Campaign writeup (2 updates September 7th)


Ragged idiot in a trilby.
6th August

With the Ragesian garrison defeated and the fortress returned (no doubt somewhat temporarily) to the alliances control we prepare to leave, securing our prisoners and prepping for the arduous journey back. However Both Lembit and Urien believe themselves to be unfit to travel and will stay until their strength returns and catch the rest of us up. Kain, Silas and Ruby (along with the three prisoners) make their way through the snow to Gallo's nearest outpost, there they meet up with Cricket and are tended by the forts chaplains. The head Chaplain performs a small ritual of sending to inform Gallo's staff of our exploits and that we are returning with prisoners, and learn news that troops are being sent to reclaim the fort.

Back at Gallo's fend we are debriefed, fed and then sent into the Lord's campaign room where his staff are busy setting up and moving pieces upon the scale model that dominates the room. Gallo appears to have come to a decision about what to do regarding Steppingard's army that is slowly marching towards us and that it must be dealt with quickly before the Ragesians flood over the boarder and he finds himself fighting a war on two fronts. We are to escort his new Proxy, a man by the name of Machesson, to see the Dwarflord Dashkoban and Lady Timor, calling in old pledges of support so that he stands a chance against the kings army. We also have a second task, we must visit the town of Pitchwoodburg (near the Pitchwood Forest) and convince them to use their harvest of pitch to melt the river and slow down Steppingard's advance.

But as the village is within Dashkobans border we decide to visit the dwarf first and see if he himself will be able to aid our diplomatic endeavor so all that remains if to decide if we wish to travel through or around the Pitchwood Forest (rumored to be inhabited by a tribe of Fey called the Pitchlings, a competitive people who only speak elven) and it's decided that because time is of the essence we'll travel through, saving ourselves a few days of travel. Ruby recalls an ancient ditty whose lyrics suggest walking around with an unlit torch and if any pitchlings are near it will magically light itself and so armed with a few dozen of them we set forth into the forest.

Our mostly boring trek is eventually brightened as the torches each of us carries flares into life, Kain buckles a magical belt around his waist (that we found in the fire forest, it allows the wearer to communicate in elven but unable to use any other language) and greets them by shouting "I can see you!", all around us there is much chittering and conspiring in elvish and so begins a discourse that the rest of us are unable to understand, kain does much arm waving and gesticulating before removing a handful of shiney coins (tho in reality totalling less than about 10 gold pieces in change) and places them by a tree and starts walking on undoing the belt buckle and says "tribute, they'll less us pass now" in his best (and totally unconvincing) reassuring manner.

So we are not exactly surprised that our torches continue to burn (and relight after being doused) for the next few hundred yards as the rogue leads us onward with a confident whistle, nor are we surprised by the part of stick thin quilled covered oddities slathered in pitch with that block the path, crooked long bows in hand. We spy a couple tearing their own quills from their skin to use as arrows and notch them to their bows. Kain puts the belt on and attempts to talk to them but they only repeat "leave money and stuff or we burn you!".

Fight Highlights:

* Both Cricket & Kain are caught by twisted roots animated by the pitchlings trapping them on the road while another of their number sends a rolling wave of exhaustion along the road putting them both to sleep (with Ruby and Silas managing to shrug off the sleeping compulsion).

* Silas finds and exploits their weakness to cold, blasting them with magical frost.

* Ruby finds herself the ongoing target of a particularly accurate Pitchling who managed to find the chinks in her armour (critical hits) three times in a row.

* Finally the barbarian and rogue manage to get themselves into the fight and the pitchlings are routed and flee from the Warlocks icy touch, however Kain does manage to knock one out to take hostage.

With our captured Pitchling we manage to arrange safe passage through the rest of the forest, and at the edge we cut its bonds and watch it sprint back into the darkness of the forest. We make the rest of the journey to Dashkobans without incident and presenting Gallo's man at the gates of the fortress sees us ushered through without having to deal with too much red tape and are quickly in the presence of the Lord Dashkoban (a dwarf with a most beautiful beard!) and for once we meet a ruler who is happy to see us, he happily acknowledges Gallo's plight and pledges his support. The Troops that were to march to Steppingard will now join Gallo instead.

With that dealt with we also mention Gallo's plan regarding Pitchwoodburg and their harvest, he writes a letter addressed to a Father Albert the leader of the village that will hopefully make our own negotiations easier with the village but says he won't order them to do it.

So reaching Pitchwoodburg we quickly introduce ourselves to Father Albert and with Ruby's Silver Tongue and the letter from Dashkoban we do convince him to sell their crop, and as its not our money we pay slightly over the going rate for their harvest and throw in a little extra as a labor cost for actually laying it and setting fire to the river.

With two of our three errands done its time to head for Lady Timors lands, the quickest (and in reality the only option due to lengthy detours through hostile lands) is up the Glassteel Cliffs (and name that inspires a cheery jaunt on a mule i'm sure!), so gathering our climbing equipment and lashing ourselves together we start to climb. However some over ambitious yodeling attracts the attention of Cliff Harpies and we are attacked mid climb (while still lashed together).

Fight Highlights:

* As they swoop in a few of the larger harpies hang back, drifting in the winds and begin a most glorious song, one that few of us fail to be lured by and stagger towards them off the cliff edge, saved by a grisly death by being tied together with safety lines.

* The lure of the song becomes so great that in brief moments of clarity Kain tethers himself to the rock face to restrain himself, cricket meanwhile (the other person to be dragged off the ledge to the rocks below) simply holds on with grim strength until he manages to muster the will power to climb up (which takes quite a while, the mustering that is, not the climbing).

* Both Ruby and Silas however manage to hold their nerve and their own against the harpies and eventually they are driven away so that we can continue our climb to the summit, where handily is a short walk to Lady Timor's enchanted castle.

Much like Lord Dashkoban, Lady Timor is also get an audience but unlike she not so pleased to see us (nor does she have as soft a beard!) when she discovers that it was us that extinguished the fire forest, now that it no longer provides an unnatural barrier between her and Ragesia’s borders. However with a few barbed comments she seems to get it out of her system and also pledges her troops to Gallo instead of Steppingard supplying much needed battle mages and war wizards to bolster the regular foot troops.

She also entrusts to Ruby (much to our dismay) a magical Gem linked to an ancient Xorn (however after researching the thing and discovering it to be a beast with too many arms, mouths and arses it appears to be a the perfect playmate for Ruby).

Throwing the stone on the ground and repeating the incantation will call it to us, where she assures us it will attack our enemies for as long as its entertained and then probably walk off bored or come to the call of her other agents.

