D&D 5E Check Out the 13th Doctor's 5E Stats

Cubicle 7's Doctors & Daleks is now available. You can see a bunch of previews here, including Dalek stats. But even more interesting are the 13th Doctor's statistics! The 13th Doctor is the current regeneration of The Doctor, played by Jodie Whittaker. https://cubicle7games.com/product/doctors-and-daleks-players-guide/...

Cubicle 7's Doctors & Daleks is now available. You can see a bunch of previews here, including Dalek stats. But even more interesting are the 13th Doctor's statistics!

The 13th Doctor is the current regeneration of The Doctor, played by Jodie Whittaker.


In Doctors and Daleks, characters gain 'quips', which work like spells. "You can use the new Quips and Encounter Level system to solve your problems without violence. Use quick wits and inventive ideas to defeat Daleks with confounding logical arguments, or shut off the emotional inhibitors of a single Cyberman and attempt to ‘bring them back’." Every class gets quips.


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Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
I am very interested in looking at the Encounter rules they have in this game. The idea of an entire Encounter having a pool of points that get diminished through the encounter rather than each creature in the encounter having their own bag of points is intriguing - it's like the swarm rules from 3e or the mook rules from 13th age except abstracted out even further. The points being a measure of how the group has overcome the obstacle rather than defeating individual enemies.

I've got to think about this - there's some flexibility there. You could set up encounters to have events that key off of when plot points hit certain thresholds (at 75% one of the villains makes a break for it and abandons the boss, at 50% one gets desperate to beat the party and now gets advantage on his physical checks but disadvantage to mental checks and saves, at 25% the big bad exits the scene with a monologue, leaving his minions to block his retreat, etc.) With the option of course to have them happen earlier or skip them depending on how things are going for the players. There are some interesting ideas on pacing an encounter in the 5e system that could come out of viewing it as a whole like that instead of as a collection of individuals.
It is interesting. But its worth noting that all of this is very narrative mechanics and departs markedly from 5e. Not good or bad, just quite different.

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Although some fans will always naturally baulk at the idea of making a Doctor Who game based on D&D rules, this still looks very well crafted with thoughtful design.

Whoever designed it should be commissioned to make the next Marvel Superhero rpg....


I don't agree with the stats they gave the Doctor...but that's my opinion.

They seem....awfully low for the Doctor.

Maybe not for Micky...or for Me...but the Doctor...no way those represent the Doctor.

They are alien, they should be able to have INT WAAY higher than 20...just for starters.

James Gasik

We don't talk about Pun-Pun
I grew up with Tom Baker reruns on PBS, so I'll always have a soft spot for him. David Tennant is full of win though, I'll agree to that. I feel Sylvester McCoy is always underrated, and Peter Capaldi is a joy to watch.

Honorable mention: Cool Grandpa Superspy Action Hero Jon Pertwee!


I grew up with Tom Baker reruns on PBS, so I'll always have a soft spot for him. David Tennant is full of win though, I'll agree to that. I feel Sylvester McCoy is always underrated, and Peter Capaldi is a joy to watch.

Honorable mention: Cool Grandpa Superspy Action Hero Jon Pertwee!
When I first learned about Dr. Who, it was the Tom Baker reruns as well. So, he was always my fave doctor because of that.
Recently though, after binging on Dr. Who via Pluto TV, I've also come to enjoy the Third and Fifth Doctor as well.

I am also amazed by just HOW MANY audio/comic books there were of the Eighth Doctor(Paul McGann) as well and how much his adventures continued PAST the 1996 made for tv Dr. Who movie that premiered on Fox TV. Or the fact that from 1996/2000 to 2005, IIRC, how he was the most current/modern look of The Doctor BEFORE BBC started doing the Newer Doctor Who series. Or pretty much how "his" Doctor kept the whole series alive until then.

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