Started Out of the Abyss today. I'm going to keep a record of the campaign to share material for others that might be interested.
The Characters...
Apothicas DeVir: Drow Elf Paladin (Oath of Vengeance) 2/Wizard (Bladesinger) 12. Apothicas has his own reasons for joining the group that he has not fully revealed. He joined the party in Gracklstugh.
Magic Items
+1 rapier, +2 studded leather, piwafwi (drow cloack of elvenkind)
[sblock]DeVir Amulet. His amulet was one once worn by Ginafae Devir. It is a circular amulet made of black onyx with purple crushed diamond forming a purple border on the outside of the circle that hangs on a mithral chain. It can serve as an arcane focus or divine focus for a worshipper of Shar, the goddess Ginafae turned to when she was forsaken by Lolth. This amulet allows the user to Commune with Shar 1/week. This is how Apothicas came to be a paladin of Shar, which he currently keeps a secret from his uncle.[/sblock]
[sblock]Spellsong Whip (legendary, attunement): The whip is 8 feet long. It is constructed of a mithril-infused length of tarrasque hide with an 8 inch mithril handle. The whip was constructed by Vizeran DeVir over decades to be used by his son when the opportunity to overthrow the rule of Lolth priestesses in Menzoberranzan and create a new hierarchy of magi. The time has come.
The whip is a +3 dancing defending whip that does 1d6 slashing damage.
While being wielded, the whip protects the wielder as though he were wearing a ring of spell turning. You lose the benefits if you are incapacitated.
While being wielded, the whip grants a +1 bonus to AC and saving throws. This bonus increases to +2 when Bladesong is active. You lose this bonus if you are incapacitated.
The whip acts as a +3 wand of the war mage granting +3 to spell attack rolls and negating the penalty for half-cover for spell attacks. Spells have their range extended by 5 feet due to the length of the whip as the whip is used to cast the spell from the whip’s tip. Even touch spells have their range extended by 5 feet, so a touch spell has a range of 10 feet when using the whip to cast it.
The whip adds 5 points to the damage absorbed when the wielder uses Song of Defense.[/sblock]
Jharzzle De'vir: Dark Elf Deep Stalker Ranger 8/Ftr (Eldritch Knight) 4/Rogue (Arcane Trickster) 2. A noble son of the fallen House De'vir. He was captured seeking to free his imprisoned brother from Velkynvelve.
Magic Items
Piwafwi (Cloak of Elevenkind), +1 studded leather
[sblock] Sassindra’s Spirit: The bow is a +3 Oathbow. Sassindra: The bow is inhabited by the spirt of a Sword Dancer of Eilistraee named Sassindra. In life she was an 11th level Sword Dancer of Eilstraee with the Light Domain.
Sentience: Int: 12 (+1) Wis: 18 (+4) Cha: 18 (+4)
Communication: The item can speak and read Elvish, Common, Undercommon, Abyssal, and Sylvan. It can communicate telepathically with anyone that carries or wields it.
Senses: Hearing and Darkvision out to a range of 120 feet. Her Perception (Wis) is +8 and her Passive Perception is 18.
Alignment: Sassindra is neutral good.
Special Purpose: Slay the Demon Lords of the Abyss.
Sassindra: Sassindra grants the full spellcasting ability of an 11th level cleric with light domain spells and an 18 Wisdom. The wielder can choose the spell list. Sassindra generally does not take any evil spells that deal with raising the dead. She casts spells on her initiative which is rolled with a +1 modifier (uses her Intelligence modifier). Any spells she cast use her concentration slots which includes the 5th level ability to concentrate on a second spell per our usual house rules including limitations. The only way to break her concentration is to destroy the bow which can be done by another god level being.
Sassindra also has all the abilities of the Light Domain up to 11th level. She can use them as needed per the normal limitations. Cantrips: Light, Sacred Flame, Resistance, Guidance, Spare the Dying, Mending.
Note: Moonbeam replaces flaming sphere as a 2nd level spell on the Light Domain bonus spell list.
