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Can Dextyr Keep All These Strikers Alive? (DM: JoeNotCharles, Ozymandias79 Judging)

Lord Sessadore

[sblock=OOC]Well ... haha, no plan survives contact with the enemy, I guess. Apparently neither do elven avengers when the enemy is a stone elemental :p

The upside, I suppose, is that I'm not holding you guys up. Just started a new job, so I'm trying to shuffle my time around and figure out when I have time to post and whatnot.

[sblock=About Tristan]He'll just wait for now, watching the battle with as much interest as he can muster.[/sblock][/sblock]

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Well I am not sure about the rest of you, But I am pretty sure that this encounter is the finale of "Can Dextyr keep all these strikers alive".
Dextyr though, will most definately want to continue on with "the adventure" and pay the lawyers a visit and track down Jr. Applethorpe and get some revenge. Hopefully Joe will provide us with the opportunity:)

Lord Sessadore

[sblock=OOC]Well, technically the answer to the question is now "no". Seeing as, y'know, Tristan's dead and all, which means Dextyr couldn't keep him alive. ;)

But don't worry, I don't blame Dex. Not really anything he could do to save Tristan there ... that elemental is brutal.[/sblock]


First Post
Well, after all that, I screwed up Tonk's turn - I thought you were still at N14, so you had enough move to run out, get the mace, and run back behind cover. But since I spent all that time saying you could do this, I guess I'll let you walk out and hide in the open.

The rock will be a Vanguard Mace +1 as soon as you set it on a handle.

Blade charges at the elemental, swearing vengeance. It raises its mighty fist and swing - irresistable force meets irresistable force, and Blade is thrown backwards into the mud. He leaps to his feet, however, not caring about his grievous wounds, and charges again. His axe bites deeply into its rocky shell, and an eerie glow envelopes him as he draws strength from the blow.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2BvSqqmidM]25 seconds in[/ame]

Hey, how come when Dunamin does that it embeds the video, but not when I do it?

In the aftermath, Mikara rises to her knees to fire two shots into the thing, hitting right where Blade damaged it, then crawls back under cover. The chill mud begins to seep through her leathers.

Tonk throws a shuriken, with less effect - it bounces off its rocky skull, and it doesn't seem to notice. He takes advantage of the confusion to creep forward and grab the piece of fallen stone. It is definitely magical - he can feel it vibrating with the pulse of the earth, with the thunder of an avalanche. As he hefts it into the air, it's sluggish to start moving and then hard to stop, as if it has more momentum then it should for its size.

As he examines it, the thing turns its head towards him and he freezes, but suddenly Dextyr's shout draws its attention and it swings its gaze back to Blade, who is suddenly standing miraculously whole, completely unharmed. Lightning rains down from the sky, striking Blade and Dextyr as if in retaliation, but Blade still stands there brazenly, ignoring the minor burns. (Dextyr, on the other hand, is badly wounded.) The elemental roars and slams at Blade. Every time its fist hits, light flares out at it and it roars again. Its first punch sends Blade flying backwards, and its second drops him to the ground, unconscious. The elemental steps forward, and brings its foot down on Blade's head. There is another flash of light, scorching the rocks of its foot, and then a cloud of orange smoke as Blade's body also disappears.

A pair of acolytes garbed in the robes of Lauto step to either side of the sphere, swinging censers. As the creature in the image raises its foot, they begin a low, monotonous chanting, and orange smoke begins hissing out of the censers, wreathing the sphere and rapidly occluding it. When the smoke clears, Blade's body is lying on the floor next to it. The two acolytes kneel, raise it up, and reverently bear it to the bed next to yours, where you suddenly realize the old priest is standing. He lays a holy symbol on Blade's breast, and pulls out a small pouch.

The old man begins chanting in a sonorous tone, in a language you don't understand, while sprinkling the dust over the body. One of the acolytes holds a silver bowl of pure water, while the other uses a black cloth to wash the blood from the body. Where the cloth passes, a wound closes. Finally the corpse looks pristine, but it still shows no signs of life.

Now the old men kneels beside the bed, placing his arms in a gesture of supplication, and cries out in a pleading voice, still in the same strange language, looking to the heavens (or at least to the ceiling of this dark chamber). This continues for several minutes, and then he abruptly leans forwards and kisses Blade on the lips. As he raises his head, Blade begins to breathe again. The man takes his holy symbol and puts it around his neck, and waits patiently for Blade to open his eyes.

OOC: You can rread Blade's block too. Also, I've decided to wait until the end of the adventure and award everybody's XP together, if you don't mind.

You awake in a shadowy room. Your body feels numb, and you are weak from exhaustion. You are in a hard, uncomfortable bed, looking up at a vaulted stone ceiling overhead. A kindly looking old man with a stubble of grey and white beard leans over you. The holy symbol of Lauto hangs from his neck.

