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Character Submission Thread

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Review of Pirvinia von Lichenstein

1) You seem to be missing one regional language.
2) The bonuses (or penalties) of your stats seem to be off. The ones that need correcting:
STR -2
INT +1
WIS +1
CHA +4
3) The stat bonuses used in Spellcraft seems off. Should be +1.
4) Skill Bonus Books: I can't find where these come from, but they follow the base logic of 50gp for +2 to one skill.

Note: As a non-judge, I'm a little leery of editing another person's character sheet except to add things like approval and such.

1) Initiative +8 = froggy caster.
2) Should Resistance be included in the base save? That would imply using it an awful lot. (I know it's properly noted.)
3) Might want to note that Jolt includes PB range. Next level there will be the possibility of being without the +1 hit/damage as range extends to 35'.
4) Weight: She's pretty light, a little below the low end for small frame on most height/weight charts I find.
5) 3rd paragraph under picture of Liv: "scream at him to bud out"? Was bud out intentional?

Overall, looks good. Just needs the mechanical fixes (or clarifications where I made mistakes in assessment) for non-judge approval, so NOT YET.


Review of Mystie Thissiledew

1) I'm getting 6 languages may be chosen: 2 base (gnome, common), 2 bonus from linguistics (1 rank + Gift of Tongues), 1 bonus from INT and one regional.
2) Dual cursed oracles need to choose which of the two curses never gets any better as they level. I can't see where the choice has been made, although one might imply Lame from the origin. Clearly, it's your choice.
3) ACP for studded leather should only be -1. Should help your skills.
4) Survival base stat (Wis) seems off, should be 0.
5) I don't think you lose your DEX modifier when you're flat footed. You lose your DEX bonus, if any.

Comments (do not effect approval):
1) Misfortune could be difficult to use/slow things down in PbP.
2) I've noticed LPF players buy down stats more than local games here at home.
3) New rule learned: small characters can only carry 3/4 their STR limit.
4) Calculator dropped: twice. Aura's DEX = 8.
5) Description: cute :)
6) Life Oracle is a good dedicate healer. Charity is supposed to be a healer, but I'm starting to think, even with a healer focus, I won't ever compete with Oracles/Clerics.

Overall, looks good. Making the curse generational was a nifty touch. Same as Pirvinia, just needs mechanical fixes (or clarifications if I am incorrect on issues) and I'll stamp it, so NOT YET.
PS: I am seeing that we've got people trying to get into new adventures in a hurry so I hope this all helps. I'd stamp Lazarus soon as the player gets SK's concerns addressed.
PPS: I'm worried I'm not understanding the languages house rule. Let me know.

Satin Knights

First Post
Reviewing Pirvinia von Lichenstein: Well, I found:
a) The thrush has a fly skill of +6 from size, +0 from average mobility, +2 from dex, so it is a base +8 before your rank. The base thrush is at +12 because that is where he spent his one and only skill point at. It wasn't in Perception, where he took a focus feat. :-S
b) Pirvinia can't spend a rank in Fly until she can do it daily. So, the thrush should spend it's own rank in fly to get to the +12.
c) In the DMC tally, you had 6 DMC for 210 days. Well, you really intended 180 days. The 1890 vs. 1980 transposition of digits was also fixed.
d) On Init in the combat section, I substituted the real values for trait and feat, so one doesn't have to scroll to check.
e) The XP tally at the bottom comes out at 3,900. The top still had 3,450. So, you spent the extra DMC for the gold but forgot the top. Fixed.

To answer Aura's questions:
Yes, Books on topics can be used as +2 masterwork modifiers, if you can take time to look something up in the book. It is one of our proposals from a while ago. Somewhere we have the "generic masterwork tool" that will allow any of the skills a +2 bonus for being a 50 gp tool. The player can fluff what the tool is to fit the situation.

Weight: I looked at the pics, and then checked the number. Close enough to valid. I was expecting a 103 there.

Aura, you are doing a great job. Thanks.

That's enough nit picking. Other than the rank in fly she can't have yet, Pirvinia has her first APPROVAL.


Thanks for the clarification on the books, SK. It seemed like a reasonable idea, based on other mechanical constructs, so I suspected there was something behind it I was simply unaware of.

Satin Knights

First Post
Review of Mystie Thissiledew

1) I'm getting 6 languages may be chosen: 2 base (gnome, common), 2 bonus from linguistics (1 rank + Gift of Tongues), 1 bonus from INT and one regional.
Yeah, I forgot the one based on int. Adding.

2) Dual cursed oracles need to choose which of the two curses never gets any better as they level. I can't see where the choice has been made, although one might imply Lame from the origin. Clearly, it's your choice.
Read that, and then forgot it. Yep, choosing lame. Not going with a barbarian build with this one. :lol:

3) ACP for studded leather should only be -1. Should help your skills.
The speed is not hampered by encumbrance. The dex skills are still hampered by by her carrying a medium weight. She was just fine, until she put on armor.
4) Survival base stat (Wis) seems off, should be 0.
5) I don't think you lose your DEX modifier when you're flat footed. You lose your DEX bonus, if any.
PM fixed these for me already.

