CG's Dragon of Icespire Peak [IC]

Charwoman Gene

You are in a tavern in Neverwinter. A human man has just entered the place, wearing a huge backpack. He sits at the bar and mutters. "Can't believe I'm back here."

[Please keep RPing freely, this is just a mild adventure hook entering the bar.]

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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
OOC: Link to OOC thread. IC material begins at post 85, and ends at 116.
Link to Rogue's Gallery.

"Welcome to the Hawk and Child. There's a table empty next to that group there," Meadowlark says to the newcomer as she points with four empty drink glasses in her hand, plus the one she drank from. "I'll be back to take your order soon." She takes the tankards to the bar, separates the one she had drunk from and stashes it away where she keeps it during her shifts.

She takes a second to look at the size of her hands, and has a moment of hesitation. Nonsense. But they had suggested she join them on whatever it was they had planned. It would be something else.

She places the order the kobold had given, and in the meantime went and checked on the three humans dicing at table four.
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Steve Gorak

In a shy voice, and not knowing if Bella was including her in the question, Jeni says: “I liked her music and followed hem from the forest, then, I just had to introduce myself”. She giggles and takes a sip from her tea.


Round 0

Bethrynna looked at Fitz. “Yes, but do humans not use wee to mean something else? Something like what this ale tastes like?” she said delicately, looking into her mug.

Then the newcomer halfling asked them how they met. “Well, this one,” Rynna gestured to Fitz with her mug, “stumbled drunkenly into my room upstairs thinking I was the tavern maid. I kindly helped him sober up by throwing him out the window into the horse trough. These two,” she gestured to Mina and Jeni, “happened to be arriving just then and got thoroughly soaked. From where do you hail?” she asked Bella. Her eyes clocked the man with the big backpack entering, but he seemed harmless enough.

Bethrynna Liadon Character Sheet
AC 15
HP 20/20 HD 3/3d6
Spell slots: 4/4 1st; 2/2 2nd
Bladesong 2/2/SR
Arcane Recovery 1/1/LR
Arrows: 20
Rations: 10
Torches: 10

"I'm from a town down the coast," Bella says. "Nothing special. My parents own a textile mill, a family business. I had to get away from how boring it was."


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
"I left my village to train in a bard collage here in Neverwinter, fancy place they taught me so much. A lot of my fellow students seemed very distracted hooking up. so it gave me more time to learn. After that I wasn't sure where to go so I was looking for work, and well, Fitz here 'fell out of the sky'" She gives a little laugh. She continues to tear off pieces of steaming hot bread and dunk it in the soup soaking up liquid. "From there Rynna came down to apologize to us and we all just kinda made friends. Shortly after a job came up clearing giant rats out of a basement and we learned we can fight well together."
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"Only the prudes," Fitz explained Ryn regarding the word 'wee" being used for urine, "But it comes from th'same root word for 'small' - the other waste bein' yer 'big', if ye follow me. Naw, 'small' is how I mean it. Hahaw!"

Then he listened to the tales, nodding and chuckling and added, "I was a wee bit arse over tit at the time, so I couldn't fault her for it. No harm was done, excepting my pride, but lucky fer us, I've none of that, really."

When asked where he was from, he answered, "Here an' there. I don't right remember where I began."


Serpa listened to the tale for about the tenth time and then came his turn. "I was with the rats, took them all afternoon but they finally caught me."

He still could't quite understand why the story seemed to change slightly with each telling. But there you have it. Serpa's line never changed, but that didn't seem to reduce the other's amusement in the retelling in the slightest.

"They dunked me into a bucket full of soapy water and scrubbed me till my scales were shiny."


Round 0

Bethrynna chuckled as Serpa finished the story. “I am from a village in the Moonwood,” she said. “North of Silverymoon. I just finished my bladesinging training, then was told that my father was last seen in the Neverwinter area, so I came looking for him.” Unconsciously she toyed with the end of a similarly marked purple sash at her waist. She shook her head. “Rats. It’s so...beneath me,” she said with a sigh. “And it didn’t even pay well.”

Bethrynna Liadon Character Sheet
AC 15
HP 20/20 HD 3/3d6
Spell slots: 4/4 1st; 2/2 2nd
Bladesong 2/2/SR
Arcane Recovery 1/1/LR
Arrows: 20
Rations: 10
Torches: 10

Voidrunner's Codex

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