Celestial Pact Warlock--front line duty


Hello gang,

Just was looking over the celestial pact warlock. I play other warlocks but a friend wants his family to play in a campaign of do-gooders and this warlock might be a good choice for me on all fronts.

My question: has anyone thought about the Celestial Patron with a blade pact?

It seems to me that being able to heal on a bonus action is almost as good as extra hit points since you can still attack. The other interesting abilities add to resilience. Almost everyone talks about the pact as a "healer" and "support" but I am interested in front line fighting too.

Some of the spells would help in this endeavor as would invocations. From my perspective the main barrier might be armor/armor class but the classic fixes could apply (figher dip, moderately armored, mountain dwarf).

Just curious if anyone has used this as a radiant warrior of sorts. Thanks in advance for any experiences...

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I have a celestial warlock but not pact of the blade. I think it'll be as good as any other blade pact warlock. I wouldn't try and tank with it though. The healing dice is long range recharge, but cure wounds recharges.


First Post
Hello gang,

Just was looking over the celestial pact warlock. I play other warlocks but a friend wants his family to play in a campaign of do-gooders and this warlock might be a good choice for me on all fronts.

My question: has anyone thought about the Celestial Patron with a blade pact?

It seems to me that being able to heal on a bonus action is almost as good as extra hit points since you can still attack. The other interesting abilities add to resilience. Almost everyone talks about the pact as a "healer" and "support" but I am interested in front line fighting too.

Some of the spells would help in this endeavor as would invocations. From my perspective the main barrier might be armor/armor class but the classic fixes could apply (figher dip, moderately armored, mountain dwarf).

Just curious if anyone has used this as a radiant warrior of sorts. Thanks in advance for any experiences...

I have a DMPC that is running in a solo campaign with my girlfriend. The character is a Paladin/Warlock multi-class, but thus far I am very impressed with the Celestial Warlock side of things.

You touched on the number one concern, which is armor. I think the Fighter Dip or Dwarf option are good ways to go. Other than that, this can give you a pretty solid Gish that is very adaptable.

Paul Farquhar also makes a pretty good point. Cleric might also be a pretty solid option. But in the OP's defense, there might already be a Cleric and having a diverse party is not a bad thing. I'm also thinking of the RP situations you can get in from having a Pact with a Celestial being.


I think there is a name for that build. What was it now? Oh, yes, cleric.

I think you miss the point of the differences. While a cleric can heal themselves in combat, that is their whole action. Meanwhile, the celestial pact is potentially swinging a maul twice with lifedrinker and later thirsting blade. Perhaps they also throw up a tomb of levistus to soak up a hit.

Lastly, their invocations are not really all that cleric-like in my opinion.

So yes, there are similarities, but there are certainly differences.

Lastly, how many clerics focus on melee? I think being up front and wearing heavy armor is different than self healing on a bonus action while doing a full attack routine.


I have a DMPC that is running in a solo campaign with my girlfriend. The character is a Paladin/Warlock multi-class, but thus far I am very impressed with the Celestial Warlock side of things.

You touched on the number one concern, which is armor. I think the Fighter Dip or Dwarf option are good ways to go. Other than that, this can give you a pretty solid Gish that is very adaptable.

Paul Farquhar also makes a pretty good point. Cleric might also be a pretty solid option. But in the OP's defense, there might already be a Cleric and having a diverse party is not a bad thing. I'm also thinking of the RP situations you can get in from having a Pact with a Celestial being.

You make good points and thanks for the experiences. My group does not consult one another about classes at all. We design a character and play.

So the real issue is wanting to play a good warlock regardless of anything else but wanting to know if they can be effective as a blade pact. I have not seen it yet.

I am already thinking heavy armor, good con with armor of agathys at times, tomb of levistus and using healing on self would be interesting. Using eldritch smite could be fun but limited spells make that dicey.

Irda Ranger

First Post
This is my current DMPC for my son's campaign. I've only been playing it a little while, but it seems fun and effective.

The current level and build is :Human Variant (with Great Weapon Master), Folk Hero, Fighter (Great Weapon Fighter) 1/Warlock (Celestial) 2.

Starting off with the Fighter dip means heavy armor, martial weapons, and Con Saves. I'll take blade pact next level, but am currently wielding an ordinary maul.

We got in one big really melee so far (lots of enemies and many NPC allies). My son is running a Druid and a Bard and took the support roles; my DMPC was in front with the NPC troops. I have the Fiendish Vigor Invocation and started the fight with 8 THP. I ended up using healing every round I didn't get a bonus attack from GWM. I used (and needed!) Second Wind on myself and all three Healing Lights reviving our NPC allies who got knocked to 0 HP. I used both spell slots on Hex (3d6+4 damage with the maul! Reroll 1s and 2s!) and Hellish Rebuke.

From a role perspective it's very similar to a paladin. But I emphasize the Chaotic side of his CG alignment, and his relationship with his Patron definitely isn't the one of respectful obedience you'd expect with a Paladin.

Lastly, how many clerics focus on melee? I think being up front and wearing heavy armor is different than self healing on a bonus action while doing a full attack routine.

Clerics can achieve the same effect with the Healing Word spell.

The reason they tend not to also applies to a celestial warlock - there are better things they can be doing.

The best thing about a celestial warlock's healing isn't that it is a bonus action, it's that is has a 60' range. The best thing about their temporary hp is they can give them to the whole party. Pretty much everything they get synergises better with a character who stands at the back and either blasts with spells or heals as needed.

Paladins are pretty good at combining whacking things with healing.


Clerics can achieve the same effect with the Healing Word spell.

The reason they tend not to also applies to a celestial warlock - there are better things they can be doing.

The best thing about a celestial warlock's healing isn't that it is a bonus action, it's that is has a 60' range. The best thing about their temporary hp is they can give them to the whole party. Pretty much everything they get synergises better with a character who stands at the back and either blasts with spells or heals as needed.

Paladins are pretty good at combining whacking things with healing.

Yeah and actually I might opt for a paladin in the near future now that you mention it. It would be better at the thing I am thinking of doing in some respects. However, I like playing a bit against type for fun and am wondering if a celestial pact warlock can get in there and survive with a different play style.

It is a hang up I have--I do not like warlocks who do range primarily. I really like blade pacts and wonder if--unlike conventional wisdom would suggest--by using the healing dice and other abilities I can create a tough sometimes front line character with a celestial pact.

I agree there are other ways to go front line. I also agree other classes can do some of the same things. But I want to know if this particular patron has been used by others in this way and if so, how it has worked.


Yeah and actually I might opt for a paladin in the near future now that you mention it. It would be better at the thing I am thinking of doing in some respects. However, I like playing a bit against type for fun and am wondering if a celestial pact warlock can get in there and survive with a different play style.

It is a hang up I have--I do not like warlocks who do range primarily. I really like blade pacts and wonder if--unlike conventional wisdom would suggest--by using the healing dice and other abilities I can create a tough sometimes front line character with a celestial pact.

I agree there are other ways to go front line. I also agree other classes can do some of the same things. But I want to know if this particular patron has been used by others in this way and if so, how it has worked.
They can't really tank. They can be melee DPS. Sort of like a melee rogue can. That's really the role you'll fill as a pact of the blade warlock.

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