Chicago Gameday 28 is Feb 26th: PLAYERS SIGN UP NOW!

Nev the Deranged

First Post
I'm quite familiar with Cortex Classic, but this will be my first run with Cortex Plus...I'm interested to see how it goes!

There will indeed be pregens of the Mutant X characters, since the event is set at the end of the show. If you'd like background on the characters, I did a setting conversion for Unisystem a few years ago, the PDF of which is _here_; the show characters' write-ups start on page 48. (Each has a bio as well as Unisystem character sheets, so there's useful info even though I've changed game systems. Much of the rest of the book is also setting info.)

Obviously, I myself am Pretty Darn Familiar with MX, so I'll be able to focus on the crunchy Cortex Plus bits, and my players can just focus on Having Fun. *g*

Hope to see you there!

Alright, I'll give it a shot. Dibs on the telepath.

Hm. I wonder if Netflix has Mutant X episodes...

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Hey Buzz, Mark me down for the Danger Patrol Morning Gameslot, please!




Could you please add me to the Supernatural Game.


Well Buzz, I would've maybe tried the Dresden game to see what it's like, but....

Why don't we put me and Puffdebbie down for both of Ninjacat's games? I'm kind of scared by what I've seen of Smallville rules, but I've got to see the insanity for myself.

Added! Sorry about Dresden!

Good day, all! Looking forward to my first EN World Games Day.

I would like to sign up for:

Slot 0: Breakfast!

Slot 1: FATE, "The Four Towers, Part 1: An Fearas Meilt", ekb, Table F

Slot 2: Smallville RPG, "Mutant X: After the Assault", Ninjacat, Table B

Thank you!
Added! Welcome to Gameday, TorresRoman!

After reading some fantastic work in the Smallville system, I want to try it- so I'd like to sign up for Ninjacat's game in the Afternoon and Danger Patrol in the morning.


Slot 2, Game 6, puh-lease (D&D 3.5, "The Mines of Verhaven", strider1970, Table C).

You've outdone yourself with the pics, again, Buzzaroo! :D

Buzz, sign me up for Slot 2, Game 6, D&D 3.5, "The Mines of Verhaven",

I also let people on the Paizo boards know about the Gameday.
Guys, unfortunately Paul has had to cancel his event, as he will be out of town. :(

If someone wants to run a replacement in the afternoon, they are welcome.

Alright, I'll give it a shot. Dibs on the telepath.

Hm. I wonder if Netflix has Mutant X episodes...
Sorry, man! Mutant X is now full, as is Supernatural.

Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
Guys, unfortunately Paul has had to cancel his event, as he will be out of town. :(

If someone wants to run a replacement in the afternoon, they are welcome.

I'll run something in the private room in the second slot. Give me a day or two to get the details together, please.

Nev the Deranged

First Post
What? How? But...

*sigh* Fine. Guess I'll try the card thing.

Also if there's one seat left in my DP game, reserve it for now until I hear from... wait, didn't Rainbow Trenchcoat take the last seat?

I'm so confused @_@


First Post
Ninjacat, I'm up for playing anyone but I'd prefer playing Rivertree again.


No prob!

I always give returning players first crack at their previous character, if they're so inclined. Rivertree is yours! And I even have an idea for what information his abilities could reveal to him already, mwahahahaaa...

And Buzz, I'm happy to expand my event to seven seats if Nat the Tofu Master wants to join. We can hardly have a RoadTrip without our resident Biker Chick, can we?
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First Post
Alright, I'll give it a shot. Dibs on the telepath.

Hm. I wonder if Netflix has Mutant X episodes...

Um. Oops? You're the first one in if anybody drops, if you're still interested, sorry, Dave!

And Netflix does indeed have Mutant X...don't worry, though, there wasn't a telepath for you to have dibs on.

Voidrunner's Codex

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