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(Casual D&D III) The Man in Black


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At Fendrics invitation, Raven's head jerks up. He then slowly shakes his head, a frown of disapproval on his face.

Fendric, what are you getting us into this time? He's not to be trusted.

As the group leaves the private room, Raven will politely give right of way to fendric and his "guest", and with a little nod to Oliver, will take up position next to the stranger, on the opposite side of the lutist.

You try something funny, and you'll have either me or Oliver in your back. And that will hurt.

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Fendric watches Nurthk and Shavah leave the room, then turns back to Kester and the assembled group that remains.

"Well, it would appear that we have some more time to sort matters out before it is time to arrive at our destination, Praise the Gods. But not much, by your estimate, so I shall attempt to be succinct. Such has been difficult for me, so bear along, if you would.

Now, to your first question. I have never worn the ring, nor had anyone but Sir Exantrius while he was still alive. We only discovered the ring at all after we discovered his death. Of course, a ring on the finger of such a man as Sir Exantrius could only be beneficial, or so we thought at the time. But after he had met the Light, while it was around, even unworn, we felt a sense of foreboding, as if doom struck nigh upon our next action. Finally, we determined to be rid of it, and Aerda graciously volunteered for the task. As sorry as I am to have seen him leave us then, I am as grateful to see him now.

Now I only wear this ring.

Fendric holds up his gift from the halflings, attached as it has been to his finger.

"As to your acceptance of our invitation, I am pleased. We shall set out upon the return of the others, may it be of haste, and once concluded, we may move on.

So, I wish to know of the services available in this Free City. Which Temples are present here, what is available for purchase or trade, and what entity is responsible for Eivanrach's protection and welfare. As you mentioned earlier, good horses would do for us, and there are other things that I for one would consider having along on our trip away from here, if they could be had reasonably. I would appreciate your knowledge in this regard.

[Gather Information: 13 +4 = 17.]


Living EN World Judge
OoC:Sorry, I have been away, and ENWorldunsubscribed me to boot...


Frowning at this Kester, silent until now, Niccolo sighs and says in a weary tone'My Good Sir, when last you and I met, you were full of vaguaries, half-truths and strange conditions with regards to what I must do.
We Gnomes have ever been lovers of Games and Riddles, as any know, but there comes a time when such things are to be left behind. People are not Marionettes to be pulled at, this way and that, for the amusement of two pompous would-be
Time is drawing short for you, I think, and for your rival in whatever game you play at. I will warn you that in some Games, one mistakes a Pawn for a Knight, or a Knight for a Pawn, but realizes his mistake far too late.
Me, I am more of a Fool, as far as Archtypes go, or perhaps that is merely what I seem to you.
Ware your hands, lest the Pieces decide to strike at those who claim to move them. Some Games have quite a high stakes involvement, indeed...'

With that, Niccolo turns and departs the room, pondering all that he has heard.

OoC: Perform-Oratory roll 17, total 25
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Guilt Puppy

First Post
Uriel said:
'People are not Marionettes to be pulled at, this way and that, for the amusement of two pompous would-be Powers-Behind-the-Throne...

"For what it's worth, I agree -- I am speaking with you directly, after all. Hearing words like those, I'm convinced I've made the right choice."

As Niccolo exits, Kester turns back to Fendric.

"There is a Temple of Pelor here, and a fairly well-established one. Boccob, Wee Jas, Kord, and Moradin also have temples, though Boccob's is the only one that I'd call sizeable, and they don't hold public services. Heironeous has a small garrison not too far North. In general, though, the commonfolk worship privately, or not at all."

He massages his scalp as he continues his dry description of local life.

"Public affairs are governed by a small senate, which has developed into something of a dynastic affair... The civic guard is the only standing defensive organization, but they're mostly for show. War, crime, and other situations which necessitate violence are rare... When they do occur, there are enough willing and able combatants among the private population to resolve things effectively. Although any citizen could be called a soldier -- they all have ranks -- only a handful actively participate in military affairs. There are a few private councils who attend to matters of war in times of peace, the largest being the Helms... Not their real name, but it's what everyone calls them. The friend of mine who reintroduced you to Aerda is a Helm. They have no real authority, in an official sense, but they make a point of maintaining preparedness anyway. They're good people to know.