Comments (do not effect approval):
1) Misfortune could be difficult to use/slow things down in PbP.
PM is one of our most experienced GMs, so he can deal with the quirks easily. I also intend to have in my mini-stats block simple "automatic" rules of when she would use it. Opponent rolls a nat 20, ding. Friend rolls a nat 1, ding. Friend rolls less than 7 vs a nasty save, (and I was able to spellcraft the spell cast), ding. So, it should be easier on him. It is also not that hard to re-edit a post, compared to unwinding several actions at a live table.

2) I've noticed LPF players buy down stats more than local games here at home.
The first incarnation was an aasimar with a 12 STR. But, that just didn't feel lame. She's not a fighting cleric that also does a bit of healing. She will be a healer. Still pondering a one level dip in bard to pick up a little more versatility in buffing and open up a lot of skills.

3) New rule learned: small characters can only carry 3/4 their STR limit.
4) Calculator dropped: twice. Aura's DEX = 8.
5) Description: cute :)
6) Life Oracle is a good dedicate healer. Charity is supposed to be a healer, but I'm starting to think, even with a healer focus, I won't ever compete with Oracles/Clerics.
She doesn't have to compete. Being able to do any healing at all is a good thing. I have run a lot of PFS games on weekends. I commonly see a table of 5-6 characters at 5-7th level, and none have healing. Occasionally, they don't even have a wand between them. I give out out general advice that characters should have multiple potions at 2nd level and buy a wand of healing by fourth level. Even if they can't use it, one of the party members might be able to. in PFS games at the 10-11th level range, I have gone through two whole wands of healing between combats in one scenario.

Overall, looks good. Making the curse generational was a nifty touch. Same as Pirvinia, just needs mechanical fixes (or clarifications if I am incorrect on issues) and I'll stamp it, so NOT YET.
PS: I am seeing that we've got people trying to get into new adventures in a hurry so I hope this all helps. I'd stamp Lazarus soon as the player gets SK's concerns addressed.
PPS: I'm worried I'm not understanding the languages house rule. Let me know.
We only have a game start up about once every two months. This time, we got two kicking off relatively together and a third in just a few weeks. So, we get a scramble. Yes, this is helping a lot. And you are getting the language house rule right. I had just forgot to include my INT when counting. Normally, I spend about a month nit picking and tweaking a character before putting it up for approval. I knocked that one out in about 4 hours.



Heh, I can get on the Wiki from work, but not EnWorld.

I provided an APPROVAL on Mystie already, having fixed a few little, tiny issues already mentioned.

I am giving Misfortune some thought on how that will actually work out in practice during PbP. Immediate Actions while the DM is rolling dice are not really practical. But, I think you are going to have to set up a standing order for conditions that you will use it so the DM can take it into account. We will get that worked out I am sure. :)

Aura said:
Overall, looks good. Just needs the mechanical fixes (or clarifications where I made mistakes in assessment) for non-judge approval, so NOT YET.
Thanks, and I see we are all set now. :)

I fixed the mechanical issues you pointed out and a few of the comments. I found another mistake as well, and I saw as SK got some more little ones. I shifted the skill rank from Fly to UMD. Glad you know how to figure out that fly skill on the thrush, because I was not sure since the SRD did not mention the racial bonus to Fly. Probably because there isn't one.

Missing a free regional language? Her Int is 12, that is +1 Language and she has two. When did getting one free regional language get approved? None of my characters have it.

Lazarus Murdocke is awaiting approvals? Not been tagged as such on the Wiki, are we sure DungeonKnight is still around?

Satin Knights

First Post
EnWorld crashed their frontend proxies or the database for about a half hour. It is back now. Their database has to be so big, it might have been a restart that just took that long.

Regional languages, we voted on that in May/June 2012. It is on the wiki. Mystie actually gets a 7th. Sylvan is on the list as automatic for gnomes. Another tidbit I missed until went back to the book and checked.

As to the Misfortune, yeah, a few standing rules is what I was planning on. And, they technically have to be based on the d20 roll, not whether or not the action was a success, like some other immediate actions. So, bad guy rolls a nat 20, ding, force the reroll. A friend rolls a nat 1, ding. A friend rolls below 7 on a save vs. a nasty spell (and I make the Kn Arcana check to id the spell), ding. Okay, I might change the bad guy roll to 18-20 gets a reroll. It is also limited to once per person/opponent/creature per day. So, it is not as bad as having a pet pugwumpi.

Lazarus was in the approval queue. I reviewed him a few days ago and found a couple things he needs to fix. Then, he took himself out of the queue and hasn't been back since, as far as I can tell. So, unknown with him. But, that was only Saturday, so nothing to worry about yet.

Voidrunner's Codex

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