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C&C: A Lion in the Ropes


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Eschewing the pews, Yondo finds a quiet corner, strips off his armor, and sits down, leaning his back against the wall. Weary from the long day's trek, it will not be long before he is sleeping as soundly as can be expected.

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As Norgim continues his maintenance ritual he begins to sing “Mater’s Hearth”- A song that is traditionally sung by a father to his children during evening chores and before going to bed. His companions wouldn’t know this, unless of course, they speak dwarvish. He chose this song because of the soothing tone and relaxing rhythm; one that would make a dragon’s eye a little heavy.

Once Norgim is satisfied with his weapon, he will lay down for the night.


scout989 said:
James stands and begins sauntering around the church. He pokes into this and that, not really searching it, just checking everything out. Assuming he doesn't run across anything of interest, he'll eventually work his way towards the altar and inspect it carefully, though he will definitely try not to disturb anything.

Fatcoin tosses on some dry underclothes from his pack. He pads around in barefeet with a lit candle. Sticking close to James he examines the layout of the church and does a complete search of the kitchen in terms of foodstuffs. Not being able to pocket anything (as he isn't wearing anything on with pockets), he tries to remember what might be good for a later-than-midnight snack.

Rejoining James at the alter he walks very close to both it and the statues nearby. He does not touch them though. (Are they stone?, human-sized?, any gems in them?) :D


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Being very carefull, Vergart will strip off all his outer garments and leave them to dry in the entryway as Martin requested. Then, quietly chewing on his chunk of bread, he will find a quiet corner and try to sleep.


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With Brother Martin gone, Fatcoin inspects the kitchen. It would be better described as a small pantry. There is a fireplace and a few cabinets. All in all there are several dozen apples, a small cask of some sort of meal, possibly corn, and several dry loaves of bread. There also appears to be some dried strips of meat, perhaps 10 pounds of it cured for storage.

In the corner of the kitchen, a set of stone steps lead up to a opening in the ceiling, presumably to the acolyte's dormitory.

As the others prepare for the night, James and Fatcoin look about the chuch. To the left of the vestibule there is another room, but the door to it is locked tight.

The great stone columns run nearly the length of the church. Stained glass windows run up the side walls of the church, six to each side each four feet high. Composed of mosaic pieces of red, green and blue, the primary image on the windows is a ruby colored starburst-the symbol of St. Cuthbert.

At the darkened end of the nave, the two find the altar is a large but simple rough hewn rock. Unadorned in any way, it is flanked on each side by four life size stautues.

Each statue is solid marble, the skillfully carved image of a robed man. Each one looks down from a dignified pose. In the intermittent flashes of lightining, James also notices that each statue holds something in their right hands, wooden clubs of worn dark wood whose heads are wrapped with bands of metal.

Sadly Fatcoin spies no gems on the statue. His eye however, trained in observation, appreciates the quality of the church and its interior, far above anything usually found in a simple rural vilage.

OOC: Attached is a crude floorplan. Each square is 5 feet.


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James Ferdinand III

In the absence of anything more interesting to do, James will settle down for the night in a pew about halfway down the length of the great hall, keeping his axe close to hand.


Going back to the pews, Fatcoin takes his leisurely time in hanging up his wet clothing near the door. He also sets his belongings on a pew near the others. Carefully he prepares his bed for the night. Then he retrieves a second candle from his pack and paces quietly around again in front of the remarkable glass windows. He tries to guess how recently they were installed (say, under the current lord's rulership or not?).

After meandering a bit he looks over to see how drowsy the others are and casually walks around to the alter again. Being careful not to disturb the statues to either side, he tries to nimbly scoot past to the rear side of the alter. He will check the floor and alter all around here for secret doors or compartments. Whether he finds one or not he then will slowly walk the length of the church to inspect the closed and locked door to the right of the entrance way.

I didn't have enough money to purchase lockpicks, but could an alternative work on the lock he's inspecting?


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In the light of the candle, Fatcoin can see the windows are quite thick, and made by skileld hands. You can perceive no breaks or repairs in the panes, and no sign in the masonry that theyve been replaced. Though by no means an expert in glassery skill, the windows appear to be old, that is to say not recently manufactured.

A search of the altar and statuary reveals nothing hidden. The marble stone of the floor near the altar and statues are the same as the rest of the church- immaculatley clean, polished, and well fitted. And the altar itself looks to be a grey-white boulder or part of one, roughly shaped in a few places but otherwise untouched, almost as if were deposited here or as if the church was built around it.

The door lock is iron and likewise looks rather old. The keyhole is quite large, and one estimates the keyhead for such a lock would be almost as wide a dagger blade's tip. The door here is similar to the one leading to the kitchen, heavy, reinforced with iron bands with sturdy iron hinges.
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After inspecting the lock and listening for noise on the other side Fatcoin will head back to his makeshift bed. Blowing out his candle he sleeps for the full night.


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The night passes without incident, and the rain finally stops before dawn. As the morning light streams through the window, you each awake to the sight of Brother Martin bearing a tray of cold meat and a flask of ale.

"Good morning sirs", Martin greets you, looking tired but cheerful. He carefully places the tray on a nearby pew. "The day promises to be a fine one. I am free of duties this day and if you wish am at your disposal. Simply call if you require anything."

With a bow the young man retreats to the kitchen. From there you can see the faces of three other young acolytes peering out to catch a glimpse of the party.

OOC: Plans for the day?

Voidrunner's Codex

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