Chicago Gameday 28 is Feb 26th: PLAYERS SIGN UP NOW!

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Excellent. You're all in for a treat when we show up.
Dude, if you're thinking what I'm thinking... We're gonna need a lot more mayonnaise.

Breakfast, please, aaaaand... hmm..

I've heard good things about the Smallville version of Coretex, but know nothing about the Mutant X setting. Is it safe to assume there will be pregens based on the canonical characters? If so, where can I get an idea who is available?

I may end up trying the card game thing just for the sake of novelty, but we'll see.
Give a holler when you decide!

Star Wars in the morning for me, please!


First Post
Breakfast, please, aaaaand... hmm..

I've heard good things about the Smallville version of Coretex, but know nothing about the Mutant X setting. Is it safe to assume there will be pregens based on the canonical characters? If so, where can I get an idea who is available?

I may end up trying the card game thing just for the sake of novelty, but we'll see.

I'm quite familiar with Cortex Classic, but this will be my first run with Cortex Plus...I'm interested to see how it goes!

There will indeed be pregens of the Mutant X characters, since the event is set at the end of the show. If you'd like background on the characters, I did a setting conversion for Unisystem a few years ago, the PDF of which is _here_; the show characters' write-ups start on page 48. (Each has a bio as well as Unisystem character sheets, so there's useful info even though I've changed game systems. Much of the rest of the book is also setting info.)

Obviously, I myself am Pretty Darn Familiar with MX, so I'll be able to focus on the crunchy Cortex Plus bits, and my players can just focus on Having Fun. *g*

Hope to see you there!


Mr. Clover's event number 7, please! I look forward to it!

Wait...what? Dude, no. Though it wouldn't hurt to have a few Twinkies and/or crunch bars on hand.
Well, maybe next time, then! ;)

Id like to sign up for Morning Game 5: The Pallid Plague.[SIZE=+1][/SIZE]

please sign me up for am slot 3 danger patrol and afternoon game 2 ghost toasties.
thanks gperez1234

I need to join the morning Danger Patrol.
You definitely do! Added!

Sign me up for Super in the morning and MX in the afternoon.

*Grumbles about friends distracting him and missing Dresden*
Added! Sorry!

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