"Well," he says heartily. "That was exciting! Clearly you have the power of some god protecting you! I wonder if my intervention was needed at all - possibly He would have returned you to the isles in his way, whoever he is. But at least this way you can keep this body."

He hands you a small slip of paper. "I'm afraid we will need to charge you for the resurrection - Lauto NEVER makes exceptions - but since you were in his service when you died, I'm trying to see if I can do something extra for you. I can't promise anything, but we'll see. In the meantime, it will take some time for your strength to return, so just relax here, with your friend." He gestures to your right, where you can see Tristan lying on another bed. Beyond him is a large 5 foot wide orb, in whice you can see the tiny figures of your friends, still fighting the much larger figure of the elemental. A pair of acolytes stand on either side, staring into it impassively.

The man smiles again. "I'll let you recover," he says. "From the looks of things the rest of your friends will be joining us shortly." He seems unperturbed by the thought.

Blade, the Deva, having arrived in the arms of Lauto in the most dire state of death, and been returned from this state by the intercession of His priests, now owes the Temple of Lauto the sum of 500 gold.

OOC: congrats on surviving for so long, and for doing so much damage before you went! Feel free to RP here with Tristan and the Priest, or skip ahead in time and have your character return to Daunton after your recovery, join other adventures, or whatever. Just don't deal with the lawyers yet, or settle up your bill with Lauto, because that will happen in this thread after this encounter ends, when I'll award XP and time gold.

Blade puts his Oath on the elemental, and move to F12. He charges the elemental, taking 21 damage from its OA (bloodying him) and getting pushed back to F12 briefly, but ends up at H12, missing. He uses an AP to attack with Avenging Echo, hitting it for 10.

Mikara attacks with Twin Strike, hitting for 18, crawls to E9 and hides with Stealth 22.

Tonk misses with a shuriken, moves to L14 and picks up the mace, and somehow manages to hide with Stealth 21.

Dextyr moves to L7 and uses Majestic Word to give Blade 11 hp. Since Blade didn't post wanting to slide, I'll leave him where he is. Then he uses Eldritch Blast to hit the Elemental for 9 (using Blade's Divine Guidance), and uses an AP to heal Blade again with Inspiring Word, for 10. Blade's back to full!

Lightning strikes Blade and Dextyr, since they aren't hidden: Lightning on Blade and Tonk, with save in case of hit (targets Reflex) (1d20+8=24, 1d10+4=7, 1d20=9, 1d20+8=15, 1d10+4=12, 1d20=5) Hits Blade for 7; Blade rolls a save of 9. If you can pull out something giving a bonus to saves, that'll hit the Elemental instead, but I think it hits you. Dextyr gets hit for 12, and is bloodied. I just realized I've been rolling too high for these lightning bolts - they should only be 1d20+6, since they're attacking Reflex and not AC. To make up for it, they'll take next round off, and then I'll start using +6. (That means they rolled a 22 and a 13 to hit this time - still hit, unless Dextyr has a bonus I'm not aware of.)

The Stone Elemental's Bear Hug does not recharge: Bear Hug recharge (1d6=2). It uses One-Two punch to make two attacks at Blade, taking radiant damage in retaliation: One-Two punch on Blade (1d20+10=18, 2d8+4=12, 1d20+10=19, 2d8+4=12) Both hit for 12 damage and pushed him a square, so that's 24 damage and pushed to F12. Blade is dying. The elemental moves to G12 and uses an AP (now it has 1 left) to Coup de Grace: Coup de Grace on Blade (1d20+10=15). That's a hit thanks to Combat Advantage, so it does 20 damage, killing him. However, it takes another 9 damage first. (No, I'm not going to give another 9 damage for ending its turn next to the corpse! Nevermind, the corpse vanished anyway.)

The tree stumps are difficult terrain, the trees themselves are blocking terrain and block line of sight. Due to the mud, everyone's speed is reduced by 2 - you can run to move at regular speed, but must make a DC 15 Balance check - if you fail, you can't move, if you fail by 5 or more, you fall prone.

Don't forget the elemental's Reach 2 when checking for opportunity attacks.

Your turns!

Blade (-4/29 hp, Oath of Enmity on Stone Elemental, dying)
Mikara (11/24 hp, prone, Stealth 22)
Tonk (3/24 hp, Stealth 21)
Dextyr (2/28 hp)
Tristan (-24/28 hp, Oath of Enmity on Stone Elemental, if it is more than 3 squares away at start of turn can teleport to within 3 squares with minor action (ends if more than 3 squares away at end of turn), prone, dying)

Stone Elemental (148/275[color], used 1 AP, used Bear Hug, takes 9 radiant if it hits or misses Blade or ends its turn adjacent to him)


Stone Elemental
HP: 275; Bloodied: 137
AC: 20; Fort: 24, Reflex: 18, Will: 20
Melee Basic Attack: Brute Slam Reach 2; +10 vs AC; 2d8+5 damage, and target is pushed 1 square.


