Chicago Gameday 28 is Feb 26th: PLAYERS SIGN UP NOW!


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..And Buzz, I'm happy to expand my event to seven seats if Nat the Tofu Master wants to join. We can hardly have a RoadTrip without our resident Biker Chick, can we?

Sorry Buzz, brain-freeze... Hope it's not too late to get into Josh's morning Supernatural game (since I'm a regular). If it's snooze ya lose, I'll pick another game. I'll try Slot 2 Game 5: SNOWPOCALYPSE! , also please. :blush:
~ thanks, Nat

You're totally in, Nat. Arlene's been in every "episode" of RoadTrip so far, even the poor aborted first take of Episode 2, heh. We can't have RoadTrip without Arlene! After all, then who would watch out for Jo? ..Bobby tried last time, and she gave herself a concussion! Clearly, she needs the backup of her partner. ;D

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First Post
Does anyone ever think of Bobby?!?

LOTS of people do! Practically every Hunter ever...whenever they get in trouble!

Oh, and I think Crowley thinks of Bobby, too, not that that's much consolation, heh.

And Ellen thinks of Bobby frequently...hoping he can save the young idjits. *g*


Sorry Buzz, brain-freeze... Hope it's not too late to get into Josh's morning Supernatural game (since I'm a regular). If it's snooze ya lose, I'll pick another game. I'll try Slot 2 Game 5: SNOWPOCALYPSE! , also please. :blush:
~ thanks, Nat
Added to both!

While it's certainly early enough for more people to come along, we've got quite a few empty events in the morning, and I want to make sure everyone gets to have a nice full event. For my fellow short-on-players GMs, who's more interested in playing what? If I dropped mine, for instance, I'd love to give SW Saga a try, myself.

Again, just feeling things out--I'm not making any decision at the moment. :)


:eek: Ugh... Gave up on the multiply quote thing!!!! So to Josh, Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Gotta (try) to keep Jo in line! Nothing a swift kick in the a...nd muscle won't help to do. Hee Hee :angel:

Bobby, Bobby... Of course I think of you.... Where else am I suppose to hand Jo off to when I need a rest?!? LOL ;)

And last but not least to Buzz... YEA!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you, also!!!! :D Could hardly wait ta' see everyone!!!

~ Nat


While it's certainly early enough for more people to come along, we've got quite a few empty events in the morning, and I want to make sure everyone gets to have a nice full event. For my fellow short-on-players GMs, who's more interested in playing what? If I dropped mine, for instance, I'd love to give SW Saga a try, myself.

Again, just feeling things out--I'm not making any decision at the moment. :)
It's certainly possible that we may end up condensing events in the morning if we do not fill seats. We do have a bit of time left, however, and I try to pimp Gameday on various sites as the date approaches.

So, yeah, keep a back-up in ind, but also... spread the word!

Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
It's certainly possible that we may end up condensing events in the morning if we do not fill seats. We do have a bit of time left, however, and I try to pimp Gameday on various sites as the date approaches.

So, yeah, keep a back-up in ind, but also... spread the word!

Keeping in that vein, I'm going to hold off creating a new second slot game until we get closer and other games fill up. If we can't fill the 13 available seats then there's no real point in creating five more empty seats at this juncture. Does that seem reasonable?


First Post
:eek: Ugh... Gave up on the multiply quote thing!!!! So to Josh, Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
~ Nat

Yeah, multi-quote confused me at first, too. Just click the "multi-quote" button on everyone you want to address (you can click to a new page on the thread like normal), then click the regular quote button on the last one...a comment box with all the quotes in it opens!

And you're totally welcome, No Problem. Wouldn't be RoadTrip without Arlene.

Vyvyan Basterd

:eek: Ugh... Gave up on the multiply quote thing!!!!

~ Nat

Yeah, multi-quote confused me at first, too. Just click the "multi-quote" button on everyone you want to address (you can click to a new page on the thread like normal), then click the regular quote button on the last one...a comment box with all the quotes in it opens!

It's OK Nat, some people never figure out how to transfer a call within the office either.

Voidrunner's Codex

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