She also offers us accommodation for the evening and that some of her Acolytes would aid us returning back down the cliffs by aid of magic that will let us drop like a feather, saving us much time and hardship, we graciously accept her offer. The evening passes all too quickly and we once again find ourselves in the bracing cold wind near the cliffs ready to base jump over the edge as soon as the spells are cast. With much whooping and screaming we “enjoy” the quick descent, Ruby outstretches her odd wings in an attempt to glide but the fierce wind has other plans and rather than graceful mock flight she spirals out of control, until finally vomiting and passing out. She is woken up by the final drop into the powdery snow at the base of the cliffs and we go off in search of the horses we had left behind thankfully finding them all in one piece.

Back at Gallows Fend we find the place ready for War and the next few days are set preparing to march as Gallo’s forces assemble ready to move out and stake their chosen battleground and await Steppingard. Naturally we get caught up in this put in charge of a small division of troops and orders to hold the line and kill any one who tries to push passed. We arrange our men and prepare some defences with ditch digging and using the left over earth to make defensible walls.

Soon our little piece of ground is invaded by a mass of footmen and dragonborn berserkers backed up with two hulking trolls and a torrent of siege engine fire and the smoldering fire of a wizard atop a sphinx that circles the battlefield blasting all with his magic. It’s quite the desperate and bloody battle but we manage to come out on top, alas at the deaths of a large number of our troops, and many more wounded.

With the first push defeated we are recalled back to the commanders camp, it would appear that we are being reissued into “special duties” (either because our talents lend themselves more towards isolated butchery or because we really shouldn’t be put in charge of commanding troops!) and Gallo invites us to look at the War Table with him to plan our sortie.

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Ragged idiot in a trilby.
13th August

“King Steppingard’s War Engines are proving more effective than we anticipated, and their effect on the battle will only increase as this draws on so it is imperative that they are destroyed” Gallo explains to us, using a small stock to point and circle locations on the maps of their siege camps “lots of open ground, not an easy approach” says Cricket looking wary at the prospect of dashing over many yards of clear white snow with nothing but archers waiting. “I concur” agrees Lord Gallo “our Dwarven allies have been busy with tunnels since they set up their camp, soon they’ll be close enough to surface and give our forces access to the camps”.

It is decided that we split into smaller teams and attack the larger camps first to draw attention away from the smaller camps that Gallo’s own allied forces will attempt to sabotage. Cricket, Silas and Ruby form one, with the others forming another and make our way to the “tunnels”, far from the fine craftwork of dwarf halls, merely a rough hole straight through the frozen earth with wooden supports jammed up every few feet but our guides assure it that “it’ll hold long enough!” as we stoop and crawl along it until we reach the cramped end where a team of four dwarves wait. One reaches for a set of ropes attached to the far supports, hands them over and we heave dislodging the earth above that collapses into a easily manageable slope up and out into the cold are, we charge passed and into the battle!

In the distance we can see the four machines we’ve been sent to destroy, 2 Ballista and two Mangonels all behind small palisades with a trench dug around them.

We are quickly spotted by the garrison defending the area as we run across the snowy field, their commander ordering some men forward while the others fumble and un-sling the crossbows from their backs and a ragged volley of bolts fall around as we race on, while the commander reaches for the horn on his belt letting loose a single note, long and clear, its returned by a high pitch roar and we watch in dismay as the shadow of a dragon sweeps over the battlefield, however as it gets closer (very close in fact) we discover that its not as big as we initially thought. Still its diminished size doesn’t stop it from breathing fire over us (however to no great effect as everyone but cricket is some what resistant to fire damage, and the barbarian was thankful for the warmth as it’s a bit fecking cold out!).

Quickly the battle turns into bit of a slugfest as the rest of the garrison catches up and both Silas and Cricket (but Ruby manages to avoid being pinned down, dallying at the back with her crossbow) find themselves surrounded by the enemy (and the dragon) and a rough stalemate is met until a combined assault severely injures the dragon (though not before it gives Cricket a good mauling) and takes to the sky, scaly tail firmly between its legs! The commander is felled next and with the numbers thinned a little Cricket braves the barricade of one of the Ballista’s climbing over it and sets to “dismantling it” using his some energetic language and fullblade! Silas sets fire to its nearby counterpart (the catapult).

However the garrisons “reinforcements” finally slog their way over from the other siege camps and with the barbarian still busy (and in the relative safety of the ballista’s palisade) mean that Silas and Ruby are finally surrounded and even though the reinforced troops are a rag tag collection of conscripts, farmhands and injured soldiers they manage to bring Ruby down by sheer weight of numbers and she bleeds to death before the others can reach her.

Our remaining pair lead the soldiers a merry chase around the camp before regrouping amidst a see of enemy soldiers and fight back to back, the barbarian reaping a grim harvest while the warlock continues to rain fire and misfortune upon two more of the war machines. Bleeding from more places than not Cricket proffers the idea of a retreat “One still stands” replies the quirky warlock adamant “Take the fake things body, it is my purpose to stay and finish our task!” and slips away through the crowd leaving a trail of carnage behind him. The barbarian mimics the warlocks own actions but in a different direction and forces his way back through the camp to Ruby’s Corpse hefty it over one shoulder and begins a fighting retreat back to the tunnel.

Outdistancing his pursuers Cricket passes Ruby’s body to one of the sappers “Time to leave?” it asks “Nah not yet, still some unfinished business, you lads run along” replies the barbarian and stands his ground at the entrance of the tunnel, sending any that approach to a messy end. Iin the distance the final Catapult is wreathed in flames but still stands, bolts of magical energy appear from random parts of the camp as Silas continues his skirmish chased and hounded every step of the way and finally the final machine collapses under its own weight.

Cricket continues his bloody vigil, silently praying for the sight of Silas, but when a cheer goes up around the camp his heart falls and with one final sweep of his mighty blade he turns his back and steps down into the tunnel ignoring the troops scrabbling in behind him. Taking the two safety ropes in his strong hands he breaks into a run, a roar of fury builds in his throat as the rope snap taut and give, dislodging the struts collapsing the tunnel behind him, the mission a success but at a high cost.

Upon returning back to the command area we are diverted (thankfully!) to the cathedral which is clogged with the wounded, the dieing and in a few places the dead. A trio of the priests tend to Cricket, while a novice is sent to serve the last rights over Ruby in the mausoleum nearby. He returns a few minutes later much to the annoyance of his mentor “It takes longer than that to read the rights boy!” he snaps “something’s not right sir, I tried saying them but there’s this noise, like an angry bee or something!” he protests.

