D&D 5E Call of the Netherdeep: marketing has begun, screenshots thread


Bleh. Roleplaying is what happens during the game - as a natural extension of the drama of the combat, mystery, exploration, and what the players bring to it. It's not what is published in the adventure - that's just like publishing a short story.
Nah. I understand what you’re saying but adventures can also focus on roleplaying like Dragon Heist is an RP Heavy adventure.

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Nah. I understand what you’re saying but adventures can also focus on roleplaying like Dragon Heist is an RP Heavy adventure.
True. But that one frequently tops the list of Worst Adventures of the 5e Era.
I don't think anyone can successfully write "role-playing."
You can write political intrigue, you can write mystery, but how the group chooses to interact with the material is up to them.


The easiest way to write a "roleplay" adventure is to just not write in the encounter block "And when they see the party they attack" after every instance of a bolded creature name.

Honestly, that's the issue so many times in most adventures. Both in 5E, 4E, 3E and so forth... creatures get placed in the adventure and immediately are written to attack the party. It's no wonder most players are conditioned to swing first and ask questions later.


True. But that one frequently tops the list of Worst Adventures of the 5e Era.
I don't think anyone can successfully write "role-playing."
You can write political intrigue, you can write mystery, but how the group chooses to interact with the material is up to them.
Oh that’s weird because it’s the top selling adventure on Amazon that isn’t Netherdeep and #19 overall on the top 100 D&D list.


Oh that’s weird because it’s the top selling adventure on Amazon that isn’t Netherdeep and #19 overall on the top 100 D&D list.
We're talking about Dragon Heist?
I guess I live in a bubble. I've never read a positive review of it. When we did our (granted, informal) poll on here, it ranked pretty close to dead last.

The players in Critical Role frequently have scenes of extensive roleplaying even just between party members. I'm curious if having elements to encourage interparty roleplaying is what he means.

Bleh. Roleplaying is what happens during the game - as a natural extension of the drama of the combat, mystery, exploration, and what the players bring to it. It's not what is published in the adventure - that's just like publishing a short story.
They way you write roleplaying is you create the situation, and detailed characters, but you don't write what happens.

The NPC party is a clear example. Given that there are multiple versions of the characters for different tiers the expectation is the PCs are going to interact with those characters multiple times, and build relationships with them. The nature of those relationships isn't written, that is determined through play.

The expectation is that this adventure is intended to be played the way Critical Role play D&D, so you would probably want to at least watch an extract to see the playstyle.


The players in Critical Role frequently have scenes of extensive roleplaying even just between party members. I'm curious if having elements to encourage interparty roleplaying is what he means.
I try this with my players... I get maybe 3-5 minutes if I am lucky. I get brain fog sometimes due to migraine medication and it gives me time to plan the next thing a little more so I don't blink out. My wife keeps pushing them and its getting there. The next Starfinder session is going to be wild because... they're going to Golarion. MWAHAHAHAHAHA

I try this with my players... I get maybe 3-5 minutes if I am lucky. I get brain fog sometimes due to migraine medication and it gives me time to plan the next thing a little more so I don't blink out. My wife keeps pushing them and its getting there. The next Starfinder session is going to be wild because... they're going to Golarion. MWAHAHAHAHAHA
It sure helps a lot if your players have had a few acting lessons!

Voidrunner's Codex

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