Skills: Sassindra has Knowledge (Religion) +5, Perception (Wisdom) +8, Perform (Cha) +8, Medicine (Wisdom) +8, Survival (Wisdom) +8, and Insight (Wisdom) +8.
Personality: Sassindra Do’urden was a priestess of Lolth from Menzoberranzan that was captured by Eilstraeeans that defeated her surface raiding party. She had come to slay elves and take slaves. When they were defeated, she was shown mercy, something she had never experienced. It took years to redeem her. But after witnessing daily drow elves frolicking, singing, and loving on the surface world under the light the moon, she wept and her heart opened to the Dark Maiden’s redemption. After that she learned the teachings of Eilistraee becoming a powerful and faithful Sword Maiden.
Sassindra made many trips into the Underdark trying to redeem other dark elves from Menzoberranzan. She was captured by the drow and sacrificed to Lolth after enduring years of torture. She never forsook the Dark Maiden. When on the altar of Lolth being consumed slowly by spiders, she forgave those that had placed her there.
Sassindra is kind, patient, and forgiving. She wishes to protect and redeem dark elves and any that would turn from evil. She is dedicated and faithful to the Dark Maiden. She often sings having learned many songs of different peoples while on the surface. She has crafted more than a few songs that speak of her redemption, her love of the moon, her faith in the Dark Maiden, and her desire to redeem her people.
Sassindra will oppose evil wherever it resides. She will not tolerate evil in her presence. She is fearless in the fight against those that do evil. She will never give up hope no matter the circumstances.
Sassindra feels guilty for taking part in the destruction of House DeVir. She has temporarily given up her life in the Dark Maiden’s paradise to lend aid to Jharzzle DeVir in his time of need. She feels bound to him. Jharzzle can often feel her protective feelings towards him.[/sblock]
Tytus De'vir: Dark Elf Oath of Vengeance Paladin 10/Fighter (Champion) 4. A noble son of the fallen House De'vir. He has sworn vengeance on the noble houses of Menzoberranzan. He murdered three drow that were part of a Menzoberranzan raiding party. He was taken captive by the remaining members of the party and deposited in Velkynvelve until he could be transported to Menzoberranzan for "justice".
Magic Items:
Fangs: +3 vorpal longsword. [sblock]Fangs is an intelligent longsword. It has revealed that it was wielded by former champions of Menzoberranzan chosen by trial by combat. The last champion failed Lolth's servants and the temple was banished from Menzoberranzan to this unknown location deep beneath the earth. All the followers of Seveltarm housed in the temple died of suffocation or committed suicide by killing each other in battle. The champion that last wielded the blade slew himself in the sacred pool offering his blood to Lolth and Seveltarm while asking for forgiveness. The sword has lain in the pool until Tytus claimed it.
a: The blade has revealed that it can hold spells cast by others or by the champion within it and cast them as needed. It will concentrate on the spell it casts. Mechanically it acts as ring of spell storing capable of casting the spells within it independently and concentrating on them. For spells like hunter's mark or hex, the only damage done with the blade will stack if the sword casts either spell and concentrates on it at the same time as the wielder.[/sblock]
+1 shield, +2 plate armor
Dar: Human (Variant) Oath of Vengeance Paladin 6/ The Fiend Warlock 2/Sorcerer (Infernal) 6. A large, reddish-blonde human male caught wandering naked by a drow patrol from Velkynvelve. He was alone with no possessions that did not fight his capture.