As for commerce, it's a good city for that. Being from Hedrogura I trust you'll know to avoid the street merchants -- although standards are higher in this city, so sellers too aggressive or wares too shoddy are quickly driven out. The standing shops are generally of good quality, and there's a cluster of those just down the road, a stable among them. You won't find bargains, exactly, but you'll find well-made things... Beyond that, there are many private dealers, so if you don't see what you're looking for out in the open, talk to some shopkeepers and see if they know anyone, and eventually you should be able to find anything. I'd advise seeming friendly and disinterested... With luck, they'll simply let you know how to contact a dealer rather than taking the trouble to refer you... Otherwise, you'll be paying extra for that shopkeeper's commission.

Of course, I can arrange for anything you need, as well... But I understand if you'd rather not have that kind of help from me, at this point."

He stretches his arms, glancing catlike at the ceiling.

"Is that everything you need to know, just now? You may want to go ahead and catch up with your friends, and go about your purchases... Then, when you're ready to deliver your message, just come by and get me, if you still want me to tag along. Fair?"

(OOC: Uriel, don't sweat any disappearances, especially when you come back with posts as good as that :)

Also, regarding the shopping spree, I'm not trying to neglect the folk who've left, just trying to avoid a party split if convenient. If anyone still has questions for Kester, though, do feel free to ask. For the time being, you can go ahead and start purchasing -- Gilter's shop is in the area Kester indicated, as are a number of other places. Weapons and armor are 10% off PHB prices, because Gilter likes you; other items are regular price, although it takes some shocked and disgusted looks to get them down there. Scrolls are readily available, also standard pricing, although any other magical items will require some special inquiries.)


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(ooc: I don't trust my own book keeping in regards to wealth. If it doesn't take too much effort Guilt Puppy how much should each of us have right now gold-wise?)

Guilt Puppy

First Post
(The sale to Gilter gave everyone +250gp, including NPCs... given the disappearance of Orbril, though, I'd say you could divvy up what would have been his share, and end up with an even 300 gp each -- Hiritus and Shavah, while not aware of their NPC status, are definitely aware that they're not as tough and skilled as the rest of the group, so they'd definitely be willing to take a smaller cut if only to make the math easier. :) I think that's the only definitive cash reward... Equipment accrued can be sold off for the normal have-price, although if you expect me to remember all the equipment you guys have accrued, well... Heh, I don't. I'm still trying to figure out what ring Fendric got from the halflings -- hopefully, he knows what it does.)


[Fendric's of a mind to give Shavah and Hiritus an equal share to the others, subject of course to the others. Added to the few gold Fendric had left after the Inn, it comes to about 310 gp, so that's what I'm going by. YMMV.

As for the ring, it was among the gifts that the halfling village presented the party during that episode. (if you want, GP, I can dig up the post.) Each of us who were along at that time received one. We were never told what it does, but I have noticed that DM hasn't cracked down on Fendric for not eating very much since then, so I'm guessing Ring of Sustenance (wearer doesn't have to sweat trail rations anymore). That would be nice, if only to avoid the dreaded "Dungeons and Accounting" syndrome... :)

If not, we can think of some other minor power, and Fendric will just Create Food and Water every day.

"Well, that shall be all for now, then. I shall return here after I have satisfied my Temple, and procured supplies. I trust the others will return in good time, and we shall all of us be on our way, then.

I may yet ask you to find a stable for us, Kester, afterwards, if you would be so kind. Niccolo has his riding dog, but I am afraid the rest of us are on foot.

Thank you very much for your patience today, Kester. I shall see you upon our return. Until then, may you Remain in Light.

Fendric stands, shakes hands with Kester, and begins to walk out of the room.

"Does anyone wish to join me? I promise not to spend overly long at my Temple."
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Guilt Puppy

First Post
(See more on money & rings in the OOC thread)

"Does anyone wish to join me? I promise not to spend overly long at my Temple."

"Overly long? We wouldn't want that!" Hiritus quips. "I'll come along, of course."

