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Burned out and stepping out of gaming for a while.


ENnies winner and NOT Scrappy Doo
Sorry for not posting here for a long time. I've been pretty burned out since this spring.

We were playing an Eberron game at a friend's house when I got a phone call that one of our best friends had committed suicide. The game packed up and I swear I teleported home - I have no memory of the 120 km drive... The next day it was confirmed, Tony, one of the founding team of Ambient Inc's d20 development team had hung himself. Tony was the artist that did a bunch of the illos in our first releases, including the awesome work in Necromancer's Legacy. He's also the guy that got me interested in publishing at all, through his work with the deadEarth RPG that he illustrated from cover to cover. We had been hanging out together for years - he was a core part of my "crew" from the age of 20 until this spring, 15 years.

But the game industry treated him pretty poorly in the end. He moved on to CCG art, and did about 1/6th of the art for a CCG and 1/4 of the art for the first expansion set. He only got paid a fraction of the money owed on the original set, and never saw a penny for the six months he worked on the expansion set. We started losing track of each other... and then he was diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic shortly thereafter... and then he was dead. I don't blame gaming and the industry CONSCIOUSLY for his suicide, but I know there is a link in my subconscious at least.

Well, I backed off on publishing and gaming after the suicide, and generally felt lost for a chunk of it. I got a new job, ditched my old job, and started looking at games again. But the prep started being too much. I figured it was d20 burnout, so I moved to playing games with simpler rule sets - and it didn't help. I just couldn't sit down to prep a game anymore. The prep is brutalizing me. Finally, I stopped prepping at all for my sessions, and the sessions started all falling flat. Horrendous, mis-managed, chaotic games with no sense of motivation, timing or anything.

And no more fun.

And I started REALLY dodging Russ and Ryan and the rest of the ENPublishing crew, because I couldn't face looking at a new product. I tried getting back into production with a few short pieces by Alzrius, but I couldn't even keep that up.

Finally, I realized that if I want to get over the whole thing REALLY, it's time to stop worrying about it. And to do that means stepping away from it. I'm handing over just about all of ENP to Russ (although I remain a full partner in ownership, I'm no longer going to be involved in management, production and so on). This already makes me feel less stressed, because I really dig working with and being friends with Russ and Ryan who are awesome guys, and it was a bummer to 'have' to constantly dodge them because I was neglecting ENP.

And I'm giving up RPGs. I have four RPGs at some point in completion at this time - five if you count a revision of AssassinX (Junk Dreams; AssassinX The Killing Game Edition; Rats on the Island; Gunboy Loves Gungirl; Uncle F***er). I'm puting them away for another year or so, maybe forever. It would be fun to finish them, but It will be better to stop worrying about them.

And I'm giving up on running RPGs. I'm burned out. My last few dozen games have SUCKED at a deep and unforgiving level. It's time to settle down, and play some board games and make gaming fun again for me. And that means not worrying about prepping games anymore. (for those of you who don't know, I'm the only GM in my two play groups, so I don't have the option to play games instead of GM them).

And I figured I should post this here finally to explain to everyone why I've been away (I consider a lot of you my friends, I really enjoy the ENWorld community) and why I will be away for some time to come. I won't stop gaming completely, I've got a nice collection of board games and card games that I enjoy cracking out - games that require no prep time at all except the time it takes to clear the dining room table.

I'll see you all when I get back in the groove. Or you can hunt me down on Circvs Maximvs where I pretend to be one of the three administrators there.

Take care everyone.

(and that is my 5,500 post here - like I said in another thread about "retiring from gaming" threads - I feel that explaining why you are leaving a community is a service to the community, to the friends and acquaintances you have made in the community, instead of just disappearing)
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Ryan, you definitely need to gafiate (get away from it all). You'll know when, if ever, you're ready to come back.

Sorry to hear about your friend, Tony. I've been where he was, only I was able to get help. I hope the day comes soon when we'll be able to hit the bad publihers in the pocket book.

Don't be afraid to grieve.


First Post
First, my condolances on your loss. Death is always hard to deal with. The extra messed up spin doesn't help. :(

Definately take a break from gaming for a while if that's what you feel is best. The only thing I'd like to mention is that there are non D&D games out there that take signficantly less prep work. Some are built on the idea that the entire game just sort of builds itself as it goes.

Good luck on your recovery and de-stressing.

Silver Moon

Indeed, the loss of a friend is a hard thing to deal with, and continuing on with the same things you did with them makes it harder.

Take all the time you need, your friends will still be here when you need us again.

Take care.


Princess of Florin
Jake, it's all good. You do what you need to. And as I said at Circvs, any time I run a game at GenCon, there will always be a space at my table for you if you want it.

My hope for you is that you find peace of mind again.


First Post
HellHound dude, that doesn't sound so much like burn out, you've got some unresolved issues here, but you're right get away from all this stuff, you need to work this out,
And I'm not joking when I say therapy would help, just to get a different perspective if nothing else, I'm guessing you are struggling to sort this out in your head, and you may be just as angery at your friend as the people who ripped him off, Thats just normal, when someone commits suicide they also victimize the people that cared about them as well,
and this conflict is probably making it very hard for you to make sense of all this,
you need to work this out of your system, and it won't go way untill you do,
You need to talk about this to someone, because wether you know it or not this has made you depressed,

I know this is gonna sound weird, but a few days ago I knew someone was going to post a thread like this, a friends suicide

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