• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Burned out and stepping out of gaming for a while.


hmmm it sounds like a grief issue more than a burnout issue. Whatever the case heal and do what you need to do.
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William Ronald

Take whatever time you need to heal, Hellhound. It is hard losing a friend, especially under the tragic circumstances that you shared with us. What matters most is that you focus on what is important in your life.

Gaming will be around if you want to get back into it. I think you have learned to value the people that you have come to know through gaming, and maintaining contact with friends should help the healing process.

Sometimes, we need to focus on the larger issues of life. So, spend some time reflecting, healing, and spending time with the people who matter to you. In the end, I think it is the friendships that we form through gaming and other pasttimes that becomes what we remember best. Be well, and take whatever time you need to heal. The boards will be here whenever you want to come back.


First Post
HellHound said:
H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks Yes I am. And Origins. One thing I've gained from gaming that there is NO WAY I'm just going to ditch along with gaming is friends. I enjoy getting a chance to talk to everyone in person at Origins and GenCon, and anyways, as a board gamer both cons are awesome too. If anything, my time in the industry has made this even better - in addition to all my friends from the ENWorld & CircvsMaximvs community at GenCon and Origins, I know that a stroll through the dealer hall will have me run into people like you and your team; Joe and Suzi; the Necromancer crew; my friends at White Wolf; guys at the Forge booth; Henry, Eric and company at Paradigm Concepts; Fiery Dragon and so on (and I know I've just dug myelf a hole since I missed a bunch of Industry friends already in this list - Claudio & Steve Creech for instance).

And I wouldn't ever be able to trade a night of quiet heckling at the back of the Origins awards and watching Denise and Lisa hit it off and cluck like hens. Viscious, heartless hens with teeth and claws.
J., I can assure you you were also sorely missed. I have nothing but good things to say about you and your wonderful family.

If I make it to GenCon next year, I'll make sure to club you on the head and drag you to a bar for a beer (and a sketch on a napkin, dammit!).

Take care, and we'll be here whenever you feel like you need us.

Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
I'm sorry to hear all this news, I hope things will work out really well for you in the long term.

...This may not be of any use to you, but for a while in the mid-90's my friends and I got a bit burnt out on RPGs, and we switched to table top wargaming using an ancients ruleset called DBA (De Bellis Antiquitatis). The game is played between 2 people on a board 2ft to a side and with 12 figures (units) each. Absolutely zero prep time, lots of variety, very little investment required and the rules are about 4 pages total, but it is great fun. A battle normally takes 30-60 mins, so you can get lots of battles in on an evening. More information here http://www.fanaticus.org/DBA/guides/whatis.html



Eternal Optimist
Good luck, HellHound. You'll be missed.

If you do have to go into the world of boardgaming, there's never been a better time.



First Post
Oh man.

I am sorry that you are stepping away from gaming, though it does sound like it is best for you right now. :(

I am even more sorry for the reason, nothing can ever replace a lost friend. I hope that you can adjust to his loss, there is no 'getting over' an empty place where someone used to be.

The Auld Grump


First Post
So sorry to hear of your loss. I hope that your time off gives you the time and perspective to get through your grief and grow from this. And as long as you keep him alive he'll never truely be gone.

"...Good friends never die, they just go on ahead and get the beer ready on the other side..." Quote from one of my old squad leaders...


the Jester

Hey man, I'm sorry to hear about... well... all of this. :( But on the other hand, reluctant as I am to say so, I think you're prolly making the right decision (at least for the time being).

As lame as it sounds, if you ever need anything, drop me a line- although I'm all the way down in California, I am a pretty good listener, a good sounding board and have a talent for making people laugh. :) And I am full of love and care.

Good luck, and I'll see you at the Circvs.


ENnies winner and NOT Scrappy Doo
Thanks for the good words y'all.

I'll definitely still be around. And I expect I'll be back in the saddle with ENP too at some point.

But if you really want to track me down and see me at my... well... at my worst, drop on in to the CircvsMaximvs where I get to act like a plain old jerk all day.

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