Cubicle 7's Doctors & Daleks is now available. You can see a bunch of previews here, including Dalek stats. But even more interesting are the 13th Doctor's statistics!
The 13th Doctor is the current regeneration of The Doctor, played by Jodie Whittaker.
In Doctors and Daleks, characters gain 'quips', which work like spells. "You can use the new Quips and Encounter Level system to solve your problems without violence. Use quick wits and inventive ideas to defeat Daleks with confounding logical arguments, or shut off the emotional inhibitors of a single Cyberman and attempt to ‘bring them back’." Every class gets quips.
The 13th Doctor is the current regeneration of The Doctor, played by Jodie Whittaker.
Doctors and Daleks: Player’s Guide – Cubicle 7

D&D 5E - Doctors & Daleks Previews Include Official 5E DALEK Stats!
With Cubicle 7's 5E-powered Doctors & Daleks coming out tomorrow, let's take a look at some of the preview pages they've shared. Unfortunately the Cubicle 7 site seems to be down right now, but hopefully it will be working so you can buy the game tomorrow!

In Doctors and Daleks, characters gain 'quips', which work like spells. "You can use the new Quips and Encounter Level system to solve your problems without violence. Use quick wits and inventive ideas to defeat Daleks with confounding logical arguments, or shut off the emotional inhibitors of a single Cyberman and attempt to ‘bring them back’." Every class gets quips.