D&D 5E Doctors & Daleks Previews Include Official 5E DALEK Stats!

With Cubicle 7's 5E-powered Doctors & Daleks coming out tomorrow, let's take a look at some of the preview pages they've shared. Unfortunately the Cubicle 7 site seems to be down right now, but hopefully it will be working so you can buy the game tomorrow!

With Cubicle 7's 5E-powered Doctors & Daleks coming out tomorrow, let's take a look at some of the preview pages they've shared. Unfortunately the Cubicle 7 site seems to be down right now, but hopefully it will be working so you can buy the game tomorrow!








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Mod Squad
Staff member
That Dalek stat block seems to make little sense to me.

The Daleks almost never lift or move objects - so why do they have a Strength of 20?
I am actually okay with their primary attack being ranged, but having a Dex of 10, given that in canon they are only slightly better shots than Stormtroopers :p

Skills of... Medicine? Survival? These are not things they do! And... Deception higher than Intimidate? Because they are notoriously good liars?


I crit!
That Dalek stat block seems to make little sense to me.

The Daleks almost never lift or move objects - so why do they have a Strength of 20?
I am actually okay with their primary attack being ranged, but having a Dex of 10, given that in canon they are only slightly better shots than Stormtroopers :p

Skills of... Medicine? Survival? These are not things they do! And... Deception higher than Intimidate? Because they are notoriously good liars?
They keep telling the Doctor they’ll exterminate him and always fail to do so. I think they don’t really want to. :)

But really, huh? That’s kinda not great.

Von Ether

That Dalek stat block seems to make little sense to me.

The Daleks almost never lift or move objects - so why do they have a Strength of 20?
I am actually okay with their primary attack being ranged, but having a Dex of 10, given that in canon they are only slightly better shots than Stormtroopers :p

Skills of... Medicine? Survival? These are not things they do! And... Deception higher than Intimidate? Because they are notoriously good liars?

I assume more for shoving matches for a human vs an alien tank? Or getting walloped by a manipulator arm?

I think both social skills should be high. They do seem to find minions on a regular basis and can lie about their true intentions if need be while playing a long game. Though on second thought, the conniving Daleks seem to usually be a different type/caste.

Interesting they went back to using hit points in that entry vs Plot Points.


Interesting they went back to using hit points in that entry vs Plot Points.
Reading between the lines in the Conflict entry on their website, it sounds like encounters have plot points, individual enemies don't necessarily have plot points.

I think the hit points in the alien write up are an acknowledgement that a lot of folks are going to be buying the alien book to put Cybermen and Daleks into their 5e D&D games.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Reading between the lines in the Conflict entry on their website, it sounds like encounters have plot points, individual enemies don't necessarily have plot points.

The Charmer character class refers to Plot Points, not Hit Points, so this seems inconsistent.

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