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Chicago Gameday 24 was November 14th: the aftermath!

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Thanks to Vyvyan Bastard for the 4E game in the morning. May my adventuring partners RIP. Sorry I foiled your TPK when I bravely ran away. :p
Thanks Ninjacat for the Supernatural game. And extra thanks for taking the time to teach me about the game system and the TV show.
I enjoyed playing with everyone in both groups.
Thanks to everyone for coming out. And thanks, buzz, for organizing this event again.

Thank YOU, Curt, for hosting us once again! It's always great fun, and I'm glad we're able to keep GameDay at the same venue time and again. And the store is awesome on top and supplies our gaming needs, so it's win all around (other than our mess and keeping you "open" late...so Thanks Again!)

And I'm always happy to explain Supernatural or Cortex to anyone who asks. It's an extremely well-done show, and the game is a great balance between structural and narrative, with actual rules for narrative influence, so it's a lot of fun to use once you get used to it. (Took me FOREVER to do so, but now I like it just as much as Unisystem, heh.)

This Gameday I do believe I've laughed thee hardest (Yeah, btw, sorry to the 4E game next to us). I still chuckle when I think of one of the many funnies said. I will say that between the DM & my fellow players, we had an awesome team!!! On a more serious note though, on behalf of all the little animates and their animate parents/guardians, please beware of all necropedophiles... such as Bob.
♫♥♫What do we want???♫♥♫BRAAAAIIIINNNSSS♫♥♫When do we want 'em???♫♥♫♫♥♫BRAAAIIINNNSSS♫♥♫
And also, please remember, ladies, to each get a combat corset. It just may save you for becoming animate yourself. (note: may not always protect your kidneys or other vital organs, though). An essential for any animate {zombie} apocolypse!
Yeah, yeah, & rubber hose (if ur a tart like some uh.. huh.. people) :p

As for Supernatural, glad you joined us, Curt. Ninjacat, a blast, as always. I look forward to another episode next time of Supernatural... {♫♥♫DUHoO♫♥♫ HoO♫♥♫HoOo♫♥♫} where Jess will... sorry you'll have to wait til then to find out.

Could hardly wait til the next gameday!!! See ya then. <<<waves>>> :lol:

Daphne wasn't a tart, she was a Libertine!

And yeah, that was the most hilarious zombie post-apocalypse I've ever seen...or even heard of. I also apologize to the other tables, because I know my laugh could be heard in the sound-dampened private room, so the rest of the gaming area.....

Supernatural was a blast! I don't even think that was one of my best, since I managed to plot myself into a corner at least twice, not to mention skipped poor Curt in the offer of demonic favors (that may be a good thing...) but y'all rolled with it and made it awesome regardless! I can't wait for next time, even if it is going to require extra work, heh.

To my fellow morning players, Nick, Nat, Lothos, and WJMacGuffin, and to our GM Sir Brennen, thanks for an outstanding time. We didn't quite manage to embrace the Neo-Victorian Zombie Plague era, but we most certainly did make it our own, heh-heh. Watch out for Moppets.

To my evening crew, Laurie, Kelly, Nat, Spot, Nick, and 'newcomer' Curt, thanks for making this extra-special edition of the GameDay Supernatural "Campaign" a resounding success. I botched the map, plotted myself into more than one corner, and flubbed the details of the exposition, but you all persevered, saved the world, and stopped demon overlord anyway! I look forward greatly to your continuing adventures.

And Extra Special Thanks to Buzz for organizing and Games Plus for hosting, as always; the Chicago GameDays are always fantastic, and that is in great part to your efforts!

See Y'all Next Time!!!


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No, he didn't.

Unfortunately, neither did Cam Banks, who was in the area for the SPN Creation Con, heh.

I'll have to harass him anyway; I can give him a verbal lump or two for you, too. *g*


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First I'd like to thank Buzz and Thalmin for organizing a great Gameday. I'd like to thank Buzz again for running Diaspora, it was my first exposure to Diaspora and Fate. I will always remember the room tagged with 'Delicious'. It also rekindled my interest in Dark Matter. I'd like to thank Paul_Klein for running Star Wars Saga, you did great GM'ing both for new players and those with experience.

I'm looking forward to Chicago Gameday XXV!!!!

Cam Banks

Sorry, guys! First I mixed up the dates and thought it was going to be Friday, so I stopped by the store a day early on my way to the Salute to Supernatural con in Rosemont. And then on Saturday I was stuck at the con with no way to actually get to Games Plus!

Now that I know it's just an hour away, I'll be sure to stop by for the next one.

Oh, and FYI, Jamie is no longer with MWP, nor even in the area! He's down in Georgia pursuing other non-Cortex opportunities. You're stuck with me, I'm afraid. :)

PS: Misha Collins is a very funny guy.

Sir Brennen

Thanks much to G+ for hosting and to Buzz for organizing. It'd been a couple years since I was at a Gameday and it looked like a couple of extra tables and paritions had been set up. Nice job. Though I had to bail for the latter half of of the mini-con, I had a great time.

Thanks also goes out to my players in the Unhallowed Metropolis game that left me hoarse from laughing so much. And a character death via another character's malpractice was just gravy ;)

It was also my first time running for a random group of players, and it was a blast. Perhaps I'll step beyond the safety of a published scenario and try one of my own devising next time.
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Many thanks to Buzz for organizing and the Games Plus folks for hosting. Jim and Mark did a great job of facing evil and had some fun to boot.

The controls here are pretty wonky but if you are interested my short (2min) interview of Buzz is on my blog here.

Thank for a great gameday!


yet another fantastic gameday! Thanks to all involved!

Buzz, your efforts organizing this whole thing are tremendously appreciated, and you ran a mean game of D*M in the morning. Thanks for a good introduction to fudge and fate. The tagging system is certainly interesting--I never thought I'd add "delicious" as an aspect to a room, but it sure wound up working pretty well.

Curt, your store is fantastic--many thanks for hosting.

Thanks to all of the players in my afternoon game. You put up with a very VERY long game, and a slow DM. (I really need to figure out a new system for keeping track of combat information behind my screen!). I hope you enjoyed getting to slaughter some dinosaurs and appreciated my ripped off encounters! :D

In case anyone's curious, here's the statblocks I wound up using for my dinosaurs. They aren't mine, but they seem more or less like they work--I certainly had no complaints (other than losing my poor velociraptors far too early into the fight).


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