CG's Dragon of Icespire Peak [IC]

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"Dunno why he'd think that his house'd be safer than the town hall in a Dragon attack..." mused Fitz as he waved to the others to follow, "C'mon folks. We'll just have us a few words with His Lardship before we sets out, like."

Charwoman Gene

You easily locate the house you are looking for. When you knock on the door, a voice cries out, "If you’re a dragon, know that I’m far too thin and bony to make a good meal!"


Fitz turned toward Bella with his face contorted as he tried to hold back a bark of laughter. He controlled himself and said, "Aye, Townmaster, I bet you'd not be good for eatin'. We're folks, sure enough, and we're lookin' for a few answers about the job board, we are."

"First, are you going to open a door? Only a dishonest man refuses to show his face." Bella says.

"Second, do you have any kind of map or directions to these locations you are hoping people will travel to? Where is the mid-wife's home? The dwarven dig sight? The gnomish enclave? Kind of hard to deliver a message if you don't know where to go."


Fitz barked laughter and nudged a 'good one' elbow at Bella. Then he called out, "Magic things is valuable, right? How da we get the gnomes t'give over a dragonslayer without we have the coins t'pay 'em? Do they it to ya, or summing?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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