Obviously not believing the boys story he stands, grips the boy strongly by the hand and all but drags him behind “I shall show you once again!”, the priests loud and fervent chanting can be heard even over the crash of the nearby battle, however soon another noise drowns it out completely as the church is filled with a buzzing sound, like a horde of angry locusts! An orb of white light zips into the room trailed quickly by the priest and his novice, both of their faces are white with shock as they watch the orb dance and flitter through the room, hovering in front of everyone’s faces briefly before moving on to the next. One of the priests tending to Cricket stands, his fingers tight around his holy symbol, voice loud in prayer and the buzzing drone quietens, he addresses the novice even though his eyes don’t leave the floating orb “Fetch Cleric Costidas, we have a soul that is not ready to move on, we shall need his skill!”.

It takes several hours (and a few thousand gold pieces in rare and thus expensive salves, relics and in donations) of the priests work but finally the labours are over, Ruby stands back in the land of the living, if a little unsteady on her its feet and paler of skin... More than a few of the priests that helped with the Ceremony look deeply disturbed at what they’ve done whispers of “that’s not the body that soul belongs to!” can be overheard by those with keen hearing, but soon the joy of a miracle performed is forgotten as the gears of war continue turning and more and more wounded pour in.

We stagger our way back to the front lines hoping to make a difference and stem the flow of casualties coming in, before we make it back to the command area (in order to find out where best we’re needed) Steppingards army make a huge push and our lines start to overrun, we join the charge of reinforcements to plug any gaps and while losses are significant we weather the storm and

break them, after the third push is routed they begin a ragged withdrawal and a truce seems to be established.

Some two days later we are summoned by Gallow, he has received a message from Steppingard and wishes for peace, he is arranging a conference along with festival in Bresk that all the Dukes, Lords and Ladies are to attend, naturally Gallow is Wary “but he has me over a barrel, if I don’t attend it will only sway more to his cause as I will look like I don’t want peace!” he explains “but he claims that new evidence has come to light against the Ragesians and wants to consolidate our forces to be ready for them, so I must go… but hopefully not alone?” he says, asking us to join his retinue as bodyguards so that we might attend the conference and help deal with anything untoward should it happen.

Immediately Ruby begins querying and haggling the terms but is interrupted by cricket pushing her out of the way as he unsheathes his huge sword, holding it out in his huge hands offering it to Gallow. The lord reaches out and takes it, his arms drooping under its unexpected weight and looks a little confused before handing it back, the barbarian sweeps the huge blade over his shoulder in one fluid motion and takes a knee as Gallow pulls his own blade and knights him “Rise… Ser Cricket” says Gallow as the barbarian stands with a smile on his face and claps one meaty paw on Lord Gallows shoulder “I’ll see ya there and back in one piece squire, ya can be sure o’ that” and steps aside to let the others receive their honours.


Ragged idiot in a trilby.
Ruby's death scene

The battle to destroy the opposing army’s war machines is upon us. A team of several dwarf sappers have helped by digging a tunnel under enemy lines. We slowly emerge from the ground to the sight of a long line of siege engines. They are guarded by a squad of troops and led by a commanding officer, in the sky above a small red dragon flies above our heads. Cricket takes the initiative and charges into a group of the troops and gets stuck in. He is followed by Silas who starts blasting any and all with eldritch energy. Ruby follows at a distance as she is more suited to range combat.