Turning briefly, he tosses his coinpurse to Raven. "I could use a good bow, if you don't mind picking one out for me. You seem like a better judge of bows than I would be... But whatever that money can buy, I want that. And arrows." He shrugs. "If it's no trouble."

Kester nods you out silently; the road outside stays straight long enough to see Shavah, Nurthk, and Niccolo, who are caught up to easily.

The shops:

As Kester indicated, this little district is full of shops which seem long-established, and of quite some quality -- Gilter's armory is flanked by a jeweler and a wine-seller, with a stable just across the road which looks cleaner and finer than the rooms you stayed in just last night.

Most of what Gilter has on display is ostentatious, to say the least... At first glance it seems like the sort of shiny, showy toy stuff generally used as decor by aristocrats and nobles, but on closer inspection it becomes clear that everything has been crafted to function as gracefully in battle as on display.

There is a large-lipped young man behind the counter as you enter; his immediate response is something akin to contempt, but for no apparent reason Gilter emerges from the back room, greets you warmly, and is stunningly attentive about helping you find what you're looking for. (Again, 10% off PHB prices for arms and equipment, non-magical.)

Shavah, for her part, is torn between getting a new longsword which swings well and looks pretty but which she can barely afford, and a somewhat more practical suit of scale mail and mismatched tower shield which Gilter brings from the back, both looking in need of aesthetic repair.

"I can't decide," she says, though openly happy to have this predicament. "Is it better to be the turtle, or to be the, the... the girl with the gorgeous sword?" She sighs.

The Temple of Pelor:

Arriving at the humble temple, you find the front doors closed but unlocked... Odd for midday, but by no means sacreligious.

Entering, however, it seems at first that you have wandered into some halfling's funeral: There are several short figures in dark veils huddled near the front, listening silently to the speaker's address.

This impression, though, is quickly disproven. For one, the human participants -- a half-dozen worshipers, two clergymen and a candleboy -- are not dressed for a funeral. Indeed, judging by the vestments and the arrangement of candles on the altar, it looks like a Safecoming, a ceremony in anticipation of a coming birth. Except even that seems off, because where the expectant mother should be standing, wreathed and proud, the is instead a large speckled egg, seated on a pedastal.

To top it all off, the performing priest is sermonizing in some hissing, clicking foreign language which you eventually recognize as draconic.


First Post
Guilt Puppy said:
"I can't decide," she says, though openly happy to have this predicament. "Is it better to be the turtle, or to be the, the... the girl with the gorgeous sword?" She sighs.

Nurthk laughs heartily.

"A challenging choice indeed, but I'll offer you a piece of advice: It'll be the turtle who survives long enough to have everything it wants. I'd practise what I preach but-" Nurthk tugs at his worn chain shirt "-anything heavier interferes with my movement and such, unfortunately."

He spends a good while browsing the store.

"I doubt I'll see prices as good as this for a long time yet, but still," Nurthk weighs his pouch in his hand, "I'll not have enough for what I want for a while yet. These orcish axes don't come cheap if made as well as I'd like them to be, hehe."


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Parting ways

Aerda waits for the others to file out before moving from his place on the wall, his hands dropping from their crossed position over his chest to swing lightly as he crosses the floor. Stopping with half his frame out he turns back, and nods to Kester. "As ever, this is a game of men and gods, with we elves here to guide. I think I trust you, Kester, as much as I will find myself ever trusting those of the human sphere." He pulls his dark hood up around his head, concealing his ears. "Until next time.."

And with that he closed the door on the man.

He left the tavern, Astrule finding his perch soon after, blood of the kill still fresh on his beak. Aerda smiled, and decided to go to the shops, with the others. He had no intention of standing around uncomfortably in a human church.

His silent footsteps slipped into the shop just as the other's did, he having jogged lightly through a shortcut he knew of from his extended stay to catch up. He also looked around, but knew there was nothing he could afford, if even he wished to afford it. While the rapier on his hip was rather plain, it had served him well enough on occasion, and he didn't have need of one of more quality, as lovely as it may be.

"Not being armoured will cause you wounds, which will develop scars, and isn't it better to be a healthy and gorgeous girl with a plain sword, rather than the reverse?" Aerda asked as he inspected a jeweled dagger.

(midterms, sorry guys)

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