Check Out This Beefed-Up CR17 Strahd!

EN World member dave2008 maintains what is, in my opinion, one of the most useful, fun, and interesting threads on the whole forum. His 5E Epic Monster Updates thread contains dozens of gods (of the greater, intermediate, lesser, and demi flavours), primordials, demon princes, archdevils, dukes of hell, aberrations, abominations, constructs, dragons, elemental lords, arch-fey, monstrosities, and undead. While the thread is great to read at any time, he's just added a beefed-up CR17 version of Strahd von Zarovich (he's CR15 in Curse of Strahd). You can see it below, but click on the image and check out all of his epic monsters, as well as his 5E Epic Characters thread.

EN World member dave2008 maintains what is, in my opinion, one of the most useful, fun, and interesting threads on the whole forum. His 5E Epic Monster Updates thread contains dozens of gods (of the greater, intermediate, lesser, and demi flavours), primordials, demon princes, archdevils, dukes of hell, aberrations, abominations, constructs, dragons, elemental lords, arch-fey, monstrosities, and undead. While the thread is great to read at any time, he's just added a beefed-up CR17 version of Strahd von Zarovich (he's CR15 in Curse of Strahd). You can see it below, but click on the image and check out all of his epic monsters, as well as his 5E Epic Characters thread.

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Well, at least its down from 2 pages in 3.5 (EtCR). Honestly, that was the straw that broke the camel's back - I left D&D for Savage Worlds at that point.


First Post
Well, at least its down from 2 pages in 3.5 (EtCR). Honestly, that was the straw that broke the camel's back - I left D&D for Savage Worlds at that point.

A legendary monster like Strahd is built more like a PC than a standard creature. I like that he has a bunch of versatility in the form of lots of powers, it is fitting for someone who needs to be a long term rival for a party of PCs.


Any chance of these threads having a PDF to download? I think that would be extremely handy and helpful, the posts are very good.


A question struck me. The charm says the target lets Strahd bite him, but the ability also says he gets a repeat save if anything harmful is done to him. Does that include the bite which is expressly allowed under that ability?

Also the typos are funny. Strahd goes from a he to an it in certain places. Which, given that he is a monster, is somewhat appropriate.


Dragon Lord
I'll still need to beef him up. An 18 AC at level 8 or 9 when the PCs square off against him is nothing. He's going to need a good amount of support to make him interesting. Spellcasting is only good as a force multiplier for a group. Spellcasting is a negative multiplier as an individual use of actions.


I'll still need to beef him up. An 18 AC at level 8 or 9 when the PCs square off against him is nothing. He's going to need a good amount of support to make him interesting. Spellcasting is only good as a force multiplier for a group. Spellcasting is a negative multiplier as an individual use of actions.

It might be decent if there are more legendary actions on the next page. Perhaps the ability to cast a spell as a legendary action, or to raise up or call some undead to fight with/for him.

I'll still need to beef him up. An 18 AC at level 8 or 9 when the PCs square off against him is nothing. He's going to need a good amount of support to make him interesting. Spellcasting is only good as a force multiplier for a group. Spellcasting is a negative multiplier as an individual use of actions.

Also, +2 Half Plate shouldn't be AC 18 anyway. It should be AC 19 after Dex. It's weird that he doesn't use a shield for AC 21--he should at least have the option.

Voidrunner's Codex

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