. Cuthbert and His Mace”
“Why Bad Things Happen to Followers of Pelor”
“Fharlanghn’s Favorite Trails”
“Zen and the Art of Iron Golem Maintenance”

Schools of Magic:
“To Kill a Mockingbird (And Resurrecting It)”
“Blowing :):):):) Up: The Complete Works” – the cover also says ‘Banned in 50 Baronies!’
“Won’t You Be My Neighbor? Enchanting a Town”
“How to Win Friends and Influence People”
“Better Living Through Necromancy”
“Kord Smash! A Transmuters Guide to Giving You the Strength of a God”
“Fahrenheit 451 (And Setting Other Stuff on Fire Too!)”
“Take Back Your Life” – Divination book on telling the future
“You’re Gonna Need a Bigger Sword” – combat abjuration techniques
“In Too Deep: How to summon within your means”

Magic Items:
“Wielding Wands Wisely: a beginners guide”
“The Robes Make the Mage” – looks at famous mages and the magical robes they wore. Contains clues to 1d6+1 lost robes.
“Dwarven Weaponry” – mentions the Axe of the Dwarf Lords last known location (upon publishing 150yrs ago) and 1d4 other famous dwarven weapons and where they might be
“Deck of Many Deaths” – a (mostly) inaccurate guide to how the Deck Of Many Things is designed to kill you.
“Arcane Blunders: Vol II” – specifically looking at famous misuses of magical items.
“A Gnomes Guide to Tinkering”

“How to Train Your Hippogryff: How not to get eaten in 6 easy steps”
“Oozes: What are they good for?”
“The Angelic Archive” – a compendium of angels and famous examples throughout history.
“Ankle Biters and Worg Riders: Understanding the Intricacies of Goblin Culture”
“You Look Good Enough To Eat: How to make yourself unappealing to carnivores”
“She’s Just Not That Into You” – a look at Harpies, Nymphs, Satyrs and other Charming Creatures.

“101 Uses for Wormwood”
“Goodberries to Betterberries”
“Cures to the Common Contagion”
“Druidic Circles and Why They Matter”
“Dire Situations” – a look at the differences between regular animals and dire versions
“Yellow Mold: It’s not just white mold the dwarf peed on”

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I like coming up with interesting books...

My biggest problem comes from when my players actually want to read them.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Oh, and here's three books that they found in my campaign. Context: One of the characters has a rather pwoerful curse that's connected to a dark ritual. They found out that a temple of the god of knowledge had a illicit vault of heretical books because they value all knowledge and the books would normally have been destroyed. So the party did a heist on the temple, trying not to kill anyone in the good aligned temple. Anyway, the Wizard (Quinn) was a bit of a magical fixer who sourced hard-to-find items, knowledge and the like but was now on the run. They were in and out very fast, these were the three that grabbed his attention from a *very* quick perusal of a section as the most valuable.

(Oh, references to places and names are in the default 13th Age setting.)

Codex Occito
This book contains black divine rituals. It’s worth about 1500 golden imperials to the right buyer, though probably only half that sold quickly. Drakkenhall, Axis and Glitterhaegen would have the right type of person, but everyone in Glitterhaegen always wants a deal. On the other hand, First Triumph or any of the Crusaders’ fortresses might give you more than that – or try to seize it by force if you drive too hard a bargain.

While summoning forth divine power is not among Quinn’s strengths, there is one that he thinks he could try with a reasonable shot at success and without sacrificing life or soul. It involves plucking out one’s own eye and empowering it such that it stays alive and connected so you can spy wherever it’s put. Eye patches are a bit of the fashion rage right now among the disaffected noble youth in Axis.

Azif al Alhazred’s Grimoire of Unfortunate Truths
You have started to peruse this book to value it correctly, and deduced that reading more of it would lead to madness. Even what little you read, with the arcane preparations you did before cracking the first page, left you waking with chills. For sure the knowledge contained is esoteric and rare. It might also not be understandable by mortals with what would be described as possessing a healthy dose of sanity. On the other hand, immortals, nagas, elves or the unhinged might pay 4000 imperials or more. This plus an asylum of mages might be able to bring on a new, darker, Age. Representatives of the various gods of Light would probably pay several hundred just to be able to destroy it.

Compilations of the Words of the Prophet
This book seems grammatically correct but partially nonsensical. After perusal you feel it’s a translation of an oral tradition in another language, and one that used a lot of clever word-play, idiom and double meanings at that. Plus you are unsure of that the author translated homonyms correctly from what little you were able to puzzle out. A period of study should let you work out some of the low hanging fruit.

The book originally grabbed your attention because of the immensely fine crafting: gold leaf on fine vellum, and the tangible feeling of power that hovers over the pages and makes the letters dance. You could probably get 800 golden imperials from most of your old customers or a discerning collector. Horizon is the type of place with many who would bid for it. The price could be a lot more if you could translate it back to the original, or even knew the language or author. Unlike the other books there seems to be no reason why this was considered heretical.

(This last one was inspired by being able to write up homonym prophecies, something I wanted to do since watching Twin Peaks many years ago. "One chants out ..." vs. "One chance out..." sort of thing.)

Voidrunner's Codex

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