Magic Items
Rod of the Pact Keeper +2: : [sblock]This rod is made of black steel and is about 3 feet long. Its head is formed like a mace with the faces of four devils sculpted with horns encircling it. It acts as +2 morning star if used in battle. With a command word, whip tendrils extend from the mouths of the devils like their tongues that act as a +2 whip that does an additional 1d8 necrotic damage and uses Charisma for its attack and damage roll. It adds +2 to the spell attack rolls and DC of warlock spells. You can regain one warlock spell as an action once per long rest.[/sblock]
The Ruby Blade: Weapon (longsword), artifact (attunement): [sblock]This is the ancient blade Darcain Brutalis wielded when ruling the empire of Diabolus Rex (The Devil King) which was comprised of many smaller kingdoms he ruled from the Ruby Throne in Valkan, a land ruled by a people known as the Valkanian, brutal sea lords from far off islands that colonized the area in ancient times. Darcain came to rule them by pacting with Asmodeus for power to defeat his enemies. The Ruby Blade was one of the items that granted him the needed power to rule. He abandoned the ancient gods of his people and built a society based on the hierarchical principles of Hell.
The ruby blade is a sword with a blade made of ruby and a handle of mithril. The blade is four feet long and the hilt about eight inches.
Weapon of the Sorcerer King: The ruby blade is a +3 longsword that can be sheathed in hellfire as a bonus action. The hellfire does 2d6 fire damage that ignores resistance to fire. The blade also works as an arcane spell focus for any arcane class, granting a +3 bonus on spell attack rolls and the DCs of warlock spells, fire spells, and spells that dominate or charm, and negates the penalty for half cover from spell attacks.
Blessings of Asmodeus: The blade can concentrate on one domination or charm spell leaving the wielder’s concentration free. If the blade is removed from the wielder, the concentration is broken. This effect functions even if the wielder has the blade sheathed.
Spells you cast using the blade as an arcane focus ignore the fire resistance of the target.
The wielder is immortal while attuned to the blade and does not age, even by means of magic or supernatural powers.
Hell’s Grace: The blade increases Charisma by 2 to a maximum of 24.
The wielder gains proficiency in Deception and Persuasion if he does not have proficiency in either skill. If the wielder is already proficient, his proficiency bonus is doubled.
All holy water within 10 feet of the blade is destroyed.
Demons and celestials are always hostile towards the wielder feeling the presence of the power of Hell.
Destroying the Blade: The only way to destroy the blade is to redeem the wielder causing him to renounce his allegiance to Hell. If the wielder is redeemed and he chooses to worship another god while attuned to the blade, the blade shatters ending whatever pact with hell existed.[/sblock]
Cinshariel Vel'shadri: Dark Elf Lore Bard 14. A noble daughter of House Vel'shadri. Her sisters drugged her and made a deal with Ilvara Mizzrym to imprison her in Velkynvelve indefinitely.
Magic Items
Netherese Mandolln[sblock]Netherese Mandolin: This mandolin is made of black wood and its strings are made of human gut sinew. It is a twelve-stringed mandolin with two six-string courses. It is well-constructed and maintains its tuning indefinitely. It is a lithe and beautiful instrument that appears as though it is made of polished obsidian that does not lose its luster. The mandolin was made for Brysis’s favorite musician. She found having a musician capable of powerful magic allowed her to have a servant capable of assisting her even seemingly harmless social situations such as when a lover was visiting. The music from her servant’s mandolin could heal Brysis or hold her enemies still while she extracted what she needed from them. It is a potent magical weapon in the hands of a bard.
Powers: The mandolin is an instrument of the bards that adds +1 to the DC of bard spells. You can use an action to play the instrument and cast one of its spells, that spell can’t be cast again until the next dawn. The spell uses your spellcasting ability and spell save DC. The spells it can cast are: fly, invisibility, levitate, protection from evil and good, cure wounds (5th level), greater restoration (no component), hold monster.
When you use the instrument to cast a spell that causes targets to become charmed on a failed save, the targets have disadvantage on the saving throw.[/sblock]
Note: We're allowing rogue sneak attack with any weapon in this campaign to see if there are any serious balance issues for doing so. Fanorian plans to sneak attack with a Greataxe.
I'll update the characters as they gain levels given some plan to multiclass. We generated stats using 4d6 drop the lowest rolling seven times arranged as you wish. We allow maximum hit points the first three levels. All feats are allowed.
Note: I'm allowing the players to use some of the material from the Underdark Unearthed Arcana. The changes were made at the start of Session 4.