As more and more reinforcements bolster their numbers we were in danger of being overwhelmed, and quickly Ruby finds herself boxed in by an entire squad of the soldiers’ and set to bashing her brains out with their flails, or slice her to ribbons with their short steel blades. She defends herself valiantly but eventually one of their swords slides easily between the gaps of her armour hitting something vital. Clutching her side to stem the blood she falls to the slush covered ground, a final crunch of a flail head striking her sends into the dark embrace of unconsciousness. The brave dwarf sappers at the mouth of the cave picked up crossbows and began to shoot at the mercenaries that surrounded her. All of this however was in vain as she quickly succumbs to her wounds and breathes her last breath as her lifeblood stains the white snow around her body.

~~~~~ Wavy lines ~~~~~

Brick stands up and looks down at his feet to see the corpse of Ruby at his feet. Looking around him the world is different to how he remembers it, there is no colour and the sound from the battle appears muted.

In the distance he can see Silas being surrounded by soldiers and battered with flails "Hey! Come back and get my body! I’m not quite dead!" shouts Brick, but is pretty sure no one can hear him. Looking passed the battle raging all about him he spies a figure standing on a hill in the distance staring at him. With nothing else to do the Goliath starts walking towards the figure. With every step towards the figure seems to be further away, the world seems to slip away with every next step until finally the figure stops and Brick feels he is gaining ground. When he finally gets there the scenery has changed to a desert and he can see the figure clearer now, his father.

“Well son, it saddens me to see you here. You have so much left to do. Your mother and I have been watching your progress for some time now. We are both very proud of you" says his father, his voice a distant murmur that seems to reach his mind a few moments later than spoken. Brick feels tears coming to his eyes, he doesn’t even notice a second robed figure until it has come close enough to drape its limbs around his father. The cowl of the figure is pulled taut; the curve of a mask revealed instead of a face as a set of bladed claws drift from the confines of the robe towards his father’s face and draws the tips deeply across his throat, blood flows like a waterfall from the wound. Brick tries to run to his aid but finds that he cannot move and watches in horror as the inquisitor peels the skin from his father’s body, with a sick jerk the torturer yanks the remaining skin from the body exposing its raw muscle, it suddenly swells and explodes into flame, showering the Goliath in gore.

The inquisitor turns to face Brick "So then Brick you thought you could hide from me, by hiding in different flesh, we had a deal. You think you can escape me by simply dying, you will feel the full force of the scourge when we meet. You will be mine body and soul; your screams will be music to my ears. You are not going to die today Brick but when we do meet; I want you to remember it was me who spared you!" She reaches down and touches her hand to his chest, he screams in pain as he is branded, the flesh decays turning chalky white, leaving the mark of her hand sunken into his skin. A light appears over Brick and he can feel himself being pulled back towards his body. He utters a scream as his being is yanked back into the land and finds himself back surrounded by priests. Her hands immediately move to her chest, long supple fingers tracing the grooves of the scar she knows sits under her shirt.

Back in the Lab:

It has been many weeks since the mistress has been home, it has had to make do and find company of its own. Sat on simple chairs arranged like an audience around the tank sit several people, their faces are blank, jaws sag open with only the barest flicker of their brains reminding them to breath, their eyes only focus on the tank. With a flex of its power the tank begins to swell, the tinkle of cracking glass echoes around the silent workshop and suddenly shatters sending a torrent of biomantic fluid out across the floor, the scum is dragged out of the tank in the surge and comes to a stop on the warm stone floor. With a thought he guides his servants and the stand as one, in unison they chant lending their power to another as a disc of energy forms under the scum and carries it into the air. The scum opens its mouth, voice ragged from its first use “My servants, the time has come for us to leave this place" he motions towards a well dressed man "purchase a dwelling, I wish to know more about the outside world"


Ragged idiot in a trilby.
20th August

Recently knighted we are introduced to the rest of Gallows’ bodyguards and “special” staff.

Leopold (as yet unannounced / decided surname) Human Huntsman

The son of a minor noble in Gallows’ estate, Leopold himself seems to swap between huntsman and scout depending on whether the land is at war or not. With thick lustrous hair, and a beautiful beard to match his rugged outdoorsman build! Armed with two vicious looking short blades, its said his skill with them is only rivalled by his skill with the quill, of course he saves his poetry on for those of his own status, such culture is wasted upon peasants!

Arty – Gnome Genius Gadgeteer and Alchemist Extraordinaire

As mentioned, a gnome by all accounts though hard to pin down his appearance as his face is hidden partly by a huge set of goggles that he rarely takes off, the rest is a mass of beard (more than a little singled in places) with a near Mohawk of hair jutting up from his head. Clad in a thick leather frock coat festooned with pocket and where there aren’t pockets arcane symbols have been cut into the leather. Over (or perhaps under) the coat he has a strange harness and backpack, covered in all sorts of valves and gears and seems to buzz and whir at a low hum. Cables and strange pipes seem to flow from this contraption into other bits of armour and gadgetry that he wears. One thick set of pipes spiral like serpents into an oddly shaped device that shares lineage with a crossbow!

On with the Tale

After the short and informal ceremony Gallo tells us we will be riding out almost immediately and orders quickly work their way around the camp for his retinue to form up, when we do ride out our numbers barely reach thirty and our “trip” to the peace conference seems to harkens more towards a surrender as Steppengards entire army (some fifteen thousand) escort us every step of the way to Bresk.

Three days later we reach the city (one we only recently fled leaving a bloody trail of carnage behind us) to a massive parade in which everyone seem to cheer madly for their king and several hours later when our little group passes through the streets much of their enthusiasm has waned (of course the liberal amount of grey cloaked Talon agents amongst them could also be responsible for our muted greeting). Still we reach the castle and ride into the courtyard with our heads held high (some higher than others). A flock of children sweep forward presenting people with lilies, behind them ruining the mood of the gesture is a garrison of soldiers all with crossbows armed and ready. In one lonely corner stands the Ragesian Envoy Seramis standing with a grin on his face, behind him as ever stands Torax the Inquisitor in his bearskin and little else, spiked straps and harnesses cover his modesty, scar tissue covers the rest.

Steppengard dismounts from his horse and approaches Gallow, hand held out in gesture and as pair lock arms, he addresses the crowd speaking heavily of coming together, putting the past behind us and bringing a brighter future for all. He praises Gallows steadfastness, standing true to his ideals and rousing him to his senses! “New information has come to light that will show us who is really at fault! But those are matters that will wait until the Tournament of Unity has finished!” Gallow leans in to whisper “you are talking about the Ragesians?” but the king doesn’t answer.

With all the pomp and ceremony over we discover that we are staying in a manor house within the city limits, we head there are a huge group and are barely unpacked when Lord Dashkoban and Lady Timor appear for an “informal” chat, generally bemoaning the lack of a decisive victory on the field of battle and all believe there is more to this conference than it seems, like us they are wary of the kings generosity.

