D&D 5E Check Out the 13th Doctor's 5E Stats

Cubicle 7's Doctors & Daleks is now available. You can see a bunch of previews here, including Dalek stats. But even more interesting are the 13th Doctor's statistics! The 13th Doctor is the current regeneration of The Doctor, played by Jodie Whittaker. https://cubicle7games.com/product/doctors-and-daleks-players-guide/...

Cubicle 7's Doctors & Daleks is now available. You can see a bunch of previews here, including Dalek stats. But even more interesting are the 13th Doctor's statistics!

The 13th Doctor is the current regeneration of The Doctor, played by Jodie Whittaker.


In Doctors and Daleks, characters gain 'quips', which work like spells. "You can use the new Quips and Encounter Level system to solve your problems without violence. Use quick wits and inventive ideas to defeat Daleks with confounding logical arguments, or shut off the emotional inhibitors of a single Cyberman and attempt to ‘bring them back’." Every class gets quips.


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Weird. Great as 5th ed I do hope not every company tries to shoe horn it's setting into 5e.
Can't say I like "mechanised quips".
We didn't get on with AIME either, so maybe it's just us!

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Yeah. That’s laughably bad. I guess that’s the only way to balance the Doctor as a PC in a system like 5E...ignore the IP. Seems like an…odd choice considering the fact that it’s meant to specifically emulate Doctor Who is the primary selling point.

I mean, if a Dalek is CR10 and worth 6000XP, as it is per the earlier preview, defeating even one…even with a few companions in tow…would have given her more XP than this. I’m going to go out on a limb and say the Doctor has defeated more than one Dalek. By the end of the First Doctor’s second story he’d already have more XP than this. And yet a few thousand years of adventuring later…and only 3rd level. LOL.
I thought I had mentioned this here, but it may have been another thread. The sheet in the book is to show players what a completed character sheet looks like. We didn't want to overload them by showing a level 20 character, which is why she's level 3 (the recommended starting level). We'll be releasing the other doctors over the next few weeks, which should be fun and start some arguments!

In regards to the Dalek CR, Doctors and Daleks uses a new Encounter Level system that lets you face any enemy at any level, and dozens of them at that. Encounters have Plot Points, not individual creatures, and when the Encounter Plot Points are reduced to 0 it represents your opponents surrendering, malfunctioning, or perhaps you winning them over with your words. The CR and HP in the Dalek statblock are there for folks who want to drop it into regular DnD, as we figured there would be plenty of people who want to do that


B/X Known World
I thought I had mentioned this here, but it may have been another thread. The sheet in the book is to show players what a completed character sheet looks like. We didn't want to overload them by showing a level 20 character, which is why she's level 3 (the recommended starting level). We'll be releasing the other doctors over the next few weeks, which should be fun and start some arguments!

In regards to the Dalek CR, Doctors and Daleks uses a new Encounter Level system that lets you face any enemy at any level, and dozens of them at that. Encounters have Plot Points, not individual creatures, and when the Encounter Plot Points are reduced to 0 it represents your opponents surrendering, malfunctioning, or perhaps you winning them over with your words. The CR and HP in the Dalek statblock are there for folks who want to drop it into regular DnD, as we figured there would be plenty of people who want to do that
Cool. I really hope there's another version of 13 in the offing as well. Because if all the male Doctors get higher levels and higher stats and the only version of the only female Doctor you release is lower level with worse stats than all the rest...yeah, that's not going to be awesome.

Not just intelligence, what about Charisma! Only 13, the amount of times the Dr has talked and manipulated their way out of a situation wouldn't you think they had a higher charisma?
Yeah, you might make a case for the Doctor having a low wisdom, but even the crotchety One should have a strong character.


It seems the Dr Who setting wants to avoid combat, thus stay low level.

To be fair, I too view D&D classes as little more than combat styles, whether fighting with swords or spells.

So, low class level means less combat experience.

But, the ability scores are something different. The Charisma (influence, awe, persuasiveness) for most regenerations of the Doctor should be remarkably high. Likewise Intelligence be high (education, reasoning, intuition, technical acumen). Wisdom is weird − where it represents sensory perceptiveness it might vary from one regeneration to an other, but where it is will power and resistance to influence, probably every Doctor is remarkably higher than average.

Generally, where the six ability scores divide between physical characteristics and mental characteristics, the Doctor character sheets should be min-maxing for the mental ones.

By the way, the Eleventh Doctor is my favorite, by Matt Smith!


I wonder how Quips would work or feel if you import them over to regular 5E games.

Slays Demogorgon with Logical Damage.
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