The Characters...
Apothicas DeVir: Drow Elf Paladin (Oath of Vengeance) 2/Wizard (Bladesinger) 12. Apothicas has his own reasons for joining the group that he has not fully revealed. He joined the party in Gracklstugh.
Magic Items
+1 rapier, +2 studded leather, piwafwi (drow cloack of elvenkind)
[sblock]DeVir Amulet. His amulet was one once worn by Ginafae Devir. It is a circular amulet made of black onyx with purple crushed diamond forming a purple border on the outside of the circle that hangs on a mithral chain. It can serve as an arcane focus or divine focus for a worshipper of Shar, the goddess Ginafae turned to when she was forsaken by Lolth. This amulet allows the user to Commune with Shar 1/week. This is how Apothicas came to be a paladin of Shar, which he currently keeps a secret from his uncle.[/sblock]
[sblock]Spellsong Whip (legendary, attunement): The whip is 8 feet long. It is constructed of a mithril-infused length of tarrasque hide with an 8 inch mithril handle. The whip was constructed by Vizeran DeVir over decades to be used by his son when the opportunity to overthrow the rule of Lolth priestesses in Menzoberranzan and create a new hierarchy of magi. The time has come.
The whip is a +3 dancing defending whip that does 1d6 slashing damage.
While being wielded, the whip protects the wielder as though he were wearing a ring of spell turning. You lose the benefits if you are incapacitated.
While being wielded, the whip grants a +1 bonus to AC and saving throws. This bonus increases to +2 when Bladesong is active. You lose this bonus if you are incapacitated.
The whip acts as a +3 wand of the war mage granting +3 to spell attack rolls and negating the penalty for half-cover for spell attacks. Spells have their range extended by 5 feet due to the length of the whip as the whip is used to cast the spell from the whip’s tip. Even touch spells have their range extended by 5 feet, so a touch spell has a range of 10 feet when using the whip to cast it.
The whip adds 5 points to the damage absorbed when the wielder uses Song of Defense.[/sblock]
Jharzzle De'vir: Dark Elf Deep Stalker Ranger 8/Ftr (Eldritch Knight) 4/Rogue (Arcane Trickster) 2. A noble son of the fallen House De'vir. He was captured seeking to free his imprisoned brother from Velkynvelve.
Magic Items
Piwafwi (Cloak of Elevenkind), +1 studded leather
[sblock] Sassindra’s Spirit: The bow is a +3 Oathbow. Sassindra: The bow is inhabited by the spirt of a Sword Dancer of Eilistraee named Sassindra. In life she was an 11th level Sword Dancer of Eilstraee with the Light Domain.
Sentience: Int: 12 (+1) Wis: 18 (+4) Cha: 18 (+4)
Communication: The item can speak and read Elvish, Common, Undercommon, Abyssal, and Sylvan. It can communicate telepathically with anyone that carries or wields it.
Senses: Hearing and Darkvision out to a range of 120 feet. Her Perception (Wis) is +8 and her Passive Perception is 18.
Alignment: Sassindra is neutral good.
Special Purpose: Slay the Demon Lords of the Abyss.
Sassindra: Sassindra grants the full spellcasting ability of an 11th level cleric with light domain spells and an 18 Wisdom. The wielder can choose the spell list. Sassindra generally does not take any evil spells that deal with raising the dead. She casts spells on her initiative which is rolled with a +1 modifier (uses her Intelligence modifier). Any spells she cast use her concentration slots which includes the 5th level ability to concentrate on a second spell per our usual house rules including limitations. The only way to break her concentration is to destroy the bow which can be done by another god level being.
Sassindra also has all the abilities of the Light Domain up to 11th level. She can use them as needed per the normal limitations. Cantrips: Light, Sacred Flame, Resistance, Guidance, Spare the Dying, Mending.
Note: Moonbeam replaces flaming sphere as a 2nd level spell on the Light Domain bonus spell list.