The next day the festival and tournament begins, we arrange a loose schedule with Lord Gallow so that we aren’t all stuck guarding him so we may enjoy the games (and also dig a little dirt). His indulgence however comes at a price “I was told that Jinis would be …returned… to me after the banquet, the statement was delivered as ominously as I’ve given it to you. I wish you to discover what has happened to the man before the day is out!”

So our trip around the Tournament of Unity begins with Leopold enrolling in the Joust competition, committing him to returning every few hours to compete in the next round, with Cricket convinced to act as the man’s squire (the details of the tournament listed later as a complete entry), that done e head into the faire that spans across several districts of the city.

We discover that we have become quite infamous within the city, notably due to our previous exit but many (but not all) are amused by the rumours the Ruby is a vampire that seem to flitter through the streets. Leopold fiercely defends the “lady’s” honour which brings a chuckle to Crickets lips every time the fiery impassioned noble voices his displeasure at the peasants!

As we walk along the streets and stalls checking out the fairly naff works (the quality of the merchandise severely reflects the haste with which the festival has been arranged, local fair and poorly made at best) when we are harassed by a dwarf, he seems to be looking to hire acts for the nobles amusements between tournament events, many of his bookings failed to reach the capital in time and now seems to be hiring anyone who can do anything at all. “So the dog there” he says pointing at Dag and the scruffy looking tabard tied around his neck “Can he do any tricks? Sit? Play Dead? Roll Over? Anything… no, ok you?” finally coming to Ruby who performs a little ditty on her Lute and has a hastily written certificate thrust in to her hands “Main Ring, after the jousts!” scribbled on the back “you’ll be paid after the show!” he says before scampering off towards a man singing badly out of tune on the corner.

Following our noses we reach a street filled with vendors and stalls filled with all manner of foods and snacks, but one stalls (and I use the term loosely a cart overfilled with pots, pans and other cooking utensils) next to a small brazier. The owner, a Halfling (in a massive chef’s hat) seems to be in a heated argument with a local over the quality of the food as we approach we hear the tail end of the argument “Peasant filth! You don’t deserve my food, you have the palette of a donkey!” he roars in a thick accent that sets his huge moustache a quiver. The tiny chef snatches the plate of food back, tips it into the dirt and throws a handful of coins at the spluttering peasant “be gone from my sight!” the chef demands “your stench alone is curdling my Coulis! Shoo, shoo” he continues sweeping at the man with his hands. The peasant stands in shock, unable to decide if he should leave or punch the Halfling, finally comes to a decision his head sinks and he retreats.

We waste no time in gathering around his little makeshift kitchen and see what he has to offer. Leopold in particular congratulates the mans cooking talent and enquires about his training, the chef tells his tale of outrage “Two days ago I was zee ed’ chef at the castle, cook to King Steppengard ‘imself and now, thrown out into zee street. A team of specialists have been brought in, usurped my place to cook iz’ banquet!” he continues his tale and it all sounds exceedingly suspicious! We continue to wolf done his delicious food, but our meal is rudely interrupted by a coy looking palace guard who tries to move the chef along for “causing an obstruction and disturbing the peace” however a few choice words from Ruby makes him change his mind, embarrassed at attempting to bully the Halfling he falls back on “those were my orders m’am” while staring at his feet, we slip him a few coins and he lets us finish our meal. Cricket suggests that he heads over to Gallows manor house, a good cook is hard to find and his presence will be most welcome and we leave him to pack up his things.

Our next little incident occurs shortly after we stumble across a street filled with games of chance and other amusements, a dwarf in a silly hat pushes his way through the crowd and tugs on Leopold’s coat “I must not be seen with you!” he hisses. We all step in close forming a curtain of flesh around us as he quickly blurts out that he is a guard at the castle and used to be assigned to a position near the back of the castle near the graveyard, here there is a small postern gate that is normally guarded at all times but he was recently reassigned to the royal vaults and checking the duty logs no other guards were sent to replace him. He snuck back there once or twice to find the gate wide open and a bunch of dodgy looking priests bringing crates of dubious stuff in. Now he’s been given the day off, a few coins and told to go and enjoy himself while half the castle stands open to anyone.

We continue our amble down the street trying a few of the games of chance such as Horseshoe Tossing (Leopold wins a match, Cricket does not) and we spend a few minutes at the Coin in a Cup as the peddler swishes the cups around, we fail to spot it a few times but eventually we break even. Ruby suddenly dashes off, a test of strength stall captivating her attention. “Why little… eh?... lady, fancy a swing?” asks the peddler, happily taking her coin and handing over the hammer, she takes the hammer and attempts to heft it up and over her head but her grip falters and the heavy hammer slips and crashes into the floor. Leopold quickly leaps into action “are you ok my dear? No, no, I’ll take it, we can’t have you hurting yourself, far too delicate” and snatches the hammer away from her “this is a game for Men, is it not Cricket?” “Oh! Aye, something like that” replies the half-orc, and the pair of them each take a swing ringing the bell.

Finally reaching the end of the street we find a square with two loud and noisy events going on, on one side a group of mages are duelling each other, a small crowd watches them waggling their wands and producing a plethora of sparks, more than a few people turn away and join the crowd for the other performance where a man dressed in a gaudy wizards outfit (complete with oversized pointy hat and robes filled with glittery stars and crescent moons) staggers around mumbling nonsensical “magical” phrases with an unfortunate lips as he blatantly pulls fireworks from his sleeves and hurls them up into the air where they explode in impressive colourful blasts, a rapt audience (mostly comprised of children) clap endlessly for each explosion!

Being a man keen in all things Alchemical Arty strikes up a conversation with the man after the show as the rest of us applaud his efforts. The lisp quickly vanishes from his voice as he talks shop with Arty and reveals a tale of woe, he no longer has enough fireworks and other alchemical nonsense to do his final performance, his usual stockists have run out and seems every Alchemist in the city has been requisitioned (along with their stock) for some secret project at the castle! Never one to give up on a challenge Arty agrees a deal with him and vanishes for the rest of the afternoon cobbling together bits and bobs from a variety of house hold objects and supplies. [ame=]MacGyver Theme - Season 1 - YouTube[/ame]

With a good mornings ramblings and investigating done we return to Lord Gallow to share our discoveries, he is likewise concerned (but not surprised) at our discoveries but of course is socially and politically bound to attend tonight. He tells us an old tradition of Dassan to trade plates with their host, he shall invoke that tonight and to be on the save side his Chaplains will magically ward us all against poison.

The Tourney

As expected Leopold manages to waltz through the opening rounds against mismatched peasant rabbles and it’s not long before the real event starts against men of title (and own their own armour).

His first serious bout is against the questing knight Ser Quincy Felthoof, a knight we had met before travelling to seaquen who was rather enamoured by Sir Brick (another of the bards’ fancies) and he does not recognise the now changed Brick. The first few turns are rather lacklustre but come together at the third when both collide into each other, their lances splinter and both tumble from their horses, the crowd joins as one to shout MELEE! It would seem the round will be decided on foot, by martial prowess and it is not long before Quincy is beaten down to his knees and yields.

He moves on to face Grim Morgenson, a half-orc knight, refugee from Ragesia. He rides with lance but has a wicked looking spiked chain wrapped around his breastplate. However Leopold manages to unhorse him, in his fury the half-orc drags himself to his feet and punches his horse much to the booing of the crowd.