First Post
Dextyr's entire body is numb from the lightning strike, and as he looks around at the scene of carnage unfolding in front of him, he figures that being numb is probably a good thing. He staggers forward through the mud and leans on a huge tree stump, breathing hard and trying to shake off the effects of the lightning strike.

"Mikara!" He shouts, "Fear not, for Tristan and Blade have not fallen in vain. We shall vanquish this moving mountian and win the day in the names of our friends"

Move Action = move to I7
Standard Action = Second Wind; spend a HS and +2 to defenses till EONT
Minor Action = Majestic Word (last one) on Mikara; spend HS+4

Lord Sessadore

[sblock=Blade]"I see," Tristan says quietly, a thoughtful look on his face. He is oddly sober.

After a moment, the elf turns his gaze to Blade. "Hello again, friend. I thought I wouldn't be seeing you again, but it looks like we'll all be reunited soon, one way or another. The priest said earlier that the bounty hunters wouldn't be able to get down here, so I suppose we're safe to rest and wait for the moment."

Turning back to face the orb, he comments, "I wonder how much longer the other three will last? I would like to see them finish the elemental, but it doesn't look like it's even been impeded by our attacks so far. You certainly made an impact before you went though, I think Maros would be proud of your actions today."

[/sblock][sblock=OOC]I think Blade just took the record for most damage taken in one round from Tristan, haha. I count 72 damage taken that round - pretty impressive, even if he did die at the end. ;) That's getting close to the current record for damage taken in an entire encounter, even ...[/sblock]


Thinking it more advantageous to crawl than to stand, Mikara makes her way through the leadening muck, lifts her bow and lets two more arrows fly. The mud, however, is too much and has soaked not only into her armor, but into all of her arrow fletchings. She drops her head into the mud in despair as she sees her arrows strike the ground at the monster's feet.

Move: Crawl to D10
Standard: Twin Strike
Target: Elemenental
Attack: 2X 1d20+7+1(Prime Shot)-2(Prone)=14;10 Misses Both
Minor: Drop head into mud (not face first).


First Post

I guess we're supposed to lose this fight.

Tonk stays low and moves behind a nearby stump. He hurls another shuriken. (Standard Action: Deft Strike Miss -- move to M12)

Cursing his luck (and the innate bias of computerized randomizers), he sneaks into the trees. (Move to M10. Stealth Check: 16. DAMMIT!)


First Post
[sblock=Blade]"I see," Tristan says quietly, a thoughtful look on his face. He is oddly sober.

After a moment, the elf turns his gaze to Blade. "Hello again, friend. I thought I wouldn't be seeing you again, but it looks like we'll all be reunited soon, one way or another. The priest said earlier that the bounty hunters wouldn't be able to get down here, so I suppose we're safe to rest and wait for the moment."

Turning back to face the orb, he comments, "I wonder how much longer the other three will last? I would like to see them finish the elemental, but it doesn't look like it's even been impeded by our attacks so far. You certainly made an impact before you went though, I think Maros would be proud of your actions today."

[/sblock][sblock=OOC]I think Blade just took the record for most damage taken in one round from Tristan, haha. I count 72 damage taken that round - pretty impressive, even if he did die at the end. ;) That's getting close to the current record for damage taken in an entire encounter, even ...[/sblock]

Whoo-Hooo! Seems like it was all for something... man I sure hope the acolytes give me a magic axe as a reward for the entertainment *hint, hint, wink, wink*

Blade looks around impassively, then stares at his blood covered hands and tattered clothing. He blinks several times in confusion at the priest's words. Seeing Tristan, the deva is even more confused. "This is odd...I have been reborn as I have countless times before, but I have memories of what happened, I know you Tristan, we fought valiantly to the end. I am glad to hear your words, for truly we gave Maros a good show despite the inevitable fall. That beast was beyond us and yet we didn't surrender or give in." Blade replies, turning his attention to the priest's watching the orb and seeing his allies in danger still. He grips the haft of his axe tightly as he can barely sit still while the others are in peril.

Lord Sessadore

[sblock=OOC to renau]So, what with JNC's hint about us missing something in the peanut gallery thread, I went back ...

You know, the bounty said 150,000 gp for "proof of death of ..." It never said we had to actually still be dead. These bills from the temple prove that we died ... perhaps once we've all died and come back we could use the bills as proof of death and still claim our own bounties ...

What do you think?[/sblock]

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