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(Casual D&D III) The Man in Black


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Nurthk was for the most part glad to remain outside of the palace, though he could think of many benefits and drawbacks for both being indoors and out, his mind was decided by the simple fact that the further away from the elven leadership he was the safer he'd be. Not that he felt in the slightest safe at the present point.

The big half-orc went to check the young raven tucked safely into one of his saddlebags that had been converted into an artificial nest of sorts. Until the tiny creature could fly about of its own accord the thick leather of the bag and various rags Nurthk could accumulate would keep it safe and warm.

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The hard lines in Raven's face ease and soften, and he feels as if a weight has been lifted from his shoulders. When they wait outside he goes to sit in the sun, humming an elvish song under his breath.
" Relax, friends. They might not be very hospitable untill they know you for a few years, but at least we are safe now. No evil walks these lands. Might as well enjoy it because it won't last."
With that, he stretches himself, pulls his hat over his eyes, end after a minute gentle snoring can be heard.

OOC : holiday was great, will get a few pics up in the ooc section within a few weeks.


Xiao, male human monk

Guilt Puppy said:
Seeing Xiao, Shavah experiences a moment of some surprise, but her expression turns toward anger as Nurthk indicates the monk's injury. She dismounts quickly and jogs over to deliver whatever healing might be necessary, delivering a fiercely admonishing glance to the elves which surround him.

Returning, she speaks softly to Fendric: "Let's deliver the letter and leave, quickly. I want nothing to do with people who would release arrows against a lone traveler..." She turns to Hiritus to complete her thought: "That may be their law, but it is not Justice."

Xiao accepts Shavah's offer of healing and readies himself. He shudders at Shavah's touch, and gasps slightly. Divine healing, in his experience, is somewhat like having a bucket of ice cold snow melt dumped over your head.

"Ah," says Xiao, bowing apologetically in response to Shavah's comment to Fendric. "But Xiao was making intrusion into elf's land without an invitation. And Xiao was a bit pighead."

* * *​

Xiao is fascinated the palace, and crest fallen that they can not go inside. He gazes upon the great structure with rapped attention. In his excitement, he keeps wandering towards the palace to better make out some detail or another. The elves of his land have excluded all from their territory for centuries. Xiao wonders if their cities would look like this.


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"Watch yourself!" Nurthk calls after the monk, then continues in a quieter voice, "Get too close and they'll have no reservations about shooting you again. They consider any race with a shorter life span to be inferior."

Guilt Puppy

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Aerda walks off, into the dense garden... It is not much of a wait, less than half an hour, until he returns.

"The letter is delivered. I did not meet with her directly, only through her advisor, but I was able to arrange a meeting in a few days' time, to confirm the letter's receipt, and so forth... Unfortunately, I could not get this offer extended to the rest of you -- the most she would offer is that one might stay, under my watch. The rest are to leave at once."

He turns around, pensively, then returns his gaze to the group.

"I think it would be best if it were either Fendric or Niccolo who stayed -- you're the only ones who've travelled with the letters since the good knight's passing, and it would help to put things in their full context. Her advisor's wording made it sound like she might be curious about that, as well..."

Niccolo stands up, and volunteers softly for the task. "Travel has been getting dangerous, lately, after all. No sense in travelling without a good healer..." He looks up to Fendric. "But then, she may take more kindly to a half-elf than a no-elf. What do you think?"

(Assuming this is where we drop off Aerda and Niccolo for the time being, though I wouldn't be opposed to taking the Fendric option... dp has Hiritus to work with, if need be, and then the discussion can take place of email or somesuch.

Aside from that, XP! 1000 XP each for accomplishing another party goal. This doesn't include any bonus XP for role-playing or niftiness, since I don't have time to add that up atm... Mostly I'm just noting that for myself, but if you're wondering why it isn't individualized, it's not because I don't appreciate your quality posts, it's just that it takes more time than I have to quantify that appreciation.)


Fendric dismounts to reply almost immediately.

"I cannot remain here. My place is with these, the majority of my 'family.' You will be... safe, here with Aerda, Niccolo. The Light's Blessings Upon You Both.

If you can, request one of their clerics to send me a message, Aerda, when the two of you are ready to return.

Hiritus lets out a visible sigh of relief, which seems to emanate from him to Justice, who visibly relaxes as well.

Fendric shakes the hands of the two remaining, and turns to reboard Vespers.
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Nurthk nods a farewell to Aerda, he had never gotten to know the elf well, but had tolerated him as an ally.

"Niccolo, I'll see you when I see you next. Take care," he says before mounting his steed.


Once the party has been escorted from the Glades of Sesphar, their weapons returned to them, Fendric, his mood considerably brighter, reaches behind himself to the saddlebag he just rifled through. Pulling the remaining letters out, he sifts through the addresses:

"Tourné... Tourné... Valsport, and... Ah! It would seem, my brethren and sistren, that the Free City of Despia is next closest, and on the way to Valsport. Our recipient is a servant of St. Cuthbert of the Cudgel, a Master Aramil Kethett. His position is listed as Chief Officer of Affairs for the Free City...

Last I looked at Aerda's map, the way to Despia - Oh, drat! - I should have got that from him before we left him among the elven compound... was due north from here, but I must confess, my sense of direction is poor.

Hiritus shrugs his shoulders as if to admit that he, too, couldn't tell you which side of a rock the moss grew on.

"Perhaps there is a landmark to point ourselves toward; a river, or something. Blind It! If I could only remember what that map said...

No matter. The Radiant Light has granted us release! Any direction is fine as long as it leads away from that dreadful place!


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dpdx said:
No matter. The Radiant Light has granted us release! Any direction is fine as long as it leads away from that dreadful place!"

"Well, Fendric, i can tell you there are quite a few directions that aren't fine, really. North is that way, if you're wondering. Hmm.Let's see."

OOC:Knowl:geography 9+12=21


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Nurthk yawns, and grips his double-axe firmly for reassurance as it just sits, slung across his back. It was somewhat different from the one he normally used, but that difference was mostly through quality than anything else.

"So which way do we need to go in order to find Despia?" he asks, anxious to put an abundance of distance between elves and his exposed back, seemingly an ideal place for said elves to put arrows.

Voidrunner's Codex

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