His next opponent is Jeriff Buchaven and looks every bit the gallant jouster in gleaming silver plate. A whole fleet of squires rush around making sure everything sits just so; two young men carry his lance, a bright pink favour tied just in front of the guard. He waves towards a gaggle of ladies in the lists and snaps his faceguard down, Leopold glances over to his hulking squire and begins to feel quite inadequate; the half-orc nonchalantly ambles over, lance resting over one shoulder.

Jeriff gets an early lead expertly sending his lance into Leopolds chest, the wood splinters and almost threatens to unhorse him but by grim determination holds on. They turn and go again and by more luck than judgement Leopold manages to even the score, his lance shatters against the knights shining breastplate. On their third pass the two both catch each other square and are unhorsed, the crowd goes wild and once again the chants for melee ripple around the arena as the pair pulls themselves to their feet. The pair square up and its long and brutal driving the pair to near exhaustion, Leopolds considers yielding before his legs give out and attempts one more act of bravado, but it seems Jeriff was feeling much the same way and falls for the rangers bluster and yields, leaving the path to the final for Leopold to travel alone.

While things are prepared for the final event more musicians and dancers take to the arena to entertain the nobles and eventually Ruby’s number is called and she steps out into the public, lute at the ready and begins to play with all her Bardic heart and after standing ovation is forced to perform several encores before being praised by the King himself, which of course starts Lady Dean off (ever to try and lure the king to her bed) who rewards Ruby with a small plot of land within her boarders (some 20 acres in the Forest of Dean) and given the title of Baronettess.

It’s after a heavy session with the tournaments healers and clerics and more than a healthy amount of ale before Leopold is fit to compete once again and finally gets to see his prize and of course the knight he is competing against. The stewards lead a magnificent beast around the arena, a prize stallion and white as pure snow the product of strict breeding by famed experts. His heart sinks a little when his gaze moves from the horse to his opponent to see her standing next to a similar animal.

Silvia Cosalla, an expert jouster and professional duellist, a giant of a woman in some of the heaviest armour he’s ever seen “she’s huge” he gasps in a most unmanly fashion, quickly repeating himself in a forced deeper voice. “Aye, her balls are probably bigger than yours too” says cricket with a reassuring thump on the shoulder, before hefting him up and into the saddle. Across the way two men carry across a blunted boar spear and pass the huge weapon up to her, she grasps it easily in one hand “I’ll have a bottle of brandy ready for when you wake up” he adds.

As expected the first tilt proves his undoing and like a run away wagon she slams her spear into his chest and he is catapulted off of his horse into the straw covered floor, she gazes down from her

horse and gives him the option of another tilt or the melee, he chooses the melee and she climbs down from her horse. Even in his chosen element he is run ragged and brought to a bloody and battered end and is dragged off the field by Cricket to the nearest set of healers.

Shortly after the closing ceremonies and while Cricket and Leopold are busy clearing out their things from the stables they are interrupted by Silvia and she congratulates the ranger, giving him a few pointers and gives him the horse as she already has one.

With the tournament over and everyone busy celebrating we decide that now is an opportune time to investigate the “abandoned” rear entrance to the castle, gathering our things we make our way through (with very little obstruction) the castle graveyards and as mentioned there is a subsidence revealing a cracked sewer pipe that leads under the castle. We carefully climb down the frozen earth and into the pipe to find the sewage frozen solid (but still very unpleasant looking). We follow the pipe away until it seems to stop being a pipe and more of a natural channel that winds under the castle.

As we turn a corner we start to hear a pitiful groaning sound and casting our lanterns around we spy the source, a collection of zombies (or want of a better term) are half frozen waist deep in the sewage, unable to move they seem to form a writhing and grasping wall of putrid flesh that blocks easy passage through, to make matters worse three ghost like creatures bob and wave around and through the zombies, a mass of twisted faces that seem to suck at the air as if feeding on the misfortune of the situation. Leopold swears he spies Jinis’ face as part of one of the ghost like beings, sensing the presence of the living they turn and howl hitting us with a chill as cold as the grave, willing some into a magical hibernation!

But we over come this by generally kicking each other awake and Arty keeps our spirits up as we play a cat and mouse game with them as the slink into the very walls of the caves to hide and ambush us while we avoid the grasping hands of the zombies around us. With the last of the ghost things obliterated we set to clearing out the zombies with ranged weapons until they are suitably disarmed (quite literally) and we can pass on through to the iron grate in the ceiling that they were somewhat guarding. However whatever it leads to is pitch black so we raise a lantern up and discover it leads into a room and the grate is in fact hinged, but there is a thin wire leading from it deeper into the room. Rogueless we turn to Ruby who gingerly reaches up and snips the wire… we all hold our breaths waiting for something to jingle or explode and are pleasantly surprised when nothing happens… so we quietly (well not really) push the thing open and clamber up into… a torture chamber.

Having a search around the small room reveals a large number of racks and cages, the bodies of unfortunate souls draped or chained within them, strapped to a large wooden X are the remains of Jinis, his face horribly disfigured but still just recognisable, bits of his body are in a bucket below the X. Both Leopold and Cricket say a small prayer under their breaths, the best last rights they can offer before the ranger removes the dead mans signet ring and pops it into his pocket as proof for Lord Gallow.

Ruby and Arty investigates the tiny wire that was attached to the grate and follow it back to a very well made hidden door in one corner and surmise that pulling the wire would unlock and open the door revealing whatever lies within. The bard gives a little tug, hearing a mechanism begin to strain and has her hand slapped by the gnome along with a telling finger wag of disapproval, inside the hidden chamber something moves!

There is a single door that leads from the chamber, light from outside flickers through the cracks at the bottom along with a regular clanking of a man in armour patrolling, in hushed tones we debate going further into the castle or leaving with news of Jinis. It is agreed that we push our luck as far as we can and attempt to open the heavy door as quietly as possible, but everyone’s heart sinks as a loud creak squeals from the hinges and the heavy tread of the guard outside stops “whose there?”, all sense of surprise lost Cricket wrenches the door the rest of the way open, the guard looks a little flustered and is all thumbs trying to decide if he should reach for his cross bow or pull up his shield.

Arty reaches into his many pouches and begins flipping tiny devices down upon the floor, each one unfurling like clockwork flowers and then flip over scuttling beneath peoples feet and lifting them with astonishing strength and speed, both Cricket and Leopold are swished forwards on the little clockwork spiders to close on the guard, so they can stop him.

But alas he finally overcomes his mental block and shouts “Intruders!” and turns heading for the doorway at the end of the corridor behind him “in the castle” he adds as if that wasn’t obvious enough. Reaching the door he fumbles with the latch and manages push the thing open before cricket barrels into him from behind, driving his head into the doorframe as he pushes passed and into the room, allowing Leopold to slip up behind him, blocking his escape.