Skills: Sassindra has Knowledge (Religion) +5, Perception (Wisdom) +8, Perform (Cha) +8, Medicine (Wisdom) +8, Survival (Wisdom) +8, and Insight (Wisdom) +8.
Personality: Sassindra Do’urden was a priestess of Lolth from Menzoberranzan that was captured by Eilstraeeans that defeated her surface raiding party. She had come to slay elves and take slaves. When they were defeated, she was shown mercy, something she had never experienced. It took years to redeem her. But after witnessing daily drow elves frolicking, singing, and loving on the surface world under the light the moon, she wept and her heart opened to the Dark Maiden’s redemption. After that she learned the teachings of Eilistraee becoming a powerful and faithful Sword Maiden.
Sassindra made many trips into the Underdark trying to redeem other dark elves from Menzoberranzan. She was captured by the drow and sacrificed to Lolth after enduring years of torture. She never forsook the Dark Maiden. When on the altar of Lolth being consumed slowly by spiders, she forgave those that had placed her there.
Sassindra is kind, patient, and forgiving. She wishes to protect and redeem dark elves and any that would turn from evil. She is dedicated and faithful to the Dark Maiden. She often sings having learned many songs of different peoples while on the surface. She has crafted more than a few songs that speak of her redemption, her love of the moon, her faith in the Dark Maiden, and her desire to redeem her people.
Sassindra will oppose evil wherever it resides. She will not tolerate evil in her presence. She is fearless in the fight against those that do evil. She will never give up hope no matter the circumstances.
Sassindra feels guilty for taking part in the destruction of House DeVir. She has temporarily given up her life in the Dark Maiden’s paradise to lend aid to Jharzzle DeVir in his time of need. She feels bound to him. Jharzzle can often feel her protective feelings towards him.[/sblock]
Tytus De'vir: Dark Elf Oath of Vengeance Paladin 10/Fighter (Champion) 4. A noble son of the fallen House De'vir. He has sworn vengeance on the noble houses of Menzoberranzan. He murdered three drow that were part of a Menzoberranzan raiding party. He was taken captive by the remaining members of the party and deposited in Velkynvelve until he could be transported to Menzoberranzan for "justice".
Magic Items:
Fangs: +3 vorpal longsword. [sblock]Fangs is an intelligent longsword. It has revealed that it was wielded by former champions of Menzoberranzan chosen by trial by combat. The last champion failed Lolth's servants and the temple was banished from Menzoberranzan to this unknown location deep beneath the earth. All the followers of Seveltarm housed in the temple died of suffocation or committed suicide by killing each other in battle. The champion that last wielded the blade slew himself in the sacred pool offering his blood to Lolth and Seveltarm while asking for forgiveness. The sword has lain in the pool until Tytus claimed it.
a: The blade has revealed that it can hold spells cast by others or by the champion within it and cast them as needed. It will concentrate on the spell it casts. Mechanically it acts as ring of spell storing capable of casting the spells within it independently and concentrating on them. For spells like hunter's mark or hex, the only damage done with the blade will stack if the sword casts either spell and concentrates on it at the same time as the wielder.[/sblock]
+1 shield, +2 plate armor
Dar: Human (Variant) Oath of Vengeance Paladin 6/ The Fiend Warlock 2/Sorcerer (Infernal) 6. A large, reddish-blonde human male caught wandering naked by a drow patrol from Velkynvelve. He was alone with no possessions that did not fight his capture.
