D&D 5E Caves of Chaos map divided into 5' Squares for 1:60 Play


So, I might have made a mistake. I'm running my son and his friends through B1/B2 and it looks like we'll finally be doing it in person. They're at the Caves of Chaos and getting ready to go in, so I picked up the D&D Campaign Case for Creatures. It has three sizes of disks and a bunch of reusable stickers you can put on them. The stickers for small and medium sized creatures are just under an inch in diameter, so playing table top with 1" = 5' seems right.


I knew my battlemat wasn't anywhere near big enough, so I bought a pad of 17"x22" graph paper (1" squares divided smaller) to run it on... I wasn't expecting it to need 32 pages of the pad!!

Anyway, here is the Caves of Chaos map with the 5' grid overlay and the division by sheet of paper.

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Oooh. That would make life easier! I also saw some big rolls of it available too online, but a pad to write on seems good.

The office supply store in town didn't anything big last Monday when I thought we were playing last Tuesday... if I knew one was sick and one would be grounded I would have ordered that one! (And probably will for when they get over to B1 and the follow-ups after that).
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I crit!
I used a sharpie on them. Note if you do pull the page out of the pad, flip the pad over, and draw on the back of the pad because sharpie can bleed through.


Get Christmas wrapping paper on clearance after Christmas. Most of it has one inch grids on the back. And it comes in big rolls
Doh! I just ran down to the basement to check. We have a big roll of foil paper with a 1" grid on the back. That takes care of the follow-up games!

Thank you!


Whelp, time to head off to Kinko's!

Waaaay back when I got this module, I asked my dad - who was learning drafting and had access to vellum sheets (17" X 22") if he would do the map in 1" square scale. He did a couple of the areas - the kobold and part of the goblin caves (Bree-yark!), and the minotaur's maze before he stopped. Used 'em for a good bit too, it was pretty fun.

Of course, my lifetime goal is to one day do Ravenloft castle in scale at 1" = 5 feet.


I crit!
When we ran the Caves of Chaos epic we printed out many of the caves to one inch grid size on my printer. I also drew some out on the easel paper.

I'm not a fan of the wrapping paper, I end up tearing it a lot a lot. Also sometimes it's not a guarantee that a grid is on the other side. But I'm not knocking it.

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