However it appears the room was not empty, a rather shocked looking Seramis (the Ragesian Envoy) sits at a desk quill in hand, near him stands the Inquisitor Torax, impassive as ever and around the rest of the room several more knights busy trying to ready their weapons. A series of dark words come from the inquisitors mask and much to Ruby’s horror the body of Jinis (or whats left of it) drags itself from the rack and stumbles towards the hidden door, she raises he crossbow and plants a bolt neatly in the back of his head and the body collapses. Torax raises his non clawed hand, a beam of burning light dazzles Cricket, before coalesces around the wounded palace guard closing some of his wounds (that are quickly reopened by Leopold driving his blades into the mans chest).

Dropping his Quill the envoy draws his dagger, takes a testing step towards Cricket as the half-orc is busy blinking and rubbing his eyes, but thinks better of it and slinks away towards the stairs the lead up and away from the barrack room. Arty runs up the corridor behind Leopold and pulls forth a small pounce, casting the purple dust in the air and begins to mutter at alarmingly high speed, the dust sparkles and a glowing purple eye bursts forward in a starburst of power, zipping over everyone’s heads and sits in the middle of the barracks, sweeping its gaze over everyone and firing tiny bolts of energy. Cricket lets out a howl of fury and literally frothing with rage lashes out at everyone in the room, blood, spit and steel flying in all directions.

Another word from Torax raises another body in the torture room, like its predecessor it attempts to reach the door and suffers the same fate as the other, Ruby slips her crossbow down, winching it ready again in one fluid motion, her tail dropping another bolt in the groove. However the ting within the room seems to have woken up and slams itself against the door, obviously no longer content to be cooped up. Unconcerned at the death of another minion Torax flicks his free hand forward, a snake of fire leaps from his palm and slithers between Crickets legs, through the door and along the corridor leaving a path of roaring flame under everyone.

With the room now partially on fire Seramis, turns tail and runs up the stairs as fast as possible vanishing around the corner. Leopold bundles his way through the fire and into the barracks, a little singed but full of zeal, clipping the knights on the shoulder with his blades taunting them as he backs into a corner ready to take on all comers, even Torax is swayed by his actions and steps away from the mad barbarian. His gambit pays off as Arty slinks into the room unopposed and levels his

crossbow like contraption; there is a loud phssst as rocket whizzes out and crumples into one of the knights armour, leaving a blackened stain of ash on the now dented metal.

Cricket levels his huge blade towards Torax “you’ll keep” he promises and hefts his blade over one shoulder as he turns and dashes after Seramis, taking the stairs two, sometimes three at a time and rounds the corner to find the envoy pitifully banging on a door, the barbarians first swing cleaves the man in twain, but more blows rain down reducing him to unidentifiable meat. In response the Inquisitor launches a huge fireball up the stairs which catches the barbarian in the chest sending him flying, the fire cascades around the room setting it ablaze and filling the room with acrid smoke and the smell of burnt meat. Badly burnt Cricket brings his singed hands up to his face, smearing and rubbing the soot from his eyes, coughs up more than a little blood and begins to clamber back to his feet. His gaze settles across the burnt remains of the envoy and an uncontrollable laughter bursts from his lips as he staggers back towards the stairs and the fight.

Below Leopold and Arty continue against the palace guards whittling them down to only a single guard remains (as well as Torax), finally Ruby emerges from the flames (completely nonplussed by the heat) and dispatches the final guard leaving only the inquisitor. Both Cricket and Leopold set upon him and it’s not long before he retreats to a corner in the barracks “Forgive me my lady, I have failed you” and erupts in flame trying to engulf Cricket and Leopold as he kills himself but all of us prove more resilient that he anticipated and looks very confused to find himself still alive, living in failure. But that lasts only a moment as both the barbarian and ranger level their blades and plunge them forward but pulls one last trick even as Crickets blade impales him to the wall, foul magic snares the rangers blades and twists them, plunging deep into the Crickets back. The half-orc drops to one knee, breathing ragged and near dead.

No longer alive to sustain the wall of flame it peters out and with a shocking crash of wood and stone whatever was contained within the hidden room breaks free. Ruby stands watch at the door, crossbow levelled along the corridor as a huge bleach white skeleton rounds the torture rooms door, a lump of twisting flesh hidden within its ribcage sends out tiny tentacles like a snakes tongue tasting the air… its cold lifeless voice roars “BLOOD OF THE LIVING!” and begins charge.


Ragged idiot in a trilby.
27th August

“BLOOD OF THE LIVING!” roars the undead monstrosity, its bony feet clacking along the corridor and is met head on by a blood splattered Cricket, shielding Arty and Ruby from its jagged skeleton fingers and gnashing “tongue” as they launch volleys of arrows and crossbow bolts into the thing until its reduced to a splinter pile of messy shards.

Both Arty and Ruby search around the area while the barbarian slumps in a chair, busy tying scraps of cloth around his many, many wounds. The pair search Seramis’ desk and find he was busy working on the wording of a sending spell, amidst the mess of misspellings and scrawled out test paragraphs two notes can be found.

The first:

Gulfwolf – Seramis. Plan successful. Dassen Nobility [almost] annihilated [except XYZ]. Lyceum Agents Dead / Escaped. Check Innenot’dar valley, rumour of new safe passage. Please reply with retraction location.

The second (further down the page):

Gulfwolf – Seramis. Bad news in Dassen. Plan stopped by X. [We are suspected / no one suspects] further instructions? Also check Innenot’dar valley, rumour of new safe passage.

We head back through the frozen sewer tunnel, out through the graveyard and make our way towards Gallo’s Manor House in order to tell him our news and to prepare for tonights banquet. However we notice as we travel across the city that the faire seems to have ended, the streets near empty and almost no sign that there was any festivities today at all! Arriving back at the house we find two of Gallo’s other knights (a dragonborn Cavalier by the name of Scale and a female dwarf named Starleene, who claims to be able to kill people with her mind… and a large war axe… but mostly the powers of her mind!) and Urien are waiting for us. “Shortly after the tourneys ended the king grew impatient, declared the faire over and that the meal was occurring now, his royal guards escorted all the nobles into the castle, we were told to wait for you!” explains Scale and we head towards the castle doing our best (which isn’t much) to make ourselves presentable enough for a formal meal (which as we are still caked in the blood, guts and filth of our previous expedition into the castle… is an impossibility).

Letting the more presentable of our party stand in front the rest of us stand swaddled in heavy cloaks to hide our appearance as best we can, and after a brief bit of negotiation with a gate guard we manage to get into the castle and race through the halls towards the banquet hall. As we near the banquet hall we can overhear the king’s voice as he gives some grand speech, as we reach the door he accuses Gallo of treason, extending the claim to all and any “as you poisoned my family, you poisoned me, poisoned this land. So I shall finish what you have begun, without me this land is nothing and shall die by my hand!”, rather than cries of shock or outrage the room seems to erupt into manic laughter that cuts through the walls and straight into your mind. Urging ourselves on we kick open the doors to find the room in complete and udder madness.

King Steppengard has kicked over his table, flanked by his royal blades he is advancing upon Lord Gallo with huge flail, Gallo in return holds a thin looking short sword, busy stepping away pleading for his lord to come to his senses. Around the rest of the room the palace guards chase after fleeing nobles, or wrestling around the floor trying to choke the life out of each other or batter them with silver candlesticks and crystal wine decanters. Still at her place (to the right of the king) sits the gnome Nina Glibhammer, head thrown back as she laughs over and over when suddenly her body begins to stretch and expand, head seeming to slip away from her body as her neck stretches, ever laughing. Finally it seems her skin cannot take the strain and splits and peels away revealing a

