CG's Dragon of Icespire Peak [IC]

Charwoman Gene

You can easily take one of the lids if you want something with a seal. You even find the manifest for most of the items.

Sorry for the MIA, is your intention to go back to the road and head to Phandalin?

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"Ah, perfect!" said Fitz when the manifest was discovered. He wasn't good with numbers or letters, and the papers looked like gibberish to him, but he knew that it was the kind of thing that bankers and merchants thought important. "We'll take this back an' it'll make 'em happy with us, sure enough."

OOC: I've played Fitz on-and-off for 20 years, and I've just now realised that he's always been dyslexic. Neat. So, off to Phanalin with us!


"Very well, I will go with you to make sure that this company knows that their 'merchandise' is not welcome to stay and 'despoil' this cave."

Sythaeryn sets to the proccess of gathering up the cloth to be moved.

Hopefully a day will pass before we get there, he'll be a lot more compassionate about things in his Autumn form. But for now, it's a good excuse to have him join the others.

Charwoman Gene

You gather what supplies you can and head out to Phandalin.

Nestled in the rocky foothills of the snow-capped Sword Mountains is the mining town of Phandalin, which consists of forty or fifty simple log buildings. Crumbling stone ruins surround the newer houses and shops, showing how this must have been a much larger town in centuries past.

Phandalin’s residents are quiet, hard-working folk who came from distant cities to eke out a life amid the harsh wilderness. They are farmers, stonecutters, blacksmiths, traders, prospectors, and children. The town has no walls and no garrison, but most of the adults keep weapons within easy reach in case the need for arms should arise.

Visitors are welcome here, particularly if they have coin to spend or news to share. The Stonehill Inn at the center of town offers modest lodging and meals. A couple of doors down from the inn, posted outside the townmaster’s hall, is a job board for adventurers.


"Back sooner than we thought we'd be, eh wee lass?" said Fitz to his gnomish companion. Then he turned to anyone who was new to the area and added, "It'd be this way t'the coster's. The lady who runs it an' me go way back."

OOC: Fitz is a notorious flirt and she's probably had to fend off his amorous advances. She also probably doesn't trust him, though he'd never steal from her directly.

"I did not know you were known here. That solves one problem," Bella says. "Lead the way. I'd like to be relaxing in that inn soon after that long walk."

Charwoman Gene

Hanging above the front door of this modest trading post is a sign shaped like a wooden shield with a blue lion painted on it.

You enter and see a human woman of about 35 years old arranging some goods on a shelf.

"You? Never expected to see your face again."


"Oh, c'mon love. Ye knew I couldn't go without yer pretty face for long!" said Fitz with a charming smile, then he got serious, "Me and my mates found some of yer supplies in a lair fulla goblins. Missing a shipment, were you? I told 'em you were good for a finders fee, right enough. Whaddaya say?"


"Oh it is at the moment, but ye might be needin' some skilled adventurers t'make sure." said Fitz, always looking for work, "There was too much t'carry in one go, but we could go back for ya. Porters would be cheaper, of course, but the poor blokes might get killed if'n there's more goblins about."

Voidrunner's Codex

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