CG's Dragon of Icespire Peak [IC]


"Naw, 'tis easy as can be." said Fitz, clearing a space in a corner and recruiting a few locals that he guessed would be easy marks. (He knew that he'd promised a 'friendly game' but he hoped that one of the locals would demand to make bets once they got going. He was running low on coin, and hoped to get some back before he was out).

He explained the rules and began the throw, making sure to appear only moderately good at the game.

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The game didn't make any sense to Serpa, he understood what mating was, but it was purely an instinctual urge for him and the concept of marriage was a foreign concept to kobolds who placed all of their emotional eggs into a community pot, of sorts. Not that he'd had much of a chance to get used to that either. Not since his magic developed and his scales hardened on top having wings.

Not that he'd been allowed to keep the last. Apparently, kobolds who were too dragonlike were 'uppity'.

The third option made even less sense to him though. Why would you want to kill a perfectly productive member of your society? Well, unless they were 'uppity' anyways.

Seeing Fitz and Mina starting up a game of dice, Serpa grabbed up his bowl and headed that way, he liked to watch even if he didn't really understand the game. If nothong else, the dice dancing across the table was visually stimulating.


Round 0

As no one else seemed interested in the game -- and it was rather inane, Bethrynna had to admit, but then humans tended to be -- Rynna looked back at Bella. “So what do you do?” the elf asked the halfling. “What makes you want to join up with us?” The elf toyed with the arcane dragon talon at her throat and scratched at the lion tattoo on her neck before sipping her ale.

Bethrynna Liadon Character Sheet
AC 15
HP 20/20 HD 3/3d6
Spell slots: 4/4 1st; 2/2 2nd
Bladesong 2/2/SR
Arcane Recovery 1/1/LR
Arrows: 20
Rations: 10
Torches: 10

Bella moved her chair closer to Rynna's as she spoke. "Oh, as I said, I'm pretty good with a blade. I dabble in other arts." She utters a few words and suddenly her shirt turns from a dark green to a deep blue hue. "A trifle. It'll turn back to green in an hour. And I prefer cards to dice. As for joining up with you, well, you're the best looking group of folk I've seen in a long time. Hopefully that can be translated into coin. And yourself?"


Round 0

“I am familiar with that trick,” Bethrynna said with a nod as Bella changed the color of her shirt. “I was running out of coin. I needed some way to live while I searched for clues about my father. I figured I had the skills for this life, I should put them to use, keep them sharp, and continue practicing. Fitz is pretty intelligent, for a human, when he’s thinking with the right head. And despite her shyness, Mina is good to have at your back. At least against a swarm of rats.”

Bethrynna Liadon Character Sheet
AC 15
HP 20/20 HD 3/3d6
Spell slots: 4/4 1st; 2/2 2nd
Bladesong 2/2/SR
Arcane Recovery 1/1/LR
Arrows: 20
Rations: 10
Torches: 10


Round 0

“I have no idea what happened to him,” Bethrynna admitted. “He left when I was a child. Mother alway said he was doing important things. When I finished my bladesong training, some friends of mine gave me some of his things, his sash, sword, and necklace.” She touched the dragon claw at her bosom, the purple and gold sash at her waist, and the rapier hanging from her chair. “Apparently he was a Harper.” She turned out her collar to reveal the hidden Harper pin under the lapel.

Bethrynna Liadon Character Sheet
AC 15
HP 20/20 HD 3/3d6
Spell slots: 4/4 1st; 2/2 2nd
Bladesong 2/2/SR
Arcane Recovery 1/1/LR
Arrows: 20
Rations: 10
Torches: 10


"Haw! Not as secret as they'd like t'be!" said Fitz, eaves-dropping while rolling dice, "Them Harpers have their lofty ideals, but they're just as corrupt as the rest."


Round 0

Bethrynna scowled at Fitz, but then turned back to Bella. “Secret or not, he was apparently last seen in Neverwinter. I don’t know much about them. I am just trying to trace things back. Someone had to have sent along his things to me.”

Bethrynna Liadon Character Sheet
AC 15
HP 20/20 HD 3/3d6
Spell slots: 4/4 1st; 2/2 2nd
Bladesong 2/2/SR
Arcane Recovery 1/1/LR
Arrows: 20
Rations: 10
Torches: 10

Voidrunner's Codex

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