D&D 5E Call of the Netherdeep: marketing has begun, screenshots thread

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It sure helps a lot if your players have had a few acting lessons!
I have a friend, excellent DM, his other group has a young lady in it who compares the group to Critical Role and him to Matt Mercer and not always favorably. He doesn't know what to tell her half the time so I told him to tell her "When you are Laura Bailey and we all get paid millions to play this game, I will be Matt Mercer".

He already invests hours a week painting minis, building terrain and writing their adventures. He runs for me and my wife and its lovely and wonderful and we have an amazing time and he's the best DM I have had in 20 years. He gets so delighted that we bring our own minis even LOL.

I have a friend, excellent DM, his other group has a young lady in it who compares the group to Critical Role and him to Matt Mercer and not always favorably. He doesn't know what to tell her half the time so I told him to tell her "When you are Laura Bailey and we all get paid millions to play this game, I will be Matt Mercer".

He already invests hours a week painting minis, building terrain and writing their adventures. He runs for me and my wife and its lovely and wonderful and we have an amazing time and he's the best DM I have had in 20 years. He gets so delighted that we bring our own minis even LOL.
The difference between pro and am sport!


Lost in Dark Sun
I have a friend, excellent DM, his other group has a young lady in it who compares the group to Critical Role and him to Matt Mercer and not always favorably. He doesn't know what to tell her half the time so I told him to tell her "When you are Laura Bailey and we all get paid millions to play this game, I will be Matt Mercer".

I take a proactive approach with this myself. Whenever we get a new player in my group, I explain that if they are looking to play with Matt Mercer, they’ll just be disappointed. I have autism, prefer combat to roleplay (although there will still be a little bit of it), and can’t do accents because I have two small holes in my mouth right where the hard and soft palate meet. If I try to speak in an accent, I’ll just end up gagging violently.


I have cut back on my accents in recent years. It was pointed out that mine can border on stereotypical, so it's distracting at best and offensive at worst. Mannerisms and physical cues have taken a hit when I'm not running in person. So I'm having to retrain my role-playing skills in the present era.
I guess what I've learned is that my players now care less about story and characterisation than they did when we were in college and had all the time in the world to think about how deep and immersive the game is.


I crit!
Dragon Heist, from what I can see, does pretty well. I know when I run it again we’re going to hang out in the middle of it and Waterdeep a good long time.

Urriak Uruk

Gaming is fun, and fun is for everyone
5 star reviews on Amazon yeah. It's very highly regarded.

It's hard to find any D&D book that doesn't hit 5 stars. The ratings on Amazon are mostly based on the quality of the printing (was it delivered damaged or not) rather than the quality in writing.

That said, I've run Dragon Heist twice and like it. It isn't an intuitive book and not one I recommend running exactly as the book describes, but the core can be very fun.


Book-Friend, he/him
It's hard to find any D&D book that doesn't hit 5 stars. The ratings on Amazon are mostly based on the quality of the printing (was it delivered damaged or not) rather than the quality in writing.

That said, I've run Dragon Heist twice and like it. It isn't an intuitive book and not one I recommend running exactly as the book describes, but the core can be very fun.
It comes off better if you look at as a Setting book with a large number of Dungeon modules that have a loose suggested framework. There are nearly two dozen dungeons in there, and several have multiple keys!


It's hard to find any D&D book that doesn't hit 5 stars. The ratings on Amazon are mostly based on the quality of the printing (was it delivered damaged or not) rather than the quality in writing.

That said, I've run Dragon Heist twice and like it. It isn't an intuitive book and not one I recommend running exactly as the book describes, but the core can be very fun.
That's very true but coupled with the sales it tells a bigger story. I liked it. I may run it again next year. Haven't decided. My wife wanted to play it but the group fell apart when Covid hit and one of the player's decided he had a crush on her.

Voidrunner's Codex

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