Dragonlance Building a Dragonlance character, according to DDB.


Reeks of Jedi
I strongly suspect that in the end, WotC will consciously avoid having a final word on the controversial moral framework of Dragonlance in the same way they avoided having a say on the messy pantheon of Ravenloft, or the messy and incoherent recent history of the FR gods. Speak in generalisations, provide minimal detail, gloss over the really illogical bits completely, and through sheer lack of alternatives, require individual GMs to decide all this stuff for themselves.
Especially since these aren’t sourcebooks. Just adventures with the minimum amount of lore to get you started.

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it wasn't really balance... the kingpriest was evil
there was not too much good in the wrold

so then the 'balance' if thrown off was toeard evil and the good guys needed to balance...by doing an evil thing
Well things did balance put so I guess it worked.

Ignoring anyone's objections to the cataclysm, it does make for a great story. It's something that resonates with people throughout the world as pretty much every mythology has some sort of story of divine retribution against humanities hubris.

While this is true, the fact is, it seems kind of short-sighted. "Ok guys, the mortals are out of control, and the King Priest has become so blindingly good that he wants to ask us to destroy all evil, which is totally against our agreement with the rest of the pantheon."

"Well, can't we just go to the K-P and tell him why it's a bad idea?"

"Ah, no, we can't directly intervene. But there's an out, we can get someone he will trust to do it."

"Seems roundabout, I prefer writing messages on the guy's bedchamber wall in burning letters of fire, but ok. Who do you have in mind?"

"Lord Soth, he's a great guy!"

"Great, wonderful, fantastic. Who else?"

"What do you mean, 'who else'? Just him!"

"Uh....now, hear me out. What if this guy gets attacked on the road by bandits, ambushed by followers of the Evil Gods, distracted by needy orphans, or finds out his wife has been cheating on him, sending him into a fit of blind rage?"

"Oh come on, what are the odds of that happening?"

"Dude. Even if you aren't omniscient, I'm pretty sure Gilean is. Maybe we could ask him nicely if we should have another backup plan?"

"No, that would be cheating. We must trust in the Good of mortals!"

One Cataclysm later...

"So, yeah, about that Lord Soth guy..."

"Look, don't talk to me, ok? I have to figure out how to prevent the mortals from dying of famine because their crops have failed for seven years running. Dust! Dust, of all things! It's everywhere, it blocks out the sun, and it dries up the land!"

"Yeah well, that happens when you drop an asteroid on a planet. Whose idea was that again?"

"Ugh, Reorx bet us that he could use an asteroid just large enough to not wipe out all life on the planet."

"Huh. You know, it might have been better if we had. I mean, we can always start over, we got a few extra planets laying around in the crystal sphere..."
They did try the warnings first they were just ignored. Also if the King Priest succeeded he was going to enslave the gods so they all quite did not like him. Soth was presumably the strongest guy nearby that could defeat the King Priest in the short amount of time left, which is why they picked him.


He balanced it twice, once by breaking the Jedi order apart, and again when he killed the emperor (who somehow returned).

According to Lucas, the Force is in "balance" when it's in the light, and out of balance when in the dark. The Dark side is a cancer, and you aren't healthy when 50% of your body is healthy and 50% is cancerous, you're healthy when you're cancer free.

Anakin broke the balance when he killed the Jedi. Yes, they were arrogant and needed reform, but reducing them to a handful isn't balance. He became the Chosen One when he sacrificed himself to destroy the Emperor and thus ended the reign of the Dark Side and allowed the Light side to begin again with Luke restarting the Jedi Order.

(And then the sequels had to make all of that pointless as Luke failed to restart the Order, Kylo and Snoke restarted the Dark Side's reign, and somehow Palpatine returned, rendering Anakin's sacrifice meaningless and instead made Rey Palpatine the Chosen One).

So balance isn't "two Jedi and two Sith", it's "lots of Jedi and no Sith".

They did try the warnings first they were just ignored. Also if the King Priest succeeded he was going to enslave the gods so they all quite did not like him. Soth was presumably the strongest guy nearby that could defeat the King Priest in the short amount of time left, which is why they picked him.
take away the deathknight features and how awesome WAS Soth to begin with? I guess I never thought about mortal Soth before.


B/X Known World
It's the setting + adventure + comradery that makes a campaign, not your "so cool it will turn heads" half-dragon half-drow dual-wielding paladin of Mask (er some DL gawd).
I think you might be a bit out of step with modern D&D fandom. For a lot of players the only thing that matters is showing off how unique they are in character creation. Or they’re rocking a cookie cutter build with maximum power.

Voidrunner's Codex

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