twisting mass of serpents, with the last dregs of its disguise gone the thing starts to fade, sitting there ghost like except for its fangs of its seemingly endless amount of heads… “MADNESS” slithers through every brain.

The Fight highlights (if you can call it those):

* We discover that having three defenders in the party meant the bulk of the fight was a tangled scrum of events in the middle of the room, no one able to really escape the huddle once they were dragged into it.

* Arty makes good use of his gadgets setting a magical axe about the room to bash and belt at any mad guards trying to kill nobles while covering half the room in clockwork wasps that bite and sting at the king and his mad retinue.

* Lady Timor waltz around the room flinging arcane fire and snowballs at people (pretty much at random) between stabbing herself in the leg with a fork.

* MADNESS makes use of its ability to evaporate and appear elsewhere, using this trick to engulf Ruby several times before finally giving up and going for the juicy (if rather simple) brain of Cricket and makes him its meat puppet.

* Under MADNESS’ influence Cricket wounds Gallo heavily, which in turn gives the mad king the opportunity to stave the lords head in with his flail, chanting and cackling about killing his chief lord the king manages to slip out of a hidden doorway, his bodyguards sticking to their duty right until the end.

* MADNESS also slithers its way from the room using a different exit and we go after the Mad King

We follow the secret passage way and find that it emerges into the throne room, empty save for the King himself sat in his thrown, clearly mad he rocks back and forwards talking to himself, praising himself for avenging all who did him wrong. He doesn’t notice the barbarian’s approach, deaf to the roar as cricket draws back his blade high and uncaring to blow that gives birth to a Kingslayer. All eyes turn to the throne room doors, where MADNESS waits.


Ragged idiot in a trilby.
3rd September

With a sudden snap the nightmare ends and Leopold is dragged back from reality, the voice in his head quietens to a dull drone, is words too low and garbled to be understood but the effect still grates at his psyche. Slowly his mind refocuses; slotting events together… he was at the banquet, rushed through by the king, urging everyone to try the soup… he gazes around at the banquet hall… chaos. Half hidden by a broken table he sees his liege lord and half stumbles over “My lord?” he enquires turning his bloody face over to reveal the crushing wound that kill him, confused and grieving he stumbles along the bloody trail that leads out of the dining hall, into a bathroom and continues along a hidden passage that emerges into the throne room. Atop the dais he spies Ruby by the throne, near the headless body of the king and his brain freezes trying to process the events…the king… dead…

Watching the bard he is unsure if her fingers are testing for a pulse or merely fingering the amulet around his stump. Halfway down the steps stomps Cricket, bloody blade in hand as he heads with purpose towards the doors leading out of the throne doom. The Half-Orc kicks open the door, points his huge blade forward “Now you die! He roars and charges off out of sight, only an ominous squelching sound suggests he collided with something. “What the hell is going on!” he shouts towards Arty and Urien who look almost as confused as he does.

Atop the Dais the throne rumbles and pulses, the kings’ body slips from its seat to tumble messily down the stairs as his royal seat stretches impossibly into the form of MADNESS, a translucent swirling nest of fanged serpents dripping with slime and surges forwards to engulf Ruby within its slimy folds.

Fight Highlights

* Cricket (fighting alone in the hallway with one clone of MADNESS) is dominated, Leopold has the bright idea to close the door, leading to a “here’s Johnny” style moment of the barbarian trying to break his way through the doors before regaining the use of his body.

* A third clone appears and retreats into the form of Nina Glibhammer, dashing off screaming “they’ve killed the king” hoping to reach the other guards posted several floors below and told not to interfere with the banquet.

* Urien is dominated by one clone and charges Arty, who vanishes in a puff of smoke, reappearing on the other side of the throne room removing a large clockwork explosive device!

* Having escaped the slimy reaches of MADNESS Ruby attempts to hide back down the secret tunnel to the water closet but gets a rather nasty shock at the clone within the hall vanishes and reforms (using the contents of the toilet….) and splashes all over her.

* We manage to finally dispatch the Trillith shortly before its gnome clone reached the soldiers barracks, we find her body and spirit back to the dining room before anyone else recovers from the maddening effects of the banquet.

In the throne room we find the book of lineage, the magical artefact that is bound to the nobility of Dassen and quickly skip to the final few pages where it has already recorded the death of the king but also flicking back a few pages Arty notices signs where the book itself has been tampered with. It would appear someone (we assume the Ragesian Envoy and Inquisitor, as we had notes of them mentioning their plan to destroy the nobility) had caused or nudged the kings’ descent into madness by writing events directly into the book!

We also notice that Ruby is now on the list of succession to Dean as Lady Dean was killed during the banquet along with some of her other relatives. Ideas of bumping her up a few more notches by dealing with the unconscious nobles in the dining room are ignored.

So we begin to rouse the sleeping nobles, taking advantage of their groggy and befuddled state to break the news of their kings’ death and the tragedy that had befallen him (at the hands of the Nefarious Ragesians!) and the take the news with a heavy heart.

There is a rushed royal funeral in which the late King Steppengard is buried along with the rest of his family, ending his line and we are awkwardly presented as heroes and saviours to the sad populace of Bresk and awarded titles and lands as a gift from Lady Timor, elected to be the new Ruler of the Kingdom. Dassan officially joins with Seaquen against Ragesia, but with the turmoil of the kings’ death and the after-effects of their own near civil war means they are less than prepared for the war that is looming.

We leave Bresk the next day, intent to leave Dassen as far as possible as we head south to Seaquen to tell them of our “good” work. We notice the snow has started to melt, winter is finally on the turn bringing green back to the world but also the knowledge the winter passes will soon be traversable by Leska’s Army.


Ragged idiot in a trilby.
Yeah. They used the confusion of the surviving nobles and guards coming round from mind control and hideous insanity diseases to move bodies and 'persuade' people (a few decent diplomacy rolls from the bard) that they had been utterly heroic, and hadn't killed the king at *all*...

So now the Kingdom of Dassen is rolled by Lord Dashgoban; Lady Timor and Lord ... forgotten his name (starts with an M and doesn't really like Seaquen) are the only other two surviving 'old' nobles. So the kingdom is largely in favbour of helping Seaquen, especially as it was the 'heroics' of the Seaquenite party which meant the kingdom survived at all from the ... whatever it was they said it was...

And a handful of new and inexperienced nobles who weren't expecting promotion. Gallo's dead, as is Steppengard.

I can't say that it went *entirely* to plan, but all credit to the party for making the best of a bad job!


First Post
They seem to employ better tactics than does i see on thursdays. Theres a bad guy? Lets run at him quickly cast various spells and heal the psion when he dies probably for the 100th time!


Ragged idiot in a trilby.
They seem to employ better tactics than does i see on thursdays. Theres a bad guy? Lets run at him quickly cast various spells and heal the psion when he dies probably for the 100th time!

Yeah; psions do seem to have a tendency to do that, don't they?

We've got one in our Thursday game, and it fall over for a past-time!

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