Magic Items
Rod of the Pact Keeper +2: : [sblock]This rod is made of black steel and is about 3 feet long. Its head is formed like a mace with the faces of four devils sculpted with horns encircling it. It acts as +2 morning star if used in battle. With a command word, whip tendrils extend from the mouths of the devils like their tongues that act as a +2 whip that does an additional 1d8 necrotic damage and uses Charisma for its attack and damage roll. It adds +2 to the spell attack rolls and DC of warlock spells. You can regain one warlock spell as an action once per long rest.[/sblock]
The Ruby Blade: Weapon (longsword), artifact (attunement): [sblock]This is the ancient blade Darcain Brutalis wielded when ruling the empire of Diabolus Rex (The Devil King) which was comprised of many smaller kingdoms he ruled from the Ruby Throne in Valkan, a land ruled by a people known as the Valkanian, brutal sea lords from far off islands that colonized the area in ancient times. Darcain came to rule them by pacting with Asmodeus for power to defeat his enemies. The Ruby Blade was one of the items that granted him the needed power to rule. He abandoned the ancient gods of his people and built a society based on the hierarchical principles of Hell.
The ruby blade is a sword with a blade made of ruby and a handle of mithril. The blade is four feet long and the hilt about eight inches.
Weapon of the Sorcerer King: The ruby blade is a +3 longsword that can be sheathed in hellfire as a bonus action. The hellfire does 2d6 fire damage that ignores resistance to fire. The blade also works as an arcane spell focus for any arcane class, granting a +3 bonus on spell attack rolls and the DCs of warlock spells, fire spells, and spells that dominate or charm, and negates the penalty for half cover from spell attacks.
Blessings of Asmodeus: The blade can concentrate on one domination or charm spell leaving the wielder’s concentration free. If the blade is removed from the wielder, the concentration is broken. This effect functions even if the wielder has the blade sheathed.
Spells you cast using the blade as an arcane focus ignore the fire resistance of the target.
The wielder is immortal while attuned to the blade and does not age, even by means of magic or supernatural powers.
Hell’s Grace: The blade increases Charisma by 2 to a maximum of 24.
The wielder gains proficiency in Deception and Persuasion if he does not have proficiency in either skill. If the wielder is already proficient, his proficiency bonus is doubled.
All holy water within 10 feet of the blade is destroyed.
Demons and celestials are always hostile towards the wielder feeling the presence of the power of Hell.
Destroying the Blade: The only way to destroy the blade is to redeem the wielder causing him to renounce his allegiance to Hell. If the wielder is redeemed and he chooses to worship another god while attuned to the blade, the blade shatters ending whatever pact with hell existed.[/sblock]
Cinshariel Vel'shadri: Dark Elf Lore Bard 14. A noble daughter of House Vel'shadri. Her sisters drugged her and made a deal with Ilvara Mizzrym to imprison her in Velkynvelve indefinitely.
Magic Items
Netherese Mandolln[sblock]Netherese Mandolin: This mandolin is made of black wood and its strings are made of human gut sinew. It is a twelve-stringed mandolin with two six-string courses. It is well-constructed and maintains its tuning indefinitely. It is a lithe and beautiful instrument that appears as though it is made of polished obsidian that does not lose its luster. The mandolin was made for Brysis’s favorite musician. She found having a musician capable of powerful magic allowed her to have a servant capable of assisting her even seemingly harmless social situations such as when a lover was visiting. The music from her servant’s mandolin could heal Brysis or hold her enemies still while she extracted what she needed from them. It is a potent magical weapon in the hands of a bard.
Powers: The mandolin is an instrument of the bards that adds +1 to the DC of bard spells. You can use an action to play the instrument and cast one of its spells, that spell can’t be cast again until the next dawn. The spell uses your spellcasting ability and spell save DC. The spells it can cast are: fly, invisibility, levitate, protection from evil and good, cure wounds (5th level), greater restoration (no component), hold monster.
When you use the instrument to cast a spell that causes targets to become charmed on a failed save, the targets have disadvantage on the saving throw.[/sblock]
Note: We're allowing rogue sneak attack with any weapon in this campaign to see if there are any serious balance issues for doing so. Fanorian plans to sneak attack with a Greataxe.
I'll update the characters as they gain levels given some plan to multiclass. We generated stats using 4d6 drop the lowest rolling seven times arranged as you wish. We allow maximum hit points the first three levels. All feats are allowed.
Note: I'm allowing the players to use some of the material from the Underdark Unearthed Arcana. The changes were made at